John Mathewson

1852 Appleford St., Gloucester, Ontario K1J 6T4 Canada
Custom keyboard and cartridge expansion connector.

John Mathewson was president of the Ottawa-Hull Timex Sinclair User Group for a number of years. He developed a number of unique accessories for the TS 2068, including external keyboards and an adapter to allow use of cartridges via the rear expansion buss.


Allows you to plug cartridge peripherals into the rear expansion bus of the TS 2068 computer. Unit includes a through connector to allow connection of other peripherals.
TS 2068
47 key keyboard with interconnecting cable, interface card, wooden cabinet and keycap legends. Plugs into cartridge port of 2068. Includes single key entry for EDIT, DELETE, CAPS and cursor keys.
TS 2068
Connect TS2068 to an RGB monitor. Plugs into rear expansion connector. Includes through-buss connector.
TS 2068
Plugs into rear port, amplifies BEEP and SOUND output. Has pass-through buss.
TS 2068
This device was designed specifically for connecting the DISCIPLE disk system to the TS2068. It was a “twister” board that included 9 and 12 volt power supplies.
TS 2068
Fully decoded interface for use with Spectrum programs requiring a Kempston joystick interface. Designed to work with 9-pin Atari type joysticks. Intended for use with TS2068 operating in Spectrum mode using either a ROM switch or emulator.
TS 2068
Fully-decoded speech synthesizer that can be used to add speech to your existing programs or to include speech in your new programs. Uses the General Instruments SPO256A speech synthesizer chip; allows you to say virtually anything in English. Includes its own audio amplifier, filter and volume control. 9v battery provides power. Audio output drives 8
TS 2068


  • Biorhythms
    Graphic implementation of biorhythm charts.
  • For Your Sinclair
    Desktop publishing software from Lemke Software Development and Charles Stelding. Z88, Spectrum +3 announcement. Notes about Second Annual Midwest Timex Sinclair Computer Fest. PC8300, products from John Mathewson, Specterm 64, Larken disk interface, Sharp’s, more.
  • For Your Sinclair: New Releases
    External keyboard for TS2068, sound booster, RGB interface and cartridge adaptor from John Mathewson. Utility tape for TS1000/ZX81/TS1500 from LST Software. PC-DRAW from MDM Enterprises. Compuserve announces GIF format. Desktop publishing program from Charles Stelding. Hardware/software to print to Commodore 1520 plotter. Archive utilties for QL.
  • From the President
    Notes about the state of the Timex community, including Timex of Portugal’s TC 2068 computer.
  • Meetings in Review
    Highlights from meetings from April to June 1987. Michael Dove demonstrated a four-way pixel scrolling program. David Solly demonstrated alternate character sets. John Mathewson showed his prototype MIDI interface. Harry Rosewarne gave a demo on techniques of integers.
  • Note Well
    John Mathewson has developed cartridge-based interface card and a twister board, either of which are used for connecting an improved keyboard. The twister board can be used with the ZX81/TS 1000. Bill Harmer has been developing a number of programs, including a TV pattern generator and a formula calculation engine. David Hinson developed a program
  • President's Address
    Introductory welcome to the newsletter.
  • President's Address
    Discussion of creating a public domain software library.
  • President's Address
    Discussion about building club’s library.
  • President's Address
    Notes about club meetings.
  • President's Address
    Review of the previous year.
  • President's Address
    Notes about activities at the April 1985 meeting.
  • President's Address
    Notes about low attendance at summer meetings; author’s experience setting up a Larken disk system.
  • President's Address
    Comments about club activities. Author’s experience with Oliger printer interface and Prowriter printer.
  • President's Comments
    Comments about club organization; notes about the AERCO disk drive system.
  • Programming Tips - General
    Machine code hint; using IN to read the keyboard; notes about the TS 2068; a screen drawing program for the TS 1000.
  • Ways To Skin a Cat
    Two programs for picking Lotto 649 numbers.




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