Date: November/December 1989
Volume: 7
Issue: 6
- Time Designs Magazine ... the latest
- Disk Drive Repairs
- Timex Computer Fest 1990
- QL - Printers and QuillQL
- Print Factory by BytePower, A ReviewTS 2068 Software review
Bob's Notebook: Index Card Memory AidsTS 2068 Shortcut/memory aids on index cards.
- From Members' Letters
- NEC FD1035 Disk Drive ReviewTS 2068
- QLips: Does the QL Mult-Task? Not Quite.QL
- A Couple of Workshop Hints
- Hardware Review: Data-Skip VideofaceTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Hardware review
- Index.B1: A Printer FixTS 2068 Type-in program
- TS1000 Video DriverTS 1000 Hardware project
3 Column Plus!TS 2068 Type-in program Customizing Pixel Print Plus for three column printout.
- QLipsQL
- QL LibraryQL
- Newsnotes
Larken NewsTS 2068 Larry branching out to CAD-CAM drilling/routing machines.
- Bob's Notebook: Another Disk Rename RoutineTS 2068 Type-in program
- Editorial
- President's Message