Timex Sinclair User Group Newsletter: Ottawa Chapter


  • 1K Programs
    Three, short 1K programs.
  • 2-Way Hex/Decimal Converter
    Short machine language program to convert numbers.
  • 2-Week Bar Chart
    Lists and sums daily values for a two-week period. Values are plotted comparing daily values.
  • 2068 Draw (States)
    Demonstration of the DRAW function. Draws a map of the US.
  • 2068 Full Screen Input
    Subroutine to simulate full-screen input.
  • 2068 Programs
    Several programs from club members. Secret Agent: adapted from Bill Harmer’s ZX81 version by David Solly. Screen Display: extracted from Upload 2000 by Michael Dove to show the interesting effects. New Font: a bold script font for the 2068 or Spectrum (David Solly). MEd.B1: cleans up files downloaded from bulletin boards systems so they can
  • 2068 Programs
    Reprint of an article from Sinclair User to demonstrate scrolling one pixel at a time in any one of four directions.
  • 4th Corner
    Example of a multi-tasking Forth program.
  • 4th Corner
    Continuation of article in prior issue.
  • 4th Corner
    Continuation of development of demonstration program.
  • 4th Corner
    Short program to provide compatibility between 78 and 79 Forth.
  • 4th Corner
    Tutorial on Forth via converting MASTERMIND from BASIC.
  • 4th Corner
    Continuation of tutorial on programming in Forth.
  • 4th Corner
    XFORTH XCHANGE and Hawg Wild Software done.
  • A Quicky
    Programming techniques to implement UNLESS and UNTIL in Sinclair BASIC.
  • A Sinclair Quickfix
    Short machine code routines to allow for saving/loading just data to tape on the ZX81/TS 1000.
  • Adapting Programs for Disk Drive
    Techniques for adapting ZX81/TS1000 programs to work with the Larken disk drive.
  • Address Book
    Stores data in a string instead of array; results in faster save/load time.
  • Alien Treasure
    Space shooter game.
  • Auto Record
    Database to store auto maintenance information.
  • Bar Chart
  • Binary Look-See
    Short program to display binary bit patterns.
  • Biorhythms
    Graphic implementation of biorhythm charts.
  • Calendar
    Short program to print a monthly calendar.
  • Canadian Mortgage Table
    Program to calculate mortgage payments and amortize principal/interest payments.
  • Cassette Tape Record
    Program to catalog tapes and programs.
  • CK Type: A New Standard for "Fool-Proof" Typing of TS2068 Program Listings in Magazines
    Originally published in the March/April 1987 issue of Time Designs, this program produces checksums for each program line, making entering programs from magazine articles less error-prone.
  • Club Members
    List of current members.
  • Converting Programs to ZX BASIC
    Notes on special issues with ZX BASIC.
  • Converting Programs to ZX BASIC
  • Copal Screen Copier
    Modification of a program by John Bennett; print graphics screens to the Copal Write Hand L1200 printer.
  • Cryptogram
    Based on an idea presented in Byte, February 1984, p. 383-386.
  • Daily Journal
    Daily register of income/expense for a business.
  • Downloader
    Program to save code that loads above RAMTOP.
  • Earth-Attack
    Type-in video game.
  • Electronic Bulletin Boards
    Short commentary about local bulletin boards.
  • Excerpts from Bill Harmer Guide to the Larken ZX81/TS1000 Disk System
    Hints, notes and techniques for using the Larken disk system for the ZX81/TS1000.
  • Eyesight Saver
    Adapted from a program that appeared in Practical Computing, May 1984. Memory-resident program to alter display of program listings: adds a new line after every colon or THEN statement.
  • Fast ZX-81 Quick Tape Utility
    Type-in utility to save programs up to 5 times as fast, reprinted from Sinclair Programs.
  • Filer
    File manager (database) program, reprinted from Microcomputing, March 1983.
  • First Loader Program Listing
    Modified by David Solly to be used in conjunction with BASIC2 by Michael Carver to create ASCII text listings of Sinclair BASIC programs.
  • Flash
    Short program to flash screen display and selectively reverse lines.
  • Flying Saucer
    Video game for the 2068.
  • Flying Saucer
    Clearer listing of program from previous issue.
  • Fog Index
    Program to calculate readability of a passage of text.
  • FORTH Corner
    Recap of presentation at a club meeting.
  • Forth Corner
    No new tutorial; White Lightning Forth for the Spectrum has been converted by Knighted Computers.
  • From the Editor
    Questions on whether to continue the newsletter.
  • From the Editor
    Letter from David Solly, the club librarian. Club acquired a Larken disk drive system for the TS 1000, other new arrivals to the library.
  • From the President
    Notes about the state of the Timex community, including Timex of Portugal’s TC 2068 computer.
  • From: Editor
    Information about the club’s bulletin board system.
  • From: The Editor
    Introduction from the new editor.
  • From: The Editor
  • General
    Helpful hints about POKEs and a real-time clock program.
