Wisconsinc Electronics

Milton, WI 53563


Programs 2716 EPROMs with data provided by a 2816A EEPROM or another 2716 EPROM. Ideal for low-cost permanent storage of data or programs.
TS 1000
Interfaces via three parallel I/O ports on the I/O Unit. Programs 2716 EPROMs.
TS 1000
Expansion module with 6 input/output ports (24 input and 24 output lines) and 4 sockets for 2K memories. Save USR programs in 2716 EPROM for ready access or use static RAMs.
TS 1000
16K or 32K and two 8-bit LS TTL input ports and two 8-bit latching output ports.
TS 1000


  • New Products (Syntax v3 n11)
    New products from R.S. Panwar, Wisconsinc Electronics, Sinware, P. Pollack, Nanos.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n2)
    New products from Expense Cutters Products, JPR Software, Biocal, Memotech, R.S. Panwar, Wisconsinc Electronics, Calliope Software, Practical Computer Products, Melear Marketing, SofTek, RAMSTRAP, Syncware,f/22 Press, Hunter, Friendly Computer, M.C. Hoffman, Integrated Data Systems, Softsync.
  • New Products: Expansion Interface
    Product announcement for T1000 interface from Wisconsinc Electronics. Device offers 4 parallel I/O ports and 32K of memory.
  • New Products: Expansions
    Product announcement for Memotech Keyboard, Memocalc, Memotext and Memopak Assembler.
  • Resources (Sync v2 n6)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Timex/Sinclair Expansion
    Product announcement for Wisconsin Electronics’ 32K plus I/O module. Adds four parallel I/O ports and 32K RAM.
  • ZX81 Peripherals
    EPROM programmer interface from Wisconsinc.



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