Disassembler/assembler with data displays, ROM floating-point code display, four letter names for commonly used addresses (built-in and user-defined) and more. Features hex code input, two breakpoints, single-step with register, flag, and stack display, LOAD ZX/TS tapes,and a powerful on-the-fly assembler with delete and insert code commands. Saves and loads byte files, prints to the TS2040, does hex arithmetic, block moves and compares.
There are four modes, read, assemble, hex edit and single step. Press Extended mode and “H” for help. The read screen is the default screen and its help screen will tell you how to access the other screens except for step mode; you need to access the assemble mode help screen for this.
The program always initializes looking at HOME bank code in the read mode. The bank that is displayed on the screen can be determined by the value displayed in the middle of the line of equal signs near the top of the screen.
You can change the chunk spec for the upper 4 chunks with machine code in the single stepper mode or you can change the active chunks for each of the eight chunks by specifying a value at the “DISB” variable. To access this variable, just type in caps, DISB in the read mode. This will take you to the correct address. The first value is the chunk spec with bits for the HOME bank chunks set High. You must be very careful which chunk are set low because you can page out the machine stack and your program will crash.
You won’t have to worry about where your Super HOT Z code is located because it will continue to operate no matter which bank of code it is loaded in. Value FC can generally be used to set the first two chunks to the DOCK bank or EXROM bank. The next value will determine which bank of memory you will look at on the screen. Enter 00 for DOCK, FE for EXROM or FF for HOME bank. To do this, you should go to hex edit mode by pressing the symbol shift key and the “A” key. That will take you to assemble mode. Next press the symbol shift key and the “G” key to take you to Hex edit mode.
It is possible to change the displayed bank by changing the value in the middle of the equal signs. It is also possible to transfer code between banks of memory.
There are three different versions of this disassembler. The cartridge (AROS) version, the snapshot (EXROM) version and the normal tape version. The tape version can be loaded and run in any of the three banks – EXROM, HOME or DOCK, providing RAM is present.
All versions can disassemble all Timex memory banks.
The EXROM version doesn’t auto boot. To run it, type:
CLEAR 32767: OUT 255,128: OUT 244,240: RANDOMIZE USR 32776.
Provided on cartridge. Step through three 64K banks of memory, read, write and execute code anywhere memory is available. 24K ROM.
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