- 10 1K Programs
- 10 Exciting Programs
- 10 Programs
- 16 1k Programs
- 16K or 32K RAM Plans
- 16K RAM/TS1016 Maintenance Agreement
- 1K Chess
- 1K Fun Learning
- 1K Gamestape
- 256x192 Bit Mapped Hi Res Graphics
- 2K Memory Upgrade
- 2K RAM Pack
- 2K RAM Upgrade
- 2K RAM Upgrade
- 3K RAM Board
- 4 Home Finance Programs
- 48K Memory Extension
- 4K RAM Pack
- 5 Games
- 6 ZX81 Programs
- 64K RAM (internal)
- 64K RAM Pack
- 64K RAM Pack
- 64KT/64KZ
- 7 Games Pack
- 8K ROM Character Generator
- 8X Characters
- Addition
- Adults Only!
- Advanced Machine Code Monitor
- Alien Destroyer
- Alien Invasion
- Alphacom 32 Printer
- Analog Interface Board
- Anypoint Plotter
- Arith-1.0
- Asteroid
- Asteroids
- Bandit
- Barchart Program
- BASIC Keyword Demos
- Basketball
- Battleships & Cruisers
- BB-1 Control Module
- Beat the Maze
- Beep Routine
- Bell Curve Generator
- Biorhythms
- Biorhythms
- Black Holes
- Block Painter
- Budget Program
- Buffered Bus Expansion Board
- Bulls and Cows
- Bus Extender
- Business Depreciation
- Buttonset
- Can of Worms
- Card Cut
- CartoonMaker
- Cartoons
- Cassette 5: Junior Education
- Cayley's Sextant
- Challenge I
- Challenge II
- Challenges from Another Dimension
- Character Generator Demos
- Chase
- Chewter
- Christmas Party Package
- Classic Games
- Clocks and Timers
- Compact Keyboard
- Control Taster Course
- CP-ZX Centronics Printer Interface
- Cube
- Dates
- Decoder
- Defense Wave
- Directory
- Directory/Record
- Does Nothing Program
- Dog Race
- Dog Races
- E.S.P.
- Eagle Lander
- Earthly Challenges
- Ellipses and Circles
- Equational and/or Touchstone
- Escapees
- Etch-A-Sketch II
- Evade
- Five Games
- Flee
- Fonts for WRX16
- Football
- Fortyniner
- Fun & Games
- Fun and Games Package
- Galaxy Master
- Game Pack for the ZX81
- GameMaster
- Games
- Games Pack
- Games Pack 1
- Games Pack 2
- Games Pack 3
- Games Pack 4
- Gamestape 1
- Gamestape 2
- Gobble!
- Golf
- Graphic Calculator
- Graphics
- Graphics Billboard
- Graphics Six Pack
- Graphics Starter Pack
- Graphics/Moving Billboard
- Graphing
- Gunfighter
- Hex Calculator
- Hex/Dec Conversion
- Hi Precision Division
- Hi-or-Lo
- Home Financial Package
- Horse Race
- Hyperbolic Spiral
- Hypercycloids
- ICBM Barrage
- Improved ROM for TS1000
- Improved Slow Pause
- Internal 16K RAM Expansion
- Inverse Video
- KD-81 Keyboard
- Keyboard Sounder
- Keypad
- Lander-X
- Laser Wars
- Lemniscate of Bernoulli
- Letter Logic
- Life
- Limacons
- Linear Programming
- Linear Regression
- Lissajous Figures
- Loan/Mortgage
- Long Division
- Love and Death
- Lunar Lander
- M-48 Memory Module
- Machine Language
- Machine Language Nit-Pick
- Make Math
- Mark Sorter
- Mark Total with Averages
- Math (+-x/)
- MC Filer
- MD-1 Modem
- MD-2B Modem
- Microartist
- Mini Space Intruder
- Monkey Barrels
- Mothership
- Movie Stuntman
- Multifile
- Multifile Plus
- Music Machine
- Music/Sounds on the Radio
- News Bulletin Board
- O-Bliterat & Dire Straits
- Oblique Painter
- Omni Template
- Othello for 1K
- Parrot
- Pickle Man
- Picture Plot
- Pitfall Fred
- Player ZX81
- Plot Painter
- Plotting Work Sheet
- Pong
- Pound/Dollar Conversion
- Prime Numbers
- Program Name Reader
- Program Pack 1
- Program Pack 3
- Prototyping Board
- QS Motherboard
- QS Sound Board
- Quilter
- Quiz Grader
- Random MUSIC!
