Soft Magic Corp.

1210 W. High St., Bryan, OH 43506


Pluri-Forth is both an operating system and a programming language, replacing the Sinclair ROM entirely. FORTH programs were compiled and ran about 10 times faster than interpreter BASIC. Pluri-Forth offered multitasking, a feature not available in Basic. When used with the Sinclair ROM, the channel 2/3 switch is wired to the Pluri-Forth board to select
Downloadable TS 1000
Word processor written in Forth, for use with Pluri-Forth.
TS 1000


  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n10)
    New products from UAS, John Carson, A. Rodriguez, Williamware, ROMPAK, Intercomputer, Micro-Load, Soft Magic Corp., Larimar Inc., Robotec, Simulsion.
  • The Forth Corner
    Review of Word Tree, a word processor for the TS 1000, for use with Tree-Forth.
  • Tree-Forth
    Product announcement for Tree-Forth from Soft Magic Corp. Supplied as an EPROM that replaces the BASIC ROM.
  • TreeForth
    Source code for TreeFORTH (a ROMable, TS1000, slightly non-standard FORTH) has been released for non-commercial use by author Bob Alsum.
  • Unknown Tongues Alternative Computer Languages
    Alternatives to BASIC: Forth (Tree-Forth, X-Forth, ZX-Forth) and Partial PASCAL.




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