Ken Lewis

767 Hopetown Rd., Chillicothe, OH 45601
Owner(s): Ken Lewis


Compendium of numerical programs for the small system user. Equations to handle first and second order differential equations, matrix eigenvalue/vector solution, curve fitting and cubic spline routines, determinants, matrix inversions, Laplace/Poisson equation, heat or molecular diffusion and more.
TS 1000


  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Barry Carter, Aerco, Zebra Systems, Pete Petri, JRC Software, Chia-Chi Chao, Poretsky & Poretsky, D. Lipinski Software, K. D. Lewis, American Surplus Trading, Toronto Software World, John Oliger, Rick Munday, A.F.R. Software, Sum-Ware, Al White and WMJ Data Systems.


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