TS 2065 Microdrive

Platform(s): TS 2068
Model: TS 2065
Date: 1984
Price: $65
Rarity: uncommon

The TS2065 Microdrive was to be Timex’s variant of the Sinclair ZX Microdrive. The Microdrive read and wrote to special tape cartridges, each holding 20 feet of tape in a continuous loop and storing about 85K bytes of data. The tape runs at 30 inches per second, so the entire loop passes in 8 seconds.

The Microdrive system was to support both program and data files using the built-in commands CAT, ERASE, FORMAT, OPEN, etc.

Timex displayed this product at the 1984 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Never released: more details are in the TS2060 Interface Product Specification document.

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