Articles about the Sinclair QL

Title Description Computers
"All The News Fit to Print" Arctan Computer Ventures offers programs for ZX81/TS1000 users; E. Arthur Brown has exclusive publishing rights to The Hacker’s Handbook; Dungeon of Ymir version three available; Money Machine II available; Soundesign and Tracer available from RMG; replacement SCLDs from Capitol Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group; Tomahawk from Knighted Computers; ROMON for Sinclair QL; Zebra Systems purchased the Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000
"Thread Spooling" With the Cumana QL Disk Drive Interface Sinclair QL
1992 QL Library Sinclair QL
2068 to QL Transfers Methods of transferring files between the two computers. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
3-D Wire Frame Graphics Sinclair QL
3-D Wire Frame Graphics Sinclair QL
3-D Wire Frame Graphics Sinclair QL
3-D Wire Frame Graphics Sinclair QL
A Beginner on the QL Sinclair QL
A Capslock Indicator for the QL Sinclair QL
A Composite Booster Consider using a VCR dubbing enhancer to boost video signal output. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
A Conglomeration of QL TIPS Initializing Trump card and speed screen in boot programs; copy a complete micro drive cartridge with Trump card; back to business with the QL. Sinclair QL
A Cure for Overheating Sinclair QL
A Cure for Overheating Sinclair QL
A Data Acquisition System for the QL Brief description of the system. Sinclair QL
A Full Window Directory for the Sinclair QL Sinclair QL
A Hot QL Fix Sinclair QL
A Hot QL Fix Sinclair QL
A Little More on the MS DOS Emulator for the QL Computer Sinclair QL
A Mail File in Archive Create a simple database. Sinclair QL
A New House for the QL Sinclair QL
A New QL Emulator for the Mac Sinclair QL
A New QL Magazine Sinclair QL
A Previously Undocumented Feature in QLuMSi DOS v4.30 Sinclair QL
A Primer for Using a QL-Mutilator MS-DOS conventions for QL users. Sinclair QL
A QL Address File A simple address database program presented as a tutorial. Sinclair QL
A QL Auto-Loader By using the storage device for conversion of directory information to data which can be loaded back into array cl$(). This adaptation of the CAT_PRINT routine provides a menu-loader similar to the one for the TS2068 SAFE DOS user. Sinclair QL
A QL Index Program When you want to repeat something in Superbasic, the easy way is to englobe everything in a REPeat END REPeat loop, instead of GOTO. That’s what I have done to your small program. Sinclair QL
A QL LList Utility Sinclair QL
A QL Printing Primer Here is a little tutorial for setting up the QL to print to paper “without a word processor”. It does not do much but print un-formatted lines to the left margins as set at the printer. Sinclair QL
A QL Spreadsheet Matrix Creating a spreadsheet template in Abacus. Sinclair QL
A Review of Banter, the Banner Maker Sinclair QL
A Review of QLerk Sinclair QL
A Selective Menu-Loader Program for the QL. Sinclair QL
A Simple Morse Decoder for the QL Program to decode morse off the network port. Sinclair QL
A Sinclair QL Programmer's Comparison For MS-DOS programmers that never programmed on a Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
A Streamlined Boot Sinclair QL
A Tip for QL Owners One user found out the hard way that the QL chassis is grounded, resulting in blown video output. Sinclair QL
A Visit to QBox Sinclair QL
A Visit to QBox! Sinclair QL
A Visit to the Stipple Sinclair QL
A-B Boxes and other Ramblings DIY switch boxes for disk drives. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
A-Dee-Doo-Dah: A Front-End for the Unzip Utility Sinclair QL
ABC PC Keyboard Interface Sinclair QL
About TOOLKIT II Are there any QL owners who if they don’t have TK2, have not been strongly advised to get it? Article reprinted from BoSTUG Sinclair/Timex Newsletter. Sinclair QL
Accelerating Abacus Techniques for making the program faster. Sinclair QL
Across the Pond QL issues and support. War in the East game, written by Mark Stueber, ported to QL. Robert Fingerle, of Tesseract Software Development, produces Concept 3-D, a CAD program for the QL. Fingerle was also responsible for Textwriter 1000 and Textwriter 2000. The latter supported full size printers and the 2068’s 64 column mode. Sinclair QL
