BAZUG Newsletter
- "Fone" File Program
- A Presidential Message
- BASIC Fun: A Kids Guide to BASIC Programming
- Charter Members
- Comments on SQ (Syntax Quarterly)Review of the first issuel
- Comments on the January 20th MeetingLast month at the West Branch Library our meeting had a carnival atmosphere. Sunset Electronics (see ad) was in attendance along with a fair sampling of products for the Timex/Sinclair user. Sam Barron, the Timex rep for our area, was also a special guest. He supplied Timex t-shirts as prizes to encourage attendees to fill…
- Computer Faire's a cominAnticipation for the Computer Faire, one of the largest microcomputer shows of the time.
- CopterShort program.
- Easy Save/Auto-RunMethod for auto-run programs on the ZX81/TS1000.
- Grimm's Fairy TrailsReview of the game.
- How I Made My Fullsize KeyboardDescribes how to connect a surplus keyboard to a ZX81.
- It's Almost HereAnnouncement that Sam Barron, Timex district sales manager for northern California, would be at the January 20, 1983 meeting of the Bay Area ZX80/81 Users Group to answer questions, potentially demonstrate TS2000.
- MarsReview of the adventure game from Aardvark.
- Mastering Machine Code on your ZX81Review of the book.
- Mastering Your Timex Sinclair Personal ComputerReview of the book.
- New Product AnnouncementAnnouncement of Computer Continuum’s analog interface board.
- Organizational Meeting Held at Integral Urban House in Berkely
- QUEST by Aardvark
- Report on the Computer Swap in America
- Restart without ReloadUse the WAIT signal to restart a ZX81/TS1000.
- Rumors from the Editor's deskThe TS 2000 will not look like the color brochure shown the prior month’s meeting. It will have a full-size space bar and other features. The TS 1500 will use the TS 2000 enclosure.
- San Francisco Sinclair Users' Group
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum Update
- Space Invaders and Bomber
- Spectrum Update
- Surprise! A Visitor from BostonBeth Elliot, from Sinclair Research, visits San Francisco for the West Coast Computer Faire and demonstrates a Spectrum for BAZUG.
- T/S 1000 Program Evaluations
- The New Compilers
- Timex Sinclair 1000Article condensed from Sync May/June 1982 issue.
- VU-CALC(S) by PsionThe spreadsheet type programs (Visi-calc and its clones) are one of the most popular utilities for microcomputers for business and home financial use.
- Will the Spectrum steal sales from the BBC Micro?
- Word Processing on the ZX81?Author recommends Word Juggler, a program in Randle Hurley’s The Sinclair ZX81: Programming for Real Applications.
- ZX ComputingShort bits of news from the English magazine.
- ZX81/TS1000 Software RatingNumeric rating of several software titles.
Publisher: Bay Area ZX User Group
Newsletter of the Bay Area ZX80/81 Users Group.
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