- RB-ZX ROM Board
- Repair Service
- Reversi
- Rhodonea (Rose) Curve
- River Crossing
- Road to Riches
- Rocketman
- Roulette Wheel
- S-Invaders
- Screen Painter
- Serious Cryptology
- Shootist
- Sixtyfive ZX81 Programs
- Skeet
- Skew-a-Sketch
- Slalom
- Slots
- Slots
- Solo Dungeons
- Sort
- Sorting
- Space Challenges
- Space General
- Space Gunner
- Space Trek
- Speed Editing on the ZX81
- Spinner
- Split-A-Stack
- Squares and Crosses
- Star Trek
- Stars
- Statistics
- Statistics
- Statistics Package
- Stopwatch
- Subhunter
- Submarine
- Subtraction
- Super Invasion
- Super ZX80 Invasion
- Tables
- Talk5
- Tangle4
- Tap Writer
- Tape (1) Games
- Tape (10) General
- Tape (2) Diet
- Tape (3) Home
- Tape (4) Business
- Tape (5) Math
- Tape (6) Geometry
- Tape (7) Design
- Tape (8) Investment
- Tape (9) Quiz
- Tape Recorder Interface
- Tape Unlocker
- Teach Your Tot
- Temperature Conversion
- Tempestous Battle
- Ten Exciting Programs for the ZX81: 1K
- Ten Tables
- Text
- The Bible
- The Cambridge Collection
- The Check Book
- The Company
- The Economy Trio
- Timescreen
- Tower
- Tower Billboard
- Towers of Brahama
- Truth Value Programming
- Twenty Beginner Programs
- Video Amplifier Unit
- Viewtext
- Wall Busters
- Word Pool
- Word-Hunt
- World's Most Magic Square
- Worm Wars
- Your Special Day
- Z-XLR8
- Z80 Tuition
- Zebra-Talker 1000
- Zetapak 1: War Games
- Zetapak 2: Basically BASIC
- Zetapak 3: SciFi Fantasy
- ZT21000
- ZX 1K Gamespack
- ZX Toolbox
- ZX80/1 Record
- ZX80/81 Database
- ZX81 1K Disassembler
- ZX81 1K Super Trio
- ZX81 2K upgrade
- ZX81 2K Upgrade Kit
- ZX81 Bomber
- ZX81 Galaxy Wars
- ZX81 Home Computer Package
- ZX81 Invaders
- ZX81 Key-Top Symbols in 3 Colors
- ZX81 Mini Invaders
- ZX81 Test
- ZX81 Window
- ZX81/TS1000 Maintenance Agreement
- ZXtricator
- "All The News Fit to Print"
- "Hello, Z80 Calling..."
- 16K RAM Pack Schematic
- 1987 Federal Income Tax Calculator
- 1K Programs
- 2K Conversion with 6116s
- 2K to 4K RAM Upgrade - An Introduction to ZX/TS Hardware
- 3D Monster Maze and Mothership
- 49 Explosive Games for the ZX81
- 6 Shooter
- 64K RAM Available Mid-March
- 6K RAM Addition
- 8K Machine Code Keyboard Scanning
- 8K Memory PEEK
- 8K Non-Volatile Memory Kit
- 8K ROM Monitor Routines
- 8K Updates
- 8K/16K Owners
- A British computer hits it big
- A Cheap and Simple EPROM Programmer
- A Keyboard Learning Game
- A Loan Amortization Program
- A Machine Code Graphics Line Drawing Subroutine
- A Microcomputer-Controlled Temperature Controller
- A Mouthful for Every Occasion
- A Novice Builds the Sinclair ZX81
- A Personal Money Management Program
- A piece of cake in Dundee
- A Practical Guide to Machine Language Programming on the Timex/Sinclair
- A Program to Index Articles
- A Regulated-Voltage Power Adaptor
- A Small Business Payroll Program
- A Tool to Help Debug Programs
- A Z80 machine language program to use the ZX81 as an audio frequency counter
- ABC-123: Educational Games for the ZX81
- Across the Pond
- Across the Pond
- Across the Pond
- Across the Pond
- Across the Pond
- Across the Pond
- Across the Pond
- Across the Pond: Telecomputing across the U.S.
