TS User Issue 2:1

Date: March 1983
Volume: 2
Issue: 1


  • A Watchful Look at the Timex 1000
    In the mid-60’s, four musical moplops, leading a legion of other musical moplops, descended on the U.S. mainland. They called ii the “British Invasion.” The ’80s has seen another British Invasion, and this time in the form of a little black plastic device with honest computing abilities and a price tag that can only be
  • Spectrum launch in the States
    Timex, the company that manufactures the TS1000 are soon to launch the American equivalent to the ZX Spectrum. Designated the TS2000, it is basically an upgrade of the British machine, i.e. with some of the bugs ironed out!
  • My kind of town
    Tim Hartnell reports back from the Consumer Electronics Show. After some 18 months with the Timex version of the ZX81, Timex have managed to sell 600,000 of the machines in America.  The Timex stand was enormous, about the area of a four-room flat, and it was dominated by giant pictures of the T/S 2000 and
  • Welcome to the Club
    Having liberated the arcades, women are just starting to make their prescence felt in the mostly male game business. Not everyone agrees it’s tough to be a woman in the video game business. It can even be an advantage, says 32-year-old Sue Currier, co-partner with her husband in Softsync Inc.
  • Sinclair miss the bus
    Sinclair and Timex, were most conspicuous by their absence at the giant West Coast Computer Faire held in San Francisco at the end of March. The booth listed in the catalogue as being the Sinclair one was unmanned throughout the show, the most important computer show in the world. Some 40,000 people crammed into a
  • Timex buys it up
    Sinclair Research have signed a deal with Timex in America to get the ZX81 sold through some 171,000 retail outlets in the States. Very shortly, lucky Americans will be able to buy ZX81s from the same shops which sell jewellery, perfume and Timex watches. Uncle Clive will get a royalty on all sales under the
  • Reading Up On The Timex/Sinclair Computer
    Reviews of Time Lost by Joseph Giratano, 30 Games for the Timex/Sinclair Computer by Bill Behrendt, and Timex/Sinclair Interfacing by James Downey and Don Rindsberg.
  • The Timex Sinclair 2068: Was it too little, too late?
    What can you say about a new computer that’s about a year and a half behind the times? The Timex/Sinclair 2000 was shown at last year’s Consumer Electronics Shows. The 2000 received a bad reaction from the press, largely as a result of its undersized keyboard, which, lacked a space bar. The 2000 was retooled,
  • Supplier File
    Updates on contact information for software, hardware and documentation.
  • Pixel Print Plus (ver 4) released
    Indiana Timex Sinclair User reports program was almost finished when Stan Lemke, the author, exited market. Steven Spalding of Sting Graphics completed program.
  • Mailing List Changes
    Updates to contacts for groups in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
  • Magazine News
    SyncWare News lost approximately $5,000 before going out of circulation.
  • Bugs, Fixes & What You Can and Can't Do (Maybe)
    User group in Ohio working on project to interface Commodore 1541 disk drive to TS 2068.
  • Amateur Programmers' Line
    Ruminations on amateur programming in light of advancing technology.
  • Newsletter hardware articles
    Trend is shifting to Z88 and QL modifications.
  • Disk Library
    TS 2068 disk utilities program available from RA Hilsman in Menomonee Falls, WI.
  • Computer Shopper discontinues articles
    Had published articles about Commodore 64, Sinclair, TI, Atari 8-bits.
  • Sincus runs list of TS2068 ROM routines
    Source released for non-commercial use.
  • TreeForth
    Source code for TreeFORTH (a ROMable, TS1000, slightly non-standard FORTH) has been released for non-commercial use by author Bob Alsum.
  • Using an audio transformer as cassette load aid
    Article appeared in August-December 1989 issue of CRAGIST.
  • TS1000's still available
    Gary Young in Iowa has working and non-working units, RAM packs and software.