  • General
    Notes on exchanging tapes with South African Universal Sinclair Club and bulletin boards.
  • General
    No updates on electronic bulletin boards; compatibility of TS 2068 with ZX Spectrum via ROMswitch. Mention of John Mathewson’s business. List of vendors in US and abroad.
  • General
    Training sessions, membership dues, club software library, bulletin board systems.
  • General: Electronics Bulletin Boards, Software/Hardware Reviews
    List of regional bulletin boards and a note about reviews.
  • Generation
    Conversion of program from The Gateway Guide to the ZX81 and ZX80.
  • Geometry
    Calculates the area, volume and other values of spheres, triangles, circles, cones and rectangles.
  • Hangman
    Type-in version for the ZX81/TS 1000.
  • Hardware Projects
    John Oliger flyers for hardware projects.
  • Hardware Review: 2068/Spectrum ROMSwitch
    Review of the ROMSwitch.
  • Hardware Reviews
    Author describes experience installing Tree-Forth in his ZX-81, changing to a UHF modulator and reviews the A&J Microdrive.
  • Hardware: Millennia K Disc Drive Interface
    Review of the interface from RAMEX for the TS 2068.
  • Helpline
  • Hex Converter
    Converts decimal numbers to hexadecimal and vice versa.
  • Hints for the 2068
    Pokes and programming hints from a T-S Horizons article by George Mockridge.
  • Home Inventory
    Type-in program for tracking household items.
  • Hunt
    Hunt through the caves to obtain treasures, escape the monster, go through portals and find the treasure trove.
  • Interesting Tid-Bits
    Reprinted from Syncware News and Update magazines. Program to color-cycle 2068 screen to prevent monitor burn-in. Avoiding use of GOSUBs. Renumbering routines. Update magazine background, article index User groups in North America
  • Inverse and Graphics (ZX-81) With ZX Assembler
    Hints/tips for using ZX Assembler to program graphics.
  • Lander
    Adapted from program in 49 Explosive Games for the ZX-81 by Tim Hartnell.
  • Larken Disk Drive
    One user’s experiences with an early Larken setup.
  • Letter Scramble
    Game that challenges the player’s ability to analyze patterns.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Welcome from the editor and notes about submissions.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Suggestions re building club software library; tips for using the Hunter board.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Letter about Sinclair support in the UK, other topics.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Commentary on editor’s attempts to broaden reach.
  • Letters to the Editors
    Discussion of attempts to exchange newsletters with other users groups.
  • Letters to/from the Editor
    Thank you re word processing program.
  • Library Corner
    Update on status of the holdings.
  • Light Computers
    Discussion of potential for optical computers that use light instead of electrons.
  • Line Listing BASIC2 and M-Script: A Surprise Combination
    Technique for using Michael Carver’s BASIC2 program (from November/December 1986 issue of Time Designs Magazine) with MScript to create ASCII text program listings.
  • Lists, Part 2
    Follow-up to “Lists” (Filer) program in prior issue with some code snippets to address slowed performance with larger files.
  • Logical Statements
    Short overview of using logical operators.
  • Lotto 649
    Program to sort Lotto 649 numbers in frequency of occurrence.
  • Lunar Lander
    Type-in game program for the TS 2068.
  • Magic Square
    Type-in game program.
  • MCoder II BASIC Compiler
    Brief review of the compiler.
  • Me and My Printer
    One user’s experience using word processing software on the 2068 and printing.
  • Meetings in Review
    Recap of meetings from January to March 1987.
  • Meetings in Review
    Highlights from meetings from April to June 1987. Michael Dove demonstrated a four-way pixel scrolling program. David Solly demonstrated alternate character sets. John Mathewson showed his prototype MIDI interface. Harry Rosewarne gave a demo on techniques of integers.
  • Menus Menus Menus Menus
    Short subroutine to handle menus and nested menus.
  • New Acquisitions: May 1989
    Report of new additions to the club’s library.
  • New Year's Letter From the Librarian
  • News
    Sinclair QL is available. Sinclair lends ZX Spectrums to North American dealers for evaluation. Compuserve and The Source have Timex Sinclair special interest groups. Zebra bulletin board back on line.
  • News
    Observations of Sinclair users from abroad; disk drive system from Zebra.
  • News and Things
    Mice for the ZX Spectrum, QL comes down in price.
  • News From Our Roving Reporter
    Updates on bulletin board systems, announcement of Z-LINK, Damco purchased Rotronics Wafadrive, bug in 2068 ROM re cursor positioning, TS user’s group in Toronto.
  • NIM
    You and computer take turns removing sticks from the pile. The one who removes the last stick loses.
  • Note Well
    John Mathewson has developed cartridge-based interface card and a twister board, either of which are used for connecting an improved keyboard. The twister board can be used with the ZX81/TS 1000. Bill Harmer has been developing a number of programs, including a TV pattern generator and a formula calculation engine. David Hinson developed a program
  • Odds and Ends
    Technique for backing up software using 007; black border for Tasword II.
