Computer Engineering Services (The Jarrett Company)

Show Low, AZ 85901
Owner(s): John F. Jarrett


A programmable program. Program allows you to assign various mathematical functions to your program variables. Instructions and listing. 16K.
TS 1000
A program based on a proven method for investing in no-load mutual funds. Records can be saved and then loaded. If you are an investor, this program is for you. Instructions and listing.
TS 1000
Scrambles and solves the cube step-by-step. Displays each move in 3D graphics and simple notation system. 16K.
TS 1000
FAST and SLOW modes on ZX80 with 8K ROM. PCB with complete instructions and parts list. PCB will work with new ROMs if installed properly.


An edited book of some of the finest and most useful subroutines and programs available for the Sinclair user. It has some of the simplest and most wanted hardware additions that anyone can build and install.
TS 1000
The book for the electronics hobbyist to add memory, music, speech and a whole lot more.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000


  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n5)
    New products from Timex, J.V. Kane, Silicon Valley North, ZX-Panding, Computer Engineering Services, M-Ware, W.D. Maples, Kaltek Calculator Technology, J.J. Castillos, Florida Creations, Stuart Software, Laserscan Electronics, International Publishing & Software, 2-Bit Software, LINC.
  • Resources (Sync v2 n5)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • SLOW Motion
    Review of Video Upgrade Board Kit from Computer Engineering Services. Board adds SLOW mode to ZX80 or MicroAce with 8K ROM.
  • Video Upgrade Kits for ZX80 in US Again
    Once again ZX80 and MicroAce owners can enjoy the flicker-free qualities of ZX81/TS1000s


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