Print grey-scale reproduction of color screen to an 80-column printer. Includes high and low memory TS 2068 and Spectrum versions.
Includes 80-column LPRINT and LLIST support. Use your 80-column printer with your own or existing applications programs. Supports a 2040-size COPY to your 80—column printer. Compatible with Zeus Assembler and Zeus Monitor/Disassembler.
Only LLIST and LPRINT 80-column printer support package that is a true functional equivalent of the 2040 printer routines contained in the Timex ROM. ZPRINT-80 is compatible with more programs than any other printer driver available for the TS2068.
Compatible with AERCO, TASMAN (Rev B or Rev C), OLIGER and the A & J Stringy Floppy Centronics printer interfaces and the following 80-column printers:
- Epson MX-80, RX-80 and FX-80
- Star Micronics Gemini 10x and SG-10
- Memotech DMX-80
- Panasonic 1090/1091
- C-Itoh 8510 or Prowriter
- Mannesman Tally Spirit-80