Highlights of the Last Meeting



Publication Details

Volume: 2 Issue: 7


July 1983



Sue Mahoney opened the meeting with an update on the status of the new Timex computers. She said the TS-1500 and the TS-2000 series would be shipped to the distributors in August.

The TS-1500 is an upgraded version of the TS-1000. It has movable keys and 16K of built-in RAM memory.

Sue said she has seen an engineering model of the TS-2000, now called the TS-2068. This computer will have 48K of RAM, color, sound, a monitor (as well as television) interface, and a lot more.

The computer will allow a 64 character display using a monitor. Plans for a 16 K model, called the TS-2048, have been shelved.

Sue’s hoping to be able to show production units at the July meeting.

Finally, Timex is currently not writing new software for the TS-1000 and TS-1500. Sue said most of the software efforts are aimed at the TS-2068. However, Timex is marketing second party TS-1000 software, and it currently has over eighty titles.

Dave Miller presented on Fastload and QSAVE. Bill Russell, presented his Winky Board. Joe Gladstone attended and distributed copies of Timex Sinclair User.



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