- Adapting the ZX81 Rampack to the TS2068
- Add a Full Size Printer to Your System
- Add an RS-232 Port to Your ZX81
- Add Direct Video Output to Sinclair ZX81
- Adding A Joystick To The Timex-Sinclair 1000
- Adding a Joystick to Your ZX81
- Adding a Video Monitor to your Sinclair ZX81
- Adding Feet and Inches
- Adding On To Gladstone
- Adventure A
- Alien Treasure
- All about ROMs
- An Assortment of Sorts
- An inexpensive computer and interface for research in the behavioral sciences
- An Introduction to Expression Evaluation
- An Introduction to Machine Code
- An Introduction to Machine Code
- An Introduction to VU-CALC Spreadsheeting for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and the Sinclair ZX81
- An Inventory System
- An Updated ZX81
- Analog-Digital Converter
- Annuity
- Another $100 Misunderstanding
- Another Look at 450ns EPROMS vs the ZX81/TS1000
- Another Printer Tip: ZX81/TS 1000
- ANOVA programs for Timex/Sinclair 1000, 1500, and ZX81 microcomputers
- Applied Sinclair: Subroutines for the Mathematically-Minded
- Archaeological Research Using the ZX81
- Arithmetic Series Quiz
- Arithmetic with a Smile
- Artillery with Motion
- As Easy as 2+2
- Astronomical Algorithms on the ZX81
- Audio Frequency Counter Program for the Timex/Sinclair ZX81
- Awari
- Back-up system for data
- Backgammon Reviewed
- Banners on the TS-2040
- Bar Chart
- Basic Computer Programs for Business, Vol. 1
- BASICare Offers ZX81 Megabyte Memory Decoding
- Basil's Compendium: LET A= ...
- Basil's Compendium: Where to Put the Program
- Beginner's Basic -- INKEY$ Function
- Beginners - Analyzing the Problem
- Beginners: User-Friendly Programs
- Beginners' Basic: Getting Information into Your Computer
- Beginners' Column: REM Revisited
- Beginners' Dimensioned Arrays
- Beginners' ML -- Register to Register
- Beginning Programming: ZX81 Math
- Best of Sync, Volume 1
- Biorhythms
- Bit by Bit
- Blast Effects on ZX81
- Block Transfers: Horizontal Scrolling on your 1K ZX81
- Block Transfers: Variables Transfer (Part 2)
- BOLEX: Beginner's Ohm's Law EXercises
- Book Review: Your Timex/Sinclair 1000 and ZX81
- Break the 1K Barrier
- Breakeven Analysis
- Brick Buster
- Bridging the Gap Between Sinclair & IBM
- British company announces inexpensive computer: The Sinclair ZX81 will sell for $149.95
- Building Heat Load
- Bytesavers Hint
- CAI Printer Update
- Calculating the Days
- Cardioid Plot
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 2
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 4
- Cassette LOAD/SAVE Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 5
- Catch A Dragon!
- Chaining Programs
- Changing a REM Statement from ZX81 BASIC
- Chase
- Checkbook Balancer: Old Standby Reviewed
- Checkbook Management
- Circuit Circus
- CKTYPE 1000 (Machine Code Version)
- Clarification of Bytes Remaining
- Clear That Screen!