Across the Pond Launch of the QL in the US. Describes the QL hardware and software, compares it to other current options, including PC clones. QL ICE (Icon Controlled Environment) from Eidersoft discussed. Sinclair QL
Across the Pond Look back on 1986. Introduction of QL. Second Midwest computer Fest. QL Talker, a speech synthesizer that connects to the serial port. More about AERCO’s CP/M option for the 2068 and a brief mention of Dungeon of Ymir for the 1000. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Across the Pond Describes how news of Amstrad’s buyout of Sinclair has impacted the American scene. Carol and George Whitham, who founded A+ Computer Response, had taken on the QL. Also reporting on the 1986 Midwest Timex/Sinclair Computer Fest, including details about Zebra Systems’ programmer’s working up to the last minute before the show. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Add an On/Off Switch to Your QL Sinclair QL
Add an ON/OFF Switch to Your QL Sinclair QL
Add an On/Off Switch to Your QL Sinclair QL
Adding Ports to your QL Sinclair QL
Adding Ports to Your QL Sinclair QL
Additions to CATS QL Library Sinclair QL
Address: QL Archive Program Sinclair QL
Adjust Dataspace Please Sinclair QL
Adjusting Easel Sinclair QL
After a year's delay - the QL is officially here! Announcement of September 2, 1985 launch of the Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
AI Application to be Implemented in QL Sinclair Research just announced a medical advisor package now being written for the QL. Sinclair QL
ALTKEY Boot Sinclair QL
Altkeys to Boot Sinclair QL
Amendments to the Trump Card User Manual Sinclair QL
American Micro Systems catalog QL and Z88 hardware and software available. Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL
An Introduction to PC-Conqueror Review of the MS-DOS emulator for the QL. Sinclair QL
Announcements Quantum Levels magazines ending publishing. New issue disks. Sinclair QL
Another QL Beginner Tipster Sinclair QL
Archive Character Codes Sinclair QL
Archive Fields: How to Rename or Change or Add a Field Sinclair QL
Archive Find-Search-Select Short article of QL tips by a novice, copied from Quanta newsletter, with commentary. Sinclair QL
Archive Housekeeping How to perform garbage collection on an Archive file. Sinclair QL
Archive Made Easy Intro to using Archive. Sinclair QL
Archive Primer Sinclair QL
Archive Series - Part 1: Database Concepts Databases for novices. Sinclair QL
Archive Series - Part 2: Archive Data Structure, The Good and The Bad More basics of databases. Sinclair QL
Archive Series - Part 4: Create, Open, Insert Commands Creating and adding information to an Archive database. Sinclair QL
Archive Series - Part 5: Alter and Delete Commands Further exploration of Archive. Sinclair QL
Archive: The Final Frontier Intro to Archive. Sinclair QL
Arithmetic: An Arithmetic Drill Program for the QL A program designed to aid children in learning arithmetic. Sinclair QL
Artificial Intelligence on the QL Sinclair QL
Atomic Powered QL Sinclair QL
Bad QL Membranes Crisis Intervention How to repair or replace broken keyboard membranes. Sinclair QL
BASIC: Code to Crunch File Sinclair QL
Bedford: Baffled, Booted and Benefitted Sinclair QL
Beginner's Programming, All Computers Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Beginners Corner: Elementary Programming Sinclair QL
Beginners Don't Know What (it is) They Don't Know Sinclair QL
Beginning With Quill Word Processing Sinclair QL
Behind the Mask: The Logic of Archive Sinclair QL
Bi-Col Tip Sinclair QL
Bill on QL Sinclair QL
Bill on QL Sinclair QL
Bill on QL Basic Sinclair QL
Bill on QL Basic Sinclair QL
Bill on QL Basic Sinclair QL
Bill on QL Basic Sinclair QL
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL
Bits & Bytes Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Pieces Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Pieces Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Pieces Sinclair QL
Bits & Pieces Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits & Pieces Sinclair QL
Bits & Pieces Sinclair QL
Bits and Bytes Resetting the joystick port on the TS 2068 with a SOUND command. Machine language routine for TS 1000 to clear just the bottom of the screen. Programming hints for the 1000 and QL. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Bits and Bytes Differences in pull-up resistors between Z80 and Z80A/Z80B. Spectrum software may run on 2068. Bug in 2068 gives invalid value for INT(-65536). Monitor tips for QL. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Block Printing, Saving, and Loading with Quill How to extract and work with a small block of text in Quill. Sinclair QL