  • Othello
    Inspired by a listing in a Commodore 64 magazine.
  • Out of the Woodwork
    Mortgage calculation program.
  • Page Designer
    Type-in art/drawing program for the TS 2068.
  • Partial Pascal: A Backup Procedure
    Description of how Partial Pascal works, how to backup the program.
  • Pascal Disk Handler for the Larken Disk Operating System
    Access to the Larken disk system from within HiSoft Pascal.
  • Phone Cost Monitor
    Short program to calculate the cost of a long distance call before and live.
  • Poster Maker
    Prints large copies of title pages from programs.
  • President's Address
    Introductory welcome to the newsletter.
  • President's Address
    Discussion of creating a public domain software library.
  • President's Address
    Discussion about building club’s library.
  • President's Address
    Notes about club meetings.
  • President's Address
    Review of the previous year.
  • President's Address
    Notes about activities at the April 1985 meeting.
  • President's Address
    Notes about low attendance at summer meetings; author’s experience setting up a Larken disk system.
  • President's Address
    Comments about club activities. Author’s experience with Oliger printer interface and Prowriter printer.
  • President's Comments
    Comments about club organization; notes about the AERCO disk drive system.
  • Print Facilities
    Machine language program to print graphic designs.
  • Print Facilities
    Tutorial on PRINT command options.
  • Program Hints Pokes - 2068
    Pokes for Atic Atac, Sabre Wulf and Hobbit.
  • Programing Tips
    Tips for ZX-81/TS 1000 users.
  • Programming Tips - General
    Machine code hint; using IN to read the keyboard; notes about the TS 2068; a screen drawing program for the TS 1000.
  • Relocator
    Moves a machine code program from above RAMTOP into a REM statement.
  • REM Extender
    Extend a REM line without disturbing the existing contents.
  • Report from the Librarian
    Bill Harmer briefly takes over role; re-recording software tapes.
  • Reviews: Mini Xmod 1.7
    Review of the terminal program, for use with the Byte-Back modem.
  • Secret Agent
    Program to encode and decode secret messages.
  • Seven-Bit ASCII Text Filter for the TS 2068 with Larken Disk I/O
    Program to remove rogue ASCII characters from downloaded files that prevent them from being loaded.
  • Sniper Ambush
    You have been ambushed by gunmen in a forest. The only safe place is a low wall behind which you take cover. You must try to kill all the gunmen by aiming over the top of the wall. But the snipers are good shots! How long can you survive?
  • Software Review
    Review of The Complete Machine Code Tutor.
  • Software Review: Chekstub, Sinc Artist
    Reviews of the two programs.
  • Software Review: Top Drawer
    Brief review of drawing package written by Jim Turner, a member of the Ottawa-Hull Timex Sinclair User Group.
  • Software Review: YS Mega Basic
    Review of extended BASIC utilities for Spectrum computers.
  • Software Reviews: Sea Wolf, Coupon Manager
    Reviews by club members.
  • Sound Generator for the ZX 81
    Three tone generator, one noise generator project. Reprinted from Electronics, Dec 1982 – Feb 1983 issue.
  • Stock Broker
    Program to track stocks, plot data about them.
  • Structured Programming Core Program Framework
    Introduction to principles of structured programming.
  • Surface Mount Components
    Introduction to the topic, how to find and use them in designs.
  • T/S Users Group Library
    List of programs in the users group library.
  • Tasman Parallel Printer Interface
    One user’s notes about using the interface with the 2068.
  • The ZX-81/TS1000 Notebook
    Short routines from GOSUBS by Edwin and Shirley Gaby; converting programs to the ZX-81.
  • Timex Sinclair Computers and Amateur Radio
    Programs to allow TS users to communicate via a RTTY-like method.
  • Tips for loading FORTH
    How to and what to expect when loading ZX Forth.
  • Transferring Machine Code from a TS1000/ZX81 REM Statement to the TS2068 Using Upload 2000 or Firstloader
    How to use either program to transfer the program without the program interpreting the machine code as BASIC tokens.
  • TS/1000 Verify
    Verify routine based on the LOAD routine in ROM.
  • TSUG Ottawa/Hull Current Membership List
  • Ways To Skin a Cat
    Two programs for picking Lotto 649 numbers.
  • Word Invaders
    For people who need to practice their typing but prefer to play video games.
  • Your View Review
  • ZX Gold Digger
    Type-in game program for the TS 2068.
  • ZX81 Programs
    Several programs from club members. Child1: visual aid to teaching pre-school children numbers from 1 to 10 (Bill Harmer). VROP: voltage regulator circuit design program using a 741 op-amp (Bill Harmer). Screen Fill: short machine language program to fill screen with any single character. Stop-Watch: timer based on internal FRAMES variable; max of 18.2 minutes.
  • ZX81 Utility General Routines and Tips
    Code snippets for entering/manipulating numbers; short program for saving multiple copies of a program.


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