Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v5 n8

Volume: 5
Issue: 8


  • Linesum
    Locating errors made in typing from printed listings is easy when they include a checksum for every statement, and you have Linesum loaded.
  • Dear Editor
    Complaints over proposed magazine price increase; altering Westridge modem software; retain memory contents after crash; bugs in JRC assembler/compiler.
  • Datasave - Files Without Programs
    DATASAVE allows you to save a selected portion of memory to tape and then load it back again to any part of memory. Loading code with DATASAVE does not (of necessity) write over the program that you are running, so a program can load data from tape, manipulate it, and then save it back to
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n8)
    Forth from Hawg Wild; Spectrum ROM kit; Multi-Draw 2068.
  • Vendor Report
    Byte-Back has nearly cleared up its backlog of 2068 modem orders; Ray Kingsley of Sinware believes that some of you may have purchased bootleg copies of an early version of HOT-Z with a bug in it; allegation of Gladstone copying software.
  • Maggie Bruzelius Leaves Sinclair
    Facing an offer too good to refuse, Maggie became Director of Marketing for Alpha Software, one of the few growing software houses.
  • Timex Tech Manuals Shipped
    Timex shipped its initial stock of photocopied 2068 Tech Manuals and has orders for its scheduled print run.
  • ZX Spectrum Sold In China
    Sinclair Research, Ltd. will sell 600 48K Spectrum computers to the computing and automation department of China’s North East Technical College.
  • 45-Player Computer Game Up In Miami
    American Software Technology is testing an interactive, multi-user, real-time game where you interact with other players as well as the computer.
  • Computers and the Aged
    Activities, Adaptation & Aging will publish “computer technology & the aged: implications & applications for activity programs.”
  • Zilog Policy Change
    Zilog manuals are free from the manufacturer.
  • Syntax Labs Load Spectrum Software
    SYNTAX tried following the LI user group’s instructions with 3 German programs from Profisoft.
  • LI Group Loads and Modifies TT
    The Jun. 84 issue of, the monthly newsletter of the Long Island Sinclair Timex Group, contains full instructions for converting the Spectrum program Transylvanian Towers to operate on the 2068.
  • Spectrum MC on 2068
    The Ocean State Users Group reports that they successfully entered and used Spectrum machine code programs from the UK magazine Your Computer.
  • No News About No Deal
    No persons knowledgeable about the bulk sale of Timex inventory or any proposals from any potential buyers were available at Timex. Doug Smith verifies that all computer hardware inventory is sold, and a bulk buyer bought much of it.
  • Smart Term II Delayed
    Upgraded performance for Westridge’s 2050 modem will have to wait a tad longer, but we do not know quite when. The death of Stuart Lotwin seems to have thrown the company into chaosโ€”phone calls unreturned, information unavailable, and people answering the phone who seem not to care.
  • TS User NL (Yagsee) Folds
    Yagsee Publications stopped producing TS User newsletter with the Apr. 84 issue. According to Derek Stubbs, Timex’s exit, followed by others, left a market without new customers as old ones moved to other machines. Renewals and subscriptions dropped, and Yagsee’s informal survey projected poor financial performance.
  • K-Power to Fulfill TSU Subs
    Subscribers to ECC’s ill-fated new venture into North America, Timex-Sinclair User, should have received postcards by now, offering K-Power to complete their subscriptions.
  • Sinclair Stops Production of ZX Accessories
    No more RAMpaks and ZX printers will pour off assembly lines. Even the fabled ZX81, once made at the rate of one every 10 seconds, will now be produced only to order, and then mostly for export.
  • Syncware News Reorganizes to Continue
    Thomas B. Woods will take over publication of SyncWare News as volume 2 begins. The final arrangements call for the newsletter to go to a full-size, 16-page format with spinwriter type and remain bi-monthly. Fred Nachbaur will provide technical input, and Tom Bent will take over editorial chores.
  • BASIC NL Seeks More Money
    In V.l, No.4, the publishers of this Timex-Sinclair related newsletter announced their interest in “an interested party (to) merge resources for the purpose of continued growth.”
  • G Russell Developing New ZX/TS Products
    Bill Russell tells SYNTAX he’s creating some new products for ZX/TS machines as well as for the 2068.
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