- Clive Sinclair of Sinclair Research Trying Again in Consumer Electronics
- Code Transfer: ZX81
- Comet Crusher
- Computer Battlegames and Computer Space Games
- Computer Keyboards Professional Keyboard Kit and Enclosure for ZX81
- Computers for Kids -- Sinclair ZX81 Edition
- Consumer Electronics Show wows Vegas
- Copter
- Creating a Four Port Expansion Decoder
- Crossing the Asteroid Belt
- Crypto
- Curing 16K RAM Random Dumping
- Curve-plotting Graphics
- Cyborgwars
- Dateline:Tomorrow: Naked MicroAce On the Way. Also ZX81
- Dear Editor
- Dear Editor
- Dear Editor
- Dear Editor
- Dear Editor
- Dear Editor
- Dear QTS
- DEF on the Sinclair
- Defective 8K ROMs
- Defensive Awari
- Degrees, Grads, and Radians
- Deleting Blocks of Basic Statements
- Demand for ZX81 Outstrips Supply
- Dense Pack Basic, and the use of Logical Operators
- Developing a Memory Map Consensus
- Diagonal Lines
- Dice and Train
- Dice Roller
- Digital Clock
- DIM as Calculator Sum-to-Memory
- Double Your Memory
- Drawing a Line
- Edge Connectors Available
- Editor's Notebook: Report from Chicago CES
- Educational Software Vendor
- Elimination
- Enjoying Your Computer: Games
- Entrapment
- Exchanging Registers, Part 6
- Expand Your Timex/Sinclair Operating System
- Expand Your Timex/Sinclair Operating System
- Expand Your ZX-81 Memory to 32K
- Expanding Existing 16K Programs
- Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip (SCL)
- Exploring the Timex/Sinclair 1000's Sinclair Logic Chip (SCL), Part 2
- Extended Basic For The TS1000/ZX81
- Extensions to Basic
- EZUG Newsletter
- Filler Up: For the TS 1000/ZX81
- Find Clean Tape on 8K
- Firstloader -- From ZX/TS to 2068
- Flashing Prompts Subroutine
- Flight Simulation
- Follow our golden rules for better SAVEs and LOADs
- For Your Information: Tidbits About CP/M, TS/TC2068, TC2048, ZX81, TS1500 and QL
- For Your Sinclair: New Releases
- For Your Support
- For Your Support
- Four-digit Multiplexed BCD to ZX81 Adaptor
- From The Editor's Cluttered Desk
- Game cassette for Timex/Sinclair 1000 or ZX81
- Getting Acquainted with Your ZX81
- Glitchoidz Report
- Glitchoidz Report
- Go-fer
- GRA+PIX: A System for Pixel Graphics
- Graphing Capabilities for TS1000 (ZX81)
- Hangman
- Hardware Hints
- Hardware News: New peripherals
- Hardware Preview: RD8100 System
- Hardware Tips
- Hardware Tips
- Hidden Cave - A Fighting Fantasy Game
- High-Res Blackjack for the ZX81/TS1000/TS1500
- Hints & Tips For The ZX81
- Hot-Z
- How COMPUTE! Readers Use Their Computers
- How I Made My Fullsize Keyboard
- How Many Blocks
- IBM-AT Keyboard Interface for the ZX-81
- IC Inventory
- Improved Super Monzxer Game
- Improving Your ZX-81
- In and Out of Machine Language
- In and Out of SYNC
- In Sync With Sinclair
- Input/Output
- Inside the T/S1000, ZX81
- Installing a UHF Modulator
- Instrument Automation using the Sinclair ZX-81
- Interest
- Interfacing the ZX81
- Interfacing the ZX81, Part 2
- Interfacing the ZX81, Part 3
- Interfacing the ZX81, Part 4
- Interfacing Tips and Troubles: Memory Mapped I/O on the Sinclair ZX81
- INTERP - The Kernel of Interactive Nuts
- Just For Fun
- Just For fun
- Just for Fun
- Just for Fun
- Just for Fun
- Just for Fun
- Kaleidoscope
- Kaleidoscope
- Keyboard Alternatives
- Keyboard/System Conversion: The First 40/1 Keys
- Kids' Page
- Kitchen Sync
- Kitchen Sync
- Kitchen Sync
- Kitchen Sync
- Kitchen Sync
- Knight's Tour
- Knowing Your Strengths
- Lab Inputs for Common Micros.
- Large Letters for the 8K, 2K Machine
- Learning the Timex/Sinclair 1000/ZX81 Keyboard
- Least Squares Data Analysis with the ZX80/81
- Letter in Reply to Left Handed Ways of Working a Printer
- Letters
- Letters
- Letters
- Letters
- Letters
- Letters
- Letters
- Letters
- Letters: Interfacing the ZX81
- Letters: Say What
- Letters: The Sinclair ZX81
- Letters: The ZTX-650 Transistor
- Letters: Too good to be true?
- Letters: ZX81 Owners Alive and Well
- Letters: ZX81's OK!
- Line Print Utility
- Line Renumbering
- Linear Regression
- Link to the real world
- List Learning with the Sinclair
- Loading Hexadecimal Listings
- Loading Problems with ZX81 Kits
- Loan Amortization Revisited
- Loan Amortization Schedule
- Logic Chip Failure Symptoms
- Looping the Loop
- LSCROLL - For Spectacular Screen Displays
- Lunar Lander
- Machine Code -- CP Branching Tests
- Machine Code Print Routine
- Machine Code Programming -- Understanding the Stack
- Machine Code Screen Fill
- Machine Language Programming - Logical Functions
- Machine Language Programming Made Simple
- Machine Language Programming Made Simple for Your Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81
- Machine language simplified
- Machine Language Storage in REM
- Macro Photo
- Making Backups for Machine Language Tapes
- Making Music with the ZON X-81
- Managing with the ZX81
- Maps and the ZX80/81
- Mars
- Mass Storage for the TS-1000 Has Arrived!
