Personal Software Services

112 Oliver Street, Coventry UK CV6 5PF


Small business or home accounting system. 200 record transaction file which can be searched, printed on displayed. 16K.
TS 1000
You are on a space ship hunted by deadly aliens. You must choose the right weapon and kill it before it kills you. 16K.
TS 1000
Electronic filing system: set up your own database. 16K.
TS 1000
Similar to the arcade game. 16K.
TS 1000
Write your own tunes in standard notation. You specify tempo, rhythm, note duration and pitch (within a range of six octaves). The computer plays it back through the TV speaker, an AM radio, or your cassette recorder. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Pretend you are at a British race track and win big money. 16K.
TS 1000
32 page tutorial. Hex-decimal conversion as standard. 16K.
TS 1000
Gobble your way through a maze of ghosts, power pills, etc. Chomp your candy to keep running; try a power pill to make a meal out of the ghosts. 16K.
TS 1000
Draw complex images and save them on tape or put them in your own program.
TS 1000
Drive a race car around a twisting road course. Speed, gearbox and braking are under your control but the patches of oil and other hazards are not. 16K.
TS 1000
Can you help Fergy and his friends get across the highway and back to the lily pond? Includes crocodiles, logs, varying speed traffic, etc. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine code version of the popular arcade game. Has all the features of the original and is every bit as fast. Try to go up the ladders to save little Jane, and avoid being hit by drums Kong throws at you. The screen changes when you reach Jane. Now crash the support to conquer the
TS 1000
Your racing car is in a giant maze, only one ninth of which is displayed on the screen. Sold as “Maze Drag Race” by Kopak and Intercomputer. 16K.
TS 1000
BASIC to machine code compiler.
Downloadable TS 1000
Few who enter ever return. Can you outwit the demons and sorcerers who haunt the dreaded Nightmare Park? Confronted by all sorts of ‘happenings’, you’ll be taken to your wits end. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Play Black Jack against the computer. You begin with $200 and with nerve, luck and good judgement you could walk away a winner. 16K.
TS 1000
LOAD/SAVE a full 16K in 29 seconds (16 times faster). QSAVE amplifier/filter unit plugs between recorder and computer. A data transfer rate of 4000 plus baud vs 250 on the standard TS 1000.
TS 1000
A strategy game with graphic star-map. Defend your space station against enemy missiles. 16K.
TS 1000
You are in command of the S.S. Enterprise and at war with the evil Klingons. 16K. Sold as Star Trekker by Kopak.
TS 1000
Take on Wall Street. Prices are affected by trade slump, takeover bids, recessions and more. 16K.
TS 1000


  • M(inus) Coder
    Review of Personal Software Services’ M-Coder.
    Aids in loading balky tapes and the time saved in loading long programs is certainly worthwhile.
    The QSAVE package consists of: 1) a hardware unit, 2) a software program, and 3) an instruction booklet. It performs tape SAVE, LOAD, and verify at 4000 BAUD.
  • QSAVE Cuts Save/Load Time
    QSAVE, a 2-part package, drastically cuts your ZX81 SAVE/LOAD time. The software increases the baud rate, or data transfer, of ZX81s to 4000, saving or loading 16K in 29 seconds.
  • Review of MCODER, An Integer Compiler
    Review of the compiler from Personal Software Services.

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