Book Review Taking the Quantum Leap by Mike de Sosa. Taking the Quantum Leap is a professional trainer’s rewrite of the User Guide the way it should have been done the first time. Sinclair QL
Book Review: Taking the Quantum Leap Review of Mike de Sosa’s book. Sinclair QL
Bootsort Without TK2 Sinclair QL
BOSTUG, TSUG has mutated Closing down as a special interest group; restarting as New England QL User Group. Sinclair QL
C Program for Sinclair QL and IBM PC Sinclair QL
Cable Column I was pleased to see that in the October & November issues of QL World they gave considerable space to ARCHIVE, the PSION database program we all have. Those of you who have followed this column know that I have high regard for ARCHIVE and have tried to promote it use by more US QL Sinclair QL
Cable Column This issue of UPDATE initiates me as the QL Editor. I am happy to assist Bill Jones in producing this magazine so important to North American QL users. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Archive series part 22: error handling in Archive with Errnum() function and Error command. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Is Archive a relational database? Sinclair QL
Cable Column Solving the Towers of Hanoi puzzle with Archive. Sinclair QL
Cable Column IF and ALL and MODE commands. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Update and While commands and introducing the “P” word. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Order and Select commands in Archive. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Order, Locate, Reset commands in Archive. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Find, Search, Continue commands. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Backup strategies to prevent data loss. Sinclair QL
Cable Column PRINT and LPRINT commands with an overview of all input/output commands. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Bycol – a program for displaying and printing databases by columns. Sinclair QL
Cable Column More on linking databases together and using Sedit. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Using keys to link databases together and other handy tricks. Sinclair QL
Cable Column FormEd – A form editor and printer for Archive databases. Sinclair QL
Cable Column FormEd – a form editor and printer for Archive databases. Sinclair QL
Cable Column A review – describing how to use some recently introduced procedures. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Entering Query – a program to interrogate any Archive database. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Entering procedures using the Archive program editor. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Entering procedures using the Archive program editor. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Entering procedures using the Archive program editor. Sinclair QL
Cable Column: QL - Archive - PC Databases, transferring to PC. Sinclair QL
Can NASQLUG Take Up the Slack? Sinclair QL
Caps lock indicator for Quill Sinclair QL
Carolyn Was Great! Report on Carolyn Robbin’s tutorial on Archive. Sinclair QL
CAT Prints on Your QL Make hard copies of file directories Sinclair QL
Caveat Emptor Information about the QL gleaned from UK magazines. Sinclair QL
CDIR Directory Printer Sinclair QL
Changes for QLUSTer 4.370 Sinclair QL
Changing the Name of a Disk Sinclair QL
Chaos Sinclair QL
Chatter About TorQLib D-Dump Sinclair QL
Check Book Balancer Program that leverages Abacus to balance a checkbook. Sinclair QL
Circles Sinclair QL
Circuit Circus Excerpted from SWYM Newsletter, Seattle Sinclair Users Group. Sync inverter for QL, load fix for ZX81/TS1000, TOS power supply, modem power. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Circuit Circus Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Clavier.Exe Sinclair QL
Cleanup/Backup para el QL Sinclair QL
Clouds on a QL Al Boehm uses his QL at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory and takes it on trips to demonstrate the results of his work. He submitted this delightful SuperBASIC program to display mean cloud contours. Sinclair QL
Combination Sinclair QL
