Date: April 1992
Archive Made EasyQL Type-in program Intro to using Archive.
Jumper Settings for the 3.2 Meg DriveQL Settings for adding disk drives to QL.
Printed Circuit Board Development ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program CAD program and manual for the TS 2068.
Lighthouse, QL GraphicsQL Type-in program Program to print a lighthouse on a Tandy CGP-220 printer.
A Selective Menu-LoaderQL Program for the QL.
A Composite BoosterTS 2068 QL Consider using a VCR dubbing enhancer to boost video signal output.
- Using Quill for ASCII FilesQL Type-in program
Cable ColumnQL Order and Select commands in Archive.
- Bootsort Without TK2QL Type-in program
- Oh No! Not Another Interest Computation Program!QL Type-in program
Sinclair Publications, 2nd LookNESQLUG News, FDD Newsletter for Zebra system, QZX, Sinc-Link, RAMTOP, SWYM, ISTUG, The Plotter, CATS Newsletter and Z88 EPROM.
LKDOS vs JLO SAFETS 2068 Comparison of the two disk operating systems.
Locked Out? How to Recover!TS 2068 How to recover when saving to a non-existent disk with Larken and Oliger systems.
Not Quite An Editorial, Just NewsTS 2068 QL Z88 Updates on hardware and software for QL, TS 2068 and Z88 users.