Date: May/June 1985
Volume: 1
Issue: 4
Editor's CornerDescribes trip to California, where he met with John Warburton (Sunset Electronics), Jim Howell (A & J Micro), Bob Orrfelt and Dave Clifford.
Letters to the EditorLetters about the QL, praising the newsletter.
Bits and PiecesNews from the UK; Mini Xmod communications package; additions to user group list; repair changes; Oliger/Kingsley disk system; TI 99/4A keyboard for the 1000 and other updates.
Special Report: 2068 Is Returning to USTS 2068 TC 2068 Reports on Bob Dyl’s efforts to bring the Portuguese 2068 to the United States. When Bob Dyl of the English Micro Connection contacted Timex of Portugal to see if he could obtain supplies of their new floppy disk system and 2068 “silver avenger” computer (as so nick-named by the British computer press), both of which…
Introduction to Computer ControlTS 1000 Hardware project Introduction to using the TS 1000 as the basis for a robot.
Machine Code Joystick RoutineTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to accurately read the joystick.
2068 Color DemoTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Short program to demonstrate color.
A Graphics Problem for the T/S 2068TS 2068 Type-in program A “serious” graphics display for the 2068 and 2040 printer.
Slot MachineTS 2068 Type-in program Simulates Vegas-style slots.
VAMP: TV to Monitor KitHardware project Conversion kit for TVs to allow for direct composite input.
Tasword Two TipsTS 2068 POKEs for 2040 printing; large print.
Pro/File 2068TS 2068 Software review Review of Tom Wood’s database program.
Coupon Magic, The Dealer's Den: 2 ProgramsTS 2068 Software review Review of the two programs. Bill’s Coupon Magic is written by Bill Erickson. Dealer’s Den is by Timothy Kessler.
The DAMCO/Rotronics Wafadrive ReviewedTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the streaming cassette storage system.
TS 2068/Spectrum-WaresTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Update on Spectrum emulation options, accessories for TS 2068 users with an emulator ROM.