Complex ASCII Rotation Sinclair QL
Composite Color on the QL Sinclair QL
Computer Meandering Notes on the QL. Sinclair QL
Connect A Composite TTL Monitor to a TS1000/QL Schematic to connect a TS1000 or QL to a monochrome TTL monitor by extracting HSYNC and VSYNC signals. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Contest Nears Conclusion 60+ contestants who submitted over 80 programs to the Big Contest; Timex 2068 disk drive has been submitted to the FCC for approval; Kirt Olsen of Syntax has stated that he will not take on any new subscribers; QL is out of the FCC (after one year) and is available by mail order. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Corrected QL Membrane Matrix Sinclair QL
Correction for JOS Corrections to bugs in previously published program. Sinclair QL
Cosmos: QL Software Review Sinclair QL
CQ QL SOS Sinclair QL
Crackle, Crash, QL Bashed! Sinclair QL
Creating Export Data Files With PSION Software (Abacus/Quill) Then Importing Them to Quill How to export files from Abacus and read them into Quill. Sinclair QL
Cumana Interface Sinclair QL
CYA Workshop Coming sessions will be hands-on workouts on inputting, manipulating, transferring, and copying each others data files. Sinclair QL
Database Management on the Sinclair QL Sinclair QL
Databases and Maps Sinclair QL
DBEasy - New Version 1.6 Review Sinclair QL
DBEasy v1.6 - A New Version Review Sinclair QL
Dealing With Exchange: Folders Sinclair QL
DEFine TEMPorary Sinclair QL
Descriptive Directories Sinclair QL
Designing Windows Program for determining window sizes. Sinclair QL
Did'Ja Know Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Digital Alarm Clock for QLers Sinclair QL
Director's Column Maggie Bruzelius, executive VP of the US branch of Sinclair Research, resigned July 20, 1984, to take a position with Alpha Software. Sinclair’s QL is still slated for November release. Sinclair QL
Directory to Printer Sinclair QL
Directory to Printer Sinclair QL
Directory to Printer PDS DOC Information about a SuperBASIC utility to send directory listing to the printer. Sinclair QL
Disk Copy Probem Sinclair QL
Disk Droppings Notes from a long-term user on the QL. Sinclair QL
Disk Mate 4 Sinclair QL
Disks & Memory for the QL Sinclair QL
Does QL Stand for Quite Late? Sinclair QL
DooDah Correction Correction to program that appeared in an earlier issue. Sinclair QL
Down Under Report Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Drop Down Menus Sinclair QL
Easel Formulas Sinclair QL
Easel Portraits Sinclair QL
Editor's Corner QL news, Sinclair QL
Editorial CATS Fest, newsletter, QLers, Non-canadians. Sinclair QL
Editorial: Quantum Levels Premiers; Timex & Other Rumors; Amstrad Invasion August/September issue of Quantum_Levels available; Timex Portugal announced plans to bring the home computer battle back to North American shores; Sears, Roebuck will be offering Amstrad’s new word processor. Sinclair QL
End of (the) Line Sinclair QL
Enter Sinclair QL and the new Spectrum Plus were featured recently at the Consumer Electronics Show. Dave Higgenbottom is still trying to secure financing and Timex is being patient. BASIC publication cancelled; all paid subscriptions would be fulfilled by another company. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Enter Q_Review? Teaser about new publication supporting the Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
EPROM Concepts Sinclair QL
EPSON Driver for QL Sinclair QL
Errata and Addenda Using loops in QL DO files; moving TS2068 code blocks. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Errata: Code Missing from "Improving a Sector_COPYing Program" Sinclair QL
Exploring New Environments ZX Spectrum emulation; QL subdirectories. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Exploring the Mysterious QL: JOS - Adding Your Own Commands to Super BASIC Using procedures to add your own commands to Super BASIC Sinclair QL
Family Trees - Is the Game Sinclair QL
File Transfers QL to IBM Moving a file from the QL to an IBM-XT and reverse is really quite simple. Sinclair QL
File-Saver Alarm Sinclair QL
Files 2 Review of file management tool for QL. Sinclair QL
First Impressions of the QL, Part 2 One user’s experience with the computer. Sinclair QL
First Impressions of the QL, Part 3 Continues reviewing experiences with the computer. Sinclair QL
First Report: The QXL Card Sinclair QL
