Publication Details
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
First they brought you the T/S 1000! Next they promised the T/S 2000! But from what we have been able to learn, the American public was not as accepting of the redone ZX81 (which is what the machine was originally called in the U.K.) and quite willing to wait for the more sophisticated machine. There were numerous complaints about the T/S 1000’s key board. Also many potential users felt the 2K user available memory was not enough, even though it was twice the memory found in the ZX81.
Timex has been quick to respond to these issues. On June 1, Timex plans to introduce their newest computer, the T/S 1500. This new machine will be Timex’s answer to the critics. It will have a built in 16K RAM and will boast a regular type keyboard with moveable keys. This new machine will have the simplicity of the T/S1000 plus the sophistication of the keyboard and the 16K RAM pack as “free add-ons.”
From the limited information being given out by Timex, we have learned that this new in between machine will retail for about $100.00; keyboard, 16K RAM pack and the computer all for $100.00! That’s a bargain! We hope they come through.
News on the T/S 2000 front is that it will be on the market “midyear” according to Timex boss Dan Ross, in our exclusive interview appearing in this issue.