  • MScript upgraded to 5.5
  • Time Designs Magazine v5 n2 issued
  • Fix for Timemachine BASIC Compiler
    Fix printed in August 1989 CATS and Dec 1989 Timelinez newsletters.
  • Maxcom TS2068 BBS system for LKDOS
    BBS software available from RMG. Larry Kenny working on desktop publishing system and is PC-based marketing plotter, engraver, router/miller.
  • American Micro Systems catalog
    QL and Z88 hardware and software available.
  • ZX-81/TS1000 Tips
    Using the CODE function instead of numbers to save bytes; saving space with DIMensioned variables.
  • Published-Program Survey of Newsletters
    List of programs appearing in user group newsletters in late 1989.
  • News from SNUG
    Due to illness and personal situations, work on newsletter is delayed. Seeking donations for public domain library.
  • News for this year
    Macintosh and NeXT emulators being readied. Author working on several self-published books about ZX81/TS 1000 computers. Local group developing simple compiler.
  • Mailing list updates
    Dec 1989 issues was final newsletter and notice of dissolution of Harrisburgh Area TSUG.
  • Amateur Programmer's Line
    Amateur programming with home computers has become more of a niche activity.
  • Mark Yost working on deal to buy out-of-business stock
    Wide variety of TS 1000 and TS 2068 tapes may be available.
  • Donald Lambert reports his ZX-81 LDOS disk system up
    Fix for mating LDOS with Tandon disk drives. Also working on a custom ZX-81 for controller applications, developed with Mike LeDuc.
  • BOSTUG, TSUG has mutated
    Closing down as a special interest group; restarting as New England QL User Group.
  • Experiment with wordprocessing
    Also working on implementing a machine language compression algorithm.
  • Ottawa-Hull TSUG meeting
    Exchange of experiences in Pascal programming; Dave Solly using HiSoft Pascal on TS 2068.
  • Useful Sinclair Programmer Notes (On Telephone Nos.)
    Hints on how to store a telephone number in three bytes (encoded) versus seven bytes.
  • Suppliers
    Updates on Larken Electronics, RMG, Update Magazine, EMSoft, John McMichael, Byte Power.
  • Newsletters and Clubs
    Update on Vancouver TSUG, where Wilf Rigter has contributed a number of technical articles. New addresses for other groups, notices of user groups disbanding or discontinuing newsletters.
  • Congratulations to Toronto Timex-Sinclair club
    Club continues to support TS 2068 and Larken DOS users.
  • Larken Electronics
    Original designers of ZX81/TS 1000 LDOS and TS 2068 LKDOS turning attention to computer-controlled shaper/router/plotter, driven by IBM PC compatible. Software originally written in Pascal on TS 2068.
  • News of a Local Nature
    Ottawa-Hull Timex-Sinclair User Group continued to meet.
  • Fun With RND and RAND
    Tutorial on random number
  • Star Softrev: VU-CALC
    Brief review of the program.
  • Editorial
    Describes purpose of the newsletter, as compared to others.
  • Gozzip
    Sinclair announces ZX-83, Timex the 2000. Timex plans a 3000 for 1984. Mindware printer back ordered for six months.
  • Applicationsz
    Catalogs received from Z-Ware, Computer Continuum, Softsync, Data-Assette, Cleva Computerware.
  • Mizzle Command
    Short video game program.
  • The Timex-Sinclair 1000
    One user’s opinions about his TS 1000.
  • Star Bookrev
    Review of ZX-81 Horizon by Adrian Watney. An excellent introduction to advanced programming with a detective game, a graphics game, a file management system, and a machine code programmer/toolkit. Very clearly presented. Many hints and tips. The cassette includes all the program texts – so it saves a lot of time and protects you from
  • Hardware Hintz: Preventing Crashes
    How to prevent RAM pack wobble crashes and minimize static electricity.
  • Softrev: Graphics Kit
    Reivew of the graphics kit tape from Softsync.
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