FLASH! QL available as a kit. Load program for TS 1000. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Flashback Review of the database program and a SuperBasic program to use with it. Sinclair QL
For the "QLers" Using Spreadsheet Sinclair QL
For Your Information: Tidbits About CP/M, TS/TC2068, TC2048, ZX81, TS1500 and QL Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 1500, Timex/Sinclair 2068
For Your QL: Archive Secrets Tips for using Archive. Sinclair QL
For Your Sinclair: New Releases External keyboard for TS2068, sound booster, RGB interface and cartridge adaptor from John Mathewson. Utility tape for TS1000/ZX81/TS1500 from LST Software. PC-DRAW from MDM Enterprises. Compuserve announces GIF format. Desktop publishing program from Charles Stelding. Hardware/software to print to Commodore 1520 plotter. Archive utilties for QL. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 1500, Timex/Sinclair 2068
For Your Support Product announcements from G. Russell Electronics, Byte-Back, Variety Sales, Chia-Chi Chao, Larken Electronics, Sams, Fred Nachbaur, Lemke Software Development and E. Arthur Brown. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Foreign Correspondent Richard Describes the New Sinclair QL Computer Sinclair has done it again. I expect you haven’t heard about his new computer – the QL – as it was only announced last week in Britain. The specification of the machine is very good and I will list some of the main points. Sinclair QL
Format to 894/900 Sectors Sinclair QL
Forth for the QL Sinclair QL
From the Editor Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
From the Editor and Disk Drops Welcome note from Lloyd as new editor. Overview of the QL software suite. Sinclair QL
From The Editor's Cluttered Desk Themed issues; where to get your computer fixed; computer in business; Maryland doctor uses ZX81; Brazil’s TK 90X; Fred Nachbaur, QL’s price hits rock bottom; more QL news from the UK; Sir Clive’s Z88 update; dates to remember. Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81
From the QL Library Sinclair QL
From the QL Library: Circles Sinclair QL
From the QL Library: Random Blocks Sinclair QL
Front Page Extra Sinclair QL
Games for the Sinclair QL: A Potpourri Sinclair QL
GIF Graphics Decoding-Encoding Now Available to Sinclair QL Users Sinclair QL
GIF on the QL Sinclair QL
GIF on the Sinclair QL Supercomputer Sinclair QL
Gold Card Update Sinclair QL
Gossamer Sinclair QL
Hardcopy (A QL Utility) Sinclair QL
Hardware for your QL Sinclair QL
Hardware Mods Review Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Hardware Savvy: Modifications and maintenance tips for the Sinclair family of computers Tom Bent begins documenting projects that take place at the CATS hardware sessions. This column describes how to re-insert a membrane connector without cracking it. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Hardware Savvy: Modifications and Maintenance Tips for the Sinclair Family of Computers Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Hardware Tips for the QL Does your OL sit here and stare at you on power up, just daring you to press F1 or F2? Remembering that the OL has a MEMBRANE KEYBOARD and that kevs can stick. run the back of a finger nail over all the keys (special notice to space bar and ENTER key, please). Sinclair QL
Hash Table Sinclair QL
Hello, World Sinclair QL
Help QL Sinclair QL
Helper: A SuperBASIC Program A set of toolkit-like functions presented in menu format. Sinclair QL
HELPER: A SuperBASIC Program A set of toolkit-like functions presented in menu format. Sinclair QL
Hints and Tips on QL's Sinclair QL
Hints and Tips on Sinclairs Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Hints and Tips on Sinclairs Sinclair QL
How Goes It, Update? MAX DOS vs MS DOS vs QL DOS; SPDOS for Oliger; TS-2068 and Sinclair QL issue disks and micro drive dubbing; copyrights; QL support in this issue; meet some QL programmers; SINCUS programs; the North American Sinclair Society. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
How to Alter a File/Disk Sinclair QL
How to Fit a New QL Keyboard Membrane Sinclair QL
How to Get Stuff from Big Blue, or MS-DOS to QL File Conversions Sinclair QL
How to have a Reliable QL Sinclair QL
How to Modify a Coleco Adam Power Supply for your QL Sinclair QL
Howard Clase plays with Disks Sinclair QL
I Built a QL Kit Review of user-assembled QL available from dealers. Sinclair QL
