R & R Electronics

1525 N. Ashwicken Ct., State College, PA 16801
Owner(s): Robert Heil


Spectrum (Kempston) compatible joystick interface. Plugs into cartridge port.
TS 2068
ROMSWITCH is a device that permits you to run both TS2068 and most Sinclair ZX SPECTRUM programs on your TS2068. With ROMSWITCH installed, you can easily switch between your TS ROM and a SPECTRUM ROM supplied with ROMSWITCH. The device mounts permanently inside your computer. No soldering, drilling or running wires is required. Essentially, to
TS 2068
Device for the TS 2068 and Tasman parallel printer interface. Disables Tasman device to allow use of incompatible hardware and software.
TS 2068
Passive filter that plugged into the cassette tape recorder to produce easier tape loading. Supported other functions such as a tape duplication and listening via earphone.
TS 1000
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