
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Creates a listing of files on a cassette.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.

Source Code

   10 REM save"catalog" line 10
   20 CLEAR 63999: FOR a=64000 TO 64052: READ b: POKE a,b: NEXT a
   30 CLS : PRINT "Run the tape to be scanned": PRINT AT 0,0;
   40 DATA 55,62,0,221,33,60,250,17,17,0,205,14,250,201,33,252,0,205,34,250,58,33,250,211,244,219,255
   50 DATA 203,191,211,255,251,201,0,243,245,219,255,203,255,211,255,219,244,50,33,250,62,1,211,244,241,233
   60 POKE 23692,255: POKE 23673,0: POKE 23672,110
   70 LET factor=130
   80 RANDOMIZE USR 64000
   90 LET a=64060: LET b=PEEK a: LET s=b
  100 IF b=0 THEN LPRINT "Program: ";: PRINT "Program: ";
  110 IF b=1 THEN LPRINT "Numeric array: ";: PRINT "Numeric array: ";
  120 IF b=2 THEN LPRINT "Character array: ";: PRINT "Character array: ";
  130 IF b=3 THEN LPRINT "Bytes: ";: PRINT "Bytes: ";
  140 FOR a=64061 TO 64070: LET b=PEEK a: LPRINT CHR$ b;: PRINT CHR$ b;: NEXT a
  150 LET loc=INT (.5+((PEEK 23672+256*PEEK 23673)/factor)): PRINT TAB 22;"at ";loc: LPRINT TAB 22;"at ";loc
  160 LET p=PEEK 64071+256*PEEK 64072
  170 PAUSE 300+p/3.6: GO TO 80


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