IBM to QL Sinclair QL
ICE Your QL Sinclair QL
IDing QL File Types There is nothing quite so frustrating as to get a disc or microcartridge full of programs and not know where to start in order to make the programs work. Sinclair QL
Imagix by Emmanuel Verbeeck Sinclair QL
Improved Z88-QL Cable Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL
Improving a Sector_COPYing Program Sinclair QL
Improving the Home Database Sinclair QL
In Memoriam: Ernest J Wider Sinclair QL
In-Between Sinclair QL
Index-Bubble Sort Sinclair QL
Indexer - A Brief Review Sinclair QL
Innocents Abroad Sinclair QL
Input/Output Sinclair QL
inQLings New software and other news about the Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
Interesting QUANTA Articles Sinclair QL
International QL Report Sinclair QL
Internet Addresses and some QL files for Your Computing Fun Sinclair QL
Internet Resource List for Sinclair Users FTP, websites, Gopher and other resources. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Introducing Aurora QL Graphics Card Sinclair QL
Is there a QXL in Your Life? Overview of the QXL: a PC expansion card that emulates the QL on a PC. Sinclair QL
It Really Is a "Quantum Leap"! Sinclair Research has done it again! Their new personal computer with 128k RAM, two micro-drives, and four software packages, sells for the almost unheard of price of $499. Sinclair QL
Join Them Files Sinclair QL
JSU Screen Modes Sinclair QL
Jumper Settings for the 3.2 Meg Drive Settings for adding disk drives to QL. Sinclair QL
Just the FAX, Please Sinclair QL
Justified Translates Addressing a spacing shortcoming in Quill. Sinclair QL
Kempston QL Disk Drive: Making a Good Thing Better Interface gives QL users access to Shugart standard disk drives in addition to built-in Microdrives. Sinclair QL
Known QL Dealers and Supporters Sinclair QL
La Page du Sinclair QL (Sinclair QL Page) Overview of programming languages for the Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
La Page du Sinclair QL (Sinclair QL Page) Tutorial on using the QL. Sinclair QL
Label Program Sinclair QL
LABELS_BAS Revie Sinclair QL
LAN or Local Area Network Using a QL Sinclair QL
Layout Program to display a single sheet with scale outline of a page to allow the user to set margins, etc. Sinclair QL
Le coeur du QL: Le 68008 (The heart of the QL: The 68008) Description of the CPU. Sinclair QL
Left Handed Ways of Working a Printer Why not use my TS-2068 Daisy software to set-up special print pitches and Letter Quality mode, and then throw the the A/B switch over to the QL for printing? Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Let's Read T/S 2068 JLO Disks With Your QL Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Let's Read TS2068 Disks With Your QL Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Lets Read T/S 2068 JLO Disks With Your QL Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Letter about converting Microsoft BASIC programs to SuperBasic Letter includes a program to replace MID$, LEFT$ and RIGHT$ functions with Sinclair equivalent functions. Sinclair QL
Letter from Bob Howard Sinclair QL
Letter from Bob Malloy Sinclair QL
Letter from Charles Reise Instructions for setting up check balancing using Abacus on the QL. Sinclair QL
Letter from John E. Juergens QL recommendations. Sinclair QL
Letter from John Juergens Sinclair QL
Letter from Matthew Zenkar Sinclair QL
Letter from Ron Blizzard Sinclair QL
Letter from the Editor Sinclair QL
Letter in Reply to Left Handed Ways of Working a Printer Writer’s method of connecting two computers to several printers. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Letter updating REFIELD Sinclair QL
Letters TS2068 disk drive systems; QL news from the UK; LOAD loader; QL users plea; hurrah for Novelsoft; April fooler; new car shopper. Sinclair QL
Letters to the Editor Sinclair QL
Letters to the Editor Sinclair QL
Lighthouse, QL Graphics Program to print a lighthouse on a Tandy CGP-220 printer. Sinclair QL
Lightning S. E. and Boot Setup a boot file for the Lighting QL accessory. Sinclair QL
LIST Announcing QL Public Domain Library Sinclair QL
LListing With QL Sinclair QL
Loan Amortization on the QL Sinclair QL
LOG-ON! Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Lottery Random Number Picker Sinclair QL
Lotto Program for the QL Sinclair QL
Machine States/The Serial Interface Sinclair QL