- Mastering Machine code on Your ZX81
- Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81
- Mastering Machine Code on your ZX81
- Math Support from Your ZX81
- Math Tutor Program for Youngster
- Mazogs
- Meditations on a Hypotrochoid
- Memory Decoding Above 16K
- Memory Scrunching on the TS1000 and ZX81
- Memotech 64K Memopak
- Merging With Randomness
- Meteors
- MicroSync Services
- Modifications to SHREB-BP: A ZX81 Hi-Rex Graphics Utility
- More BIT/S
- More ZX81/TS1000 Hi-Res Pictures
- MoTSart: Super Music for the ZX81/TS1000/TS1500
- Moving Billboard
- Moving RAMTOP in ZX-81/TS-1000
- Multisave
- My kind of town
- My Start with the ZX81
- Need fast ZX80/ZX81 service?
- New 8K ROM Potpourri
- New 8K ROM Routine Addresses
- New Magazine for Timex Sinclair Users
- New Product Announcement (Syntax v3 n6)
- New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n1)
- New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n10)
- New Products Directory: Fantasy/Adventure Programs
- New Products Directory: Personal computer
- New Products: 64k-byte memory for ZX81
- New Products: Cassette-based software
- New Products: Portable Computer From Sinclair
- New Releases
- New Sinclair - Cheaper, Better
- New Sinclair Computer
- New ZX81 Hardware/Software Vendor
- Next from Sinclair: pocket-sized TV
- Nine Defenders Against the Aliens
- Nonauthorized ZX81 Sales and Service
- Northeast Computer Show in Boston draws 50,000
- Not Entirely Clear
- Nuclear Decay Simulation
- Numbers Held Inexactly on the ZX81
- Numbers Held Inexactly on the ZX81
- Numbers Held Inexactly on the ZX81, Part 4
- Of Interest
- Oops! Another Mistake
- Op-Amp Design
- Perceptions
- Perceptions
- Perceptions
- Perceptions
- Perceptions
- Perceptions: Syncsums
- PET ASCII Output Program for the Timex/Sinclair ZX81
- Phone Number Word Generator
- Pi
- Pin Connections for Spectum, TS 2068 and ZX81
- Plane Frame
- Player ZX81: A Tune-Playing Program For The Sinclair/Timex
- Plotting with Z88dk
- Port Projects: Get the LED-OUT
- Printing on the 8K ROM
- Printing on the Bottom Line
- Printing Strings Faster
- Problem-Solving Circuits
- Professional's Use TS Computers
- Program Blitz
- Program Improvements
- Program Improvements
- Program Improvements
- Program Improvements
- Program: An Animal
- Program: Orbit around a planet
- Program: Screen Patterns
- Programming Concepts
- Programming the LOAD Command
- Public Domain Libraries
- Publisher's Remarks: Computer Games Wear Thin: When Will The Industry Grow Up?
- Publisher's Remarks: Stay-at-Home Micros
- Putting Forth on ZX80/81s
- Q&A
- Quest for the Holy Grail
- Quick Tape Loading and Saving by Mindware
- RAM Decoding for ZX81
- RAND and Autorun
- Random Functions in 4K, 8K
- Random Pixel Plot
- Random Walks
- Reference Card for the ZX80, ZX81 and Timex Sinclair 1000
- Reference Card for the ZX80, ZX81 and Timex Sinclair 1000
- Release of ZX81Tape
- REM Builder for TS1000
- Renumber
- Renumbering Basic Statements
- Repeat Key Option
- Restart without Reload
- Resurrecting a Crashed Directory on the ZX81 Larken
- Reusable Loops
- Reverse
- Review: Sinclair ZX81
- Robotics on a Budget
- Rounding off Routine
- Rounding Off with Conditional Tests
- RTTY Loop
- RUNning with Reduced RAM
- Sad About Sinclair
- Safe Machine Code Routines
- Salary Scheduling Cost Computation
- Saving Your Fingers
- Say What?
- Screen Background for Games
- Sea War
- Search and Replace Routines
- Servo Interface
- Shifting Maze
- Simple Reset Switch
- Sinclair 8K ROM Software
- Sinclair Announces ZX81 Computer
- Sinclair Clarifies Parts Position
- Sinclair doubles its ZX81 output
- Sinclair Drops US ZX Prices as of 1 June
- Sinclair Fall Computer Show
- Sinclair miss the bus
- Sinclair On the Net
- Sinclair Product Updates
- Sinclair Research message spreads
- Sinclair Research's ZX80 has sold 30,000 units in the US, at $199. The ZX81, for $149, should be sold there soon.
- Sinclair Spares and Repairs
- Sinclair ZX-81
- Sinclair ZX81
- Sinclair ZX81 - Toy or tool?
- Sinclair ZX81 'Devoted' to Owners
- Sinclair ZX81 FAQ
- Sinclair ZX81 Personal Computer
- Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly Part A: 0000H-0F54H
- Sinclair ZX81 Schematic
- Sinclair ZX81/Timex Sinclair 1000 Statistics
- Sinclair's Latest
- Sinclair's Printer Shown in US
- Sinclairdom's Favorite Nerd
- Sinclairs Need Solid State TVs
- Sine Name
- Software News: TimeWare
- Software Received: XFORTH
- Software Review: British TS1000/ZX81 Software
- Software Review: ZX Galaxians
- Solutions of N x N Simultaneous Linear-Equations By Gauss Elimination
- Solving Implicit Functions on the ZX81
- Solving Simultaneous Equations
- Sort Routine
- Space Taxi
- Spaces in REM Statements
- Speech Synthesizers
- Speed Up Your Programs
- Split and Save
- Sprite Maker
- Staff: Teacher and Tester
- Starblasters
- Steady state enzyme kinetics: experimental design and data analysis by microcomputer
- String Function Translation for 8K
- Stringing along with the ZX81
- Style and Speed in BASIC
- Super Monzxer
- Supply Protector
- Surplus Keyboard Improvements for Extra Shifted Keys
- Surplus Keyboards Plus Directions
- SYNC at the Library
- Sync Notes
- Sync Notes
- Sync Notes
- Sync Notes
- Syntactic Sum Loader
- Syntactic Sum with Variables
- Syntax Error
- Syntax Errors
- Syntax Errors
- Syntax Errors
- System Expansion Hardware
- T-S News
- T/S 1000/ZX81 External Keyboard Buffer
- T/S Help and Information
- Tax Shelter Time Bomb
- Teach Kids to Count with the ZX81
- Teaching with the ZX81
- The "QS Sound Board" for the ZX80/81
- The "QS Sound Board" for the ZX80/81
- The 4th Personal Computer World Show
- The Aerco Disk Drive System
- The Complete Sinclair ZX81 Basic Couse
- The Computer Tutor: READ, DATA & RESTORE
- The Editor's Forum
- The Expandable ZX80 and ZX81
- The Exploding Bookshelf
- The Fantastic Music Machine and Light Show
- The Flags of the 8K ROM Program
- The Flags Register
- The Game of Life Revisited - An Assembly Version
- The Great Circle Route
- The Great Connecticut Kit-Building Experiment
- The History of QZX
- The Ins & Outs of the Timex TS/1000 and ZX81
- The Linear Search
- The Logical Operators
- The Man Behind the ZX81
- The New Compilers
- The PEEK Function and the POKE Command
- The Quicksilva Programmable Character Generator
- The Sinclair Grade Book
- The Sinclair ZX81
- The Sinclair ZX81 Programming for Real Applications
- The Sinclair ZX81: Small Review of a Small Computer
- The Stock Market Calculator
- The Thurnall System
- The Unprintable Characters
- The ZON X-81 Sound Generator
- The ZX Data-Finder
- The ZX Stock Exchange
- The ZX-80 Versus the ZX-81
- The ZX80 and ZX81 in the USA
- The ZX80/1 As Fortune Cookie
- The ZX81 Companion
- The ZX81 Companion
- The ZX81: Upgraded Computing Power
- Tidying Up Your Display
- Tight Security
- Timex buys it up
- Timex modifies ZX-81 for U.S.
- Timex Plans Computer to Retail at About $100
- Timex Sinclair 1000
- Timex will market Sinclair computer
- Timex/Sinclair games offer excitement or ennui
- Tips on ZX81/TS1000 Computer Repair
- Totally Safe Machine Code for the ZX81 and TS1000
- Translating Programs: On ... Go To
- Translations: Memotext in RAM
- Translations: Memotext to ZX Pro/File
- Try These
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Try This
- Turbo Switch for the ZX-81
- Turbo Switch for the ZX81
- Turtle Graphics
- TV Sync Solution
- Two Problem-Solving Circuits: Preregulator and Battery Backup
- Two Switch Human Interface for the Communicative Impaired
- UM-64 Memory Module
- Understanding Floating-point Arithmetic, Part 2
- Understanding Floating-point Arithmetic, Part 3
- Understanding Floating-point Arithmetic: Part 1
- Understanding Your ZX81 ROM
- Universal Printer Driver
- Update: Sinclair to be sold by Timex
- Updating the Oldest Science
- Upgrading to a "Real" Keyboard: E-Z Key Makes It Easy
- Upgrading VU-Calc 1000
- User Report: Insight's 16K RAM Pack
- Using HRG-ms
- Using the Byte-Back BB-1 and the ZX81 as a Control Device
- Using the ZX81 as an Instrument Controller
- Vector Graphics
- VuCalc
- WARP 81: Making a 4K Program Run in 8K
- Watch Where You Are Going
- WH Smith Brings ZX-81s to the High Street
- What about the '81
- What's New? Speech Module for Sinclairs, Sin-Time Review
- Where to Find ZX-81/TS-1000/TS-1500 Supplies
- Wherefore the DATA Statement
- Wind Chimes and the ZX/TS Computer
- Window
- Window
- Word Processing on ZX/TS Computers
- X-tra BASIC
- Your Timex Sinclair 1000 and ZX81
- Your Timex/Sinclair Can Become a Terminal
- Zeta Software
- ZX 80-81 Programs
- ZX 81 News and Resources
- ZX Car Race
- ZX Color? Chroma-Soft
- ZX Destroyer
- ZX Disassembler/Debugger
- ZX Interface Board
- ZX Interfaces Explained
- ZX is #1
- ZX Maze
- ZX-81 Hi-Res
- ZX-81 HiRes Graph
- ZX-81 Parallel Printer Interface
- ZX-81 POKEs & Calls
- ZX-81 taking off in the States
- ZX-81 Video Display System
- ZX-81 Video Display System - Part 1
- ZX-81 Video Display System - Part 2
- ZX-91
- ZX/81 Schematic
- ZX/81/TS 1000 Technical-ities
- ZX/TS Power Supplies
- ZX/TS ROM and RAM Addressing
- ZX80 Check Book
- ZX80/ZX81 Stock Programs
- ZX80/ZX81 Users Club
- ZX81 - Search and Replace
- ZX81 - Sound Analysis
- ZX81 - The New Standard
- ZX81 - TS1000 News
- ZX81 and 16K RAM Schematics
- ZX81 Announced in Great Britain
- ZX81 Background Reverse
- ZX81 Basic Book
- ZX81 Basic Compilers
- ZX81 Burgler Alarm
- ZX81 Calculator
- ZX81 Cassette Interface
- ZX81 Chess vs. ZX Chess II
- ZX81 Data Acquisition Module
- ZX81 Emulator for the Atari ST
- ZX81 Emulators
- ZX81 Extendi-RAM
- ZX81 Faster Slow Mode
- ZX81 Faster Slow Mode
- ZX81 Floppies and Interfaces
- ZX81 Games
- ZX81 Hardware and Software News
- ZX81 Hardware Review (UK)
- ZX81 Home Computer Package
- ZX81 Improvements
- ZX81 Intro
- ZX81 Keyboard from Memotech
- ZX81 Logic Signals
- ZX81 Memory Expansion
- ZX81 Mystery Program
- ZX81 Mystery Program
- ZX81 News and Resources
- ZX81 Note
- ZX81 Peripherals
- ZX81 Program Review: Tape Doctor
- ZX81 Reference Card
- ZX81 Resources
- ZX81 Resources
- ZX81 Resources
- ZX81 Resources: 64K SRAM Memory
- ZX81 Resources: A 0 REM Generator
- ZX81 Resources: A Tethered Robot
- ZX81 Resources: Analogue to Digital Converter
- ZX81 Resources: Joysticks
- ZX81 Resources: Moving RAMTOP
- ZX81 Schematic
- ZX81 Scroll Clear
- ZX81 Scroll Clear
- ZX81 Software
- ZX81 Tic-Tac-Toe
- ZX81 Update
- ZX81 User-Defined Graphics
- ZX81 Utility
- ZX81, Sinclair Printer News
- ZX81: Number Formatting Print Using
- ZX81: Print Using
- ZX81/Timex Programming in BASIC & Machine Language
- ZX81/TS1000 Software Rating
- ZX81/TS1000 Tips
- ZX81/TS1000 Tips
- ZX81/TS1000 Tips
- ZXAD: Assembler is full-featured, easy to use
- 30 Hour Basic
- 30 Programs for the ZX81
- 49 Explosive Games for the ZX-81
- 50 Nifty 1K Programs for the ZX81
- A Practical Guide to Machine Language Programming on the Timex/Sinclair 1500 and 1000 (and ZX81)
- Basics of Timex Sinclair 1000, ZX81 Basic
- Computer Arithmetic for the ZX81 User
- Computers For Kids: Sinclair ZX81 Edition
- Einstein's Beginners' guide to the Timex/Sinclair 1000 & ZX81
- Electronically Speaking: Computer Speech Generation
- Fifty 1K/2K games for the ZX81 and Timex Sinclair 1000
- Getting Acquainted With Your ZX81
- Hints & Tips for the ZX81
- Learning Timex/Sinclair BASIC for the Timex 1000 and the Sinclair ZX81
- Machine Language Programming Made Simple for your Sinclair ZX 80 & ZX 81
- Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX-81
- Mini and Microcomputers in Medical Research
- Not Only 30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX81
- Programming the ZX-81 for Real Applications
- ROM Disassembled
- Sinclair ZX81/Timex Sinclair 1000 Statistics: Twelve 16K Programs Including Multifactor Analysis of Variance
- Stretching Your ZX81 or ZX80 to Its Limits
- The Art of Programming the 16K ZX81
- The Art of Programming the 1K ZX81
- The Complete Sinclair ZX81 & Timex TS1000 BASIC Course
- The Complete Timex TS1000/Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly
- The DATAmerica ZX-Index
- The Expandable ZX80 and ZX81, T/S1000 Too!
- The Gateway Guide to ZX81 and ZX80
- The Ins and Outs of the Timex TS1000 & ZX81
- The Sinclair Computer Family Sourcebook
- The Sinclair Survivalist Handbook
- The Sinclair ZX81 Programming For Real Applications
- The Timex/Sinclair User's Encyclopedia: (TS1000, TS2068, and ZX81)
- The ZX81 Companion
- The ZX81 Pocket Book
- The ZX81/TS1000 Home Computer Book
- Timex Sinclair 1000/ZX81 User's Handbook
- Timex/Sinclair 1000/ZX81 How-To
- Timex/Sinclair Interfacing: Tested Projects for the ZX80, ZX81, and the Timex/Sinclair 1000
- Trouble-shooting and Repairs for Your ZX81
- Understanding Your ZX81 ROM
- Using & Programming the ZX81/TS1000, Including Ready-to-Run Programs
- What can I do with 1K?
- What Can I do with My Timex Sinclair 1000? Lots!: 56 Programs for the Timex Sinclair 1000 and ZX81
- Your Timex Sinclair 1000 and ZX81
- ZX-81/Timex: Programming in BASIC and Machine Language
- ZX80/81 Register
- ZX80/81 Users Library
- ZX81 BASIC Book
- ZX81 Horizon
- ZX81/TS1000 Programming for Young Programmers
Computer Media
- Adventure A: Planet of Death
- Adventure B: Inca Curse
- Adventure C: Ship of Doom
- Adventure D: Espionage Island
- Algebra I
- American Express Boosts Sales of the ZX81
- Astronomical Research at the Hopkins Phoenix Observatory
- Build a 2764 Based "Cartridge" Board and Programmer for Your '81
- Characterization of a Pulsed HF Optical Resonance Transfer Laser
- Expansion Board for Sinclair Computers
- John Oliger Co ZX81 TS1000 Product List
- More software from ... Softsync, Inc.: Timex TS-1000, Sinclair ZX81
- MPC User Manual
- Sinclair flyer
- Sinclair order form
- Sinclair ZX81 8K ROM Upgrade manual
- Systems and Solutions flyer
- Timex Sinclair 1000, Sinclair ZX81 software
- Zebra Universal Prototyping System For The TS-1000, TS-1500, TS-2000, ZX-80, ZX-81 and Spectrum
- ZX 81/TS 1000/TS 1500 Character Reference Sheet
- ZX81 Assembly Instructions
- ZX99 User Manual