The Sinclair Grade Book


Jim Brown


Publication Details

Volume: 3 Issue: 2


March/April 1983


36, 38-39
See all articles from SYNC v3 n2

In preparing a grade book program for the Sinclair, it was first necessary to decide upon the form the recorded data should be returned in. One of the advantages of a good program is that it may be returned in any number of forms, at the operator’s discretion.In the following program, I have included provisions for the three basic types of returns which the majority of teachers will find of the greatest value. 1) A read out of all the students in the class with each student’s name accompanied by his TOTAL points, along with his percentage of the TOTAL POSSIBLE. 2) A print out for only one particular student, along with all of his scores, his total points, and his percentage of the possible. 3) A sort routine for arranging the totaled grades of all students in the class from high to low.



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