Mail Received Sinclair QL
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, Part Four Machine source code. Sinclair QL
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, Part Three Machine code portion of the program. Sinclair QL
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, Part Two Program to generate Mandelbrot diagrams. Sinclair QL
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, Update Update to program. Sinclair QL
MDIR_bas Sinclair QL
MDIR_BAS v1.05 Sinclair QL
Meet Sinclair's Newest Computer: The QL Sinclair QL
Menu-Driven Printer_DAT Selection Program to allow user to select one of several printers at startup. Sinclair QL
Merging Archive and Abacus Files Sinclair QL
Microdrive Cartridge Repairs I recently encountered a “stuck” microdrive cartridge. I mean, it was working one minute, and suddenly, all I could get from my QL was “not found”, whatever that means. What it means is that the tape is inserted incorrectly and not moving. In my case, reinserting the tape did not help, so I started looking Sinclair QL
Microdrive Cartridge Storage Sinclair QL
Microdrive Problem Solved? Sinclair QL
Microdrive spotting Sinclair QL
MicroEMACS Sinclair QL
Minerva Sinclair QL
Minerva and Others Sinclair QL
Minireviews Reviews of CST Disk Interface, Disciple Disk Interface, Supercharge BASIC Compiler for QL, QSPELL for QL, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Minix on the QL Sinclair QL
Miracle in Newport '93 Sinclair QL
Miracle in Newport 1994 Sinclair QL
Miracle in Newport Show Report Sinclair QL
Miracle in Newport Two and Other Stuff Computer fair report and notes on upcoming software and books. Sinclair QL
Miracle Makes Gold Card Network Recent JSU Problems Solved Sinclair QL
Miracle Systems Centronics Interface Sinclair QL
Miracle Systems Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Sinclair QL
More "Colors" in QL's Mode 4 Stippling colors to create the illusion of other colors. Sinclair QL
More Good-Bad-Uh QLs Sinclair QL
More on "Slowgold" Sinclair QL
More on QPC Sinclair QL
More on QPC Sinclair QL
More on RESPRing from Newfoundland Sinclair QL
More QXL Notes Sinclair QL
MS-DOS Emulator Ready for QL Sinclair QL
MSDOS for the Sinclair QL MS-DOS emultors for the QL. Sinclair QL
Multi-Tasking MS-DOS Sinclair QL
Multiple Copies in QUILL Sinclair QL
My Visit to NESQLUG Sinclair QL
NESQLUG and the Fourth North American QL Show Report on the show held in Bedford, MA. Sinclair QL
Net on the QL Sinclair QL
Net on the QL Sinclair QL
Network: Gold Card and JSU ROM Not Compatible Sinclair QL
Networking with QL Sinclair QL
New and Upcoming in 1987 Details about upcoming 2nd Annual Mid-West Timex Sinclair Computerfest; Larken developing RAMdisk for 2068; Thomas B. Woods will be offering RAM board in kit form that operates in the cartridge slot of the 2068. User-expandable from 8K to 120K; TS telecommunications, Sinclair QL; Zebra/Timex Disk support group; new programs and hardware. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
New Computers Sinclair QL
New Items 256K RAM from Larken; PC-DRAW from MDM Enterprises; tax software from ABBA Soft; Beta Basic 3; BBSes; West coast fair planned; Pixel Print Plus. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
New Life for the QL Sinclair QL
New QL 'Open' Sinclair QL
New QL Program Sinclair QL
New Releases New software from Ron Ruegg; “Touring the TS2068 ROM Operating System” book from William J. Pedersen; Arnold Ramaker is developing an expansion box for ZX81, TS1000, TS1500, TS2068 and QL computers; Matthew Zenkar offers utility for QL owners who use DTP software; Sinclair Artificial Intelligence Network special intereste group forming. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 1500, Timex/Sinclair 2068
New Sinclair Products QL and flat screen TV available from Curry Computer. Sinclair QL
New Sinclair Publications Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
New Use for an Old Silicon Friend Sinclair QL
New, News, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Newport 93 Sinclair QL
Newport Miracle Sinclair QL
Newport Report Sinclair QL
News Sinclair QL is available. Sinclair lends ZX Spectrums to North American dealers for evaluation. Compuserve and The Source have Timex Sinclair special interest groups. Zebra bulletin board back on line. Sinclair QL
News Sinclair QL
News - and some QL Library