Zunk Custom Electronics

4800 East Cedar Lane, Norman, OK 73071
Owner(s): Larry Zunk


32k RAM inside the 2068, in the upper half of the DOCK and EXROM bank. RAM is active in the DOCK and/or EXROM bank, allowing user to save files that reside in the DOCK bank. Can also load files directly into this RAM from tape. Switch to disable the RAM in the DOCK bank so
TS 2068
Decimal-based assembler that includes converter for hexadecimal/decimal/binary/2-byte values.
TS 2068
Design, on a 4 screen page, printed circuit boards, schematics, advertisements or any large graphics project. Requires Novelsoft’s ARTWORX. Used to design an electronic fuel injection system, a monitor for a Mazda rotary engine in an experimental aircraft and a computer-controlled driver-less steering system. Features include move, swap, overlay, cut & paste, mirror horizontal/vertical, invert,
TS 2068
Integrated circuit inventory program. Hold up to 300 entries with descriptions and quantities. Fast search and sort routines. 64 column file displays.
TS 2068
Adapted to the TS 2068 from Build IC Tester: An Accessory For Your Commodore 64 in the May 1988 issue of Radio Electronics. Uses the Z80 PIO. Makes an 8 trace, dual screen, digital storage oscilloscope that runs as fast as the computer. The board plugs in the cartridge port and requires an internal modification
TS 2068
Drawing program that requires OS-64 and works with A & J Microdrive.
TS 2068
Integrated circuit pinout directory. Store pinout information for any chip up to 40 pins. Fast look up ICs by number or descriptio, and draw the chip on screen with all pin labels and notes.
TS 2068
Clock with three year calender, battery backup to retain time and date. Board plugs into the cartridge port. Comes with BASIC and relocatable machine code software. Time and/or date can be displayed anywhere on the upper or lower screen, selectable attributes.
TS 2068
A mouse that acts like a joystick.
TS 2068
Hold five 300-line documents (96,000 characters). For AERCO 256k four-drive mod only.
TS 2068
Complete weather station with custom hardware. Features include rain gauge with 1/10 inch resolution, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, inside and outside temperature, outside light level and real time clock. Board comes with 32K RAM, used by the weather station software, and sockets for up to 256k RAM expansion that can run in the
TS 2068
Adds 38 utilities, functions and commands to 2068 BASIC. Runs in any bank. In edit line mode ZEBU gives up/down arrow keys, truncate edit line to the left or right of the cursor, delete all between colons at cursor, fast delete key corrects Timex bug. In the immediate or run mode, ZEBU will join BASIC
TS 2068


  • Just Released
    Comprehensive public domain software library maintained by VISTA (Vashon Island Sinclair Timex) is available. Software available to perform color screen dumps to the Okimate 20, when connected via parallel interface. New business software from Bottle Cap Software, Byte Power. Zunk Custom Electronics is offering CADZ and games from Magicksoft. For QL users, EMSoft and Meta
  • Larry Zunk Review
  • News From Texas
    Larry Zunk discontinues Timex shareware.
  • October News Roundup
  • Random Bits
  • Random Bits
  • Random Bits
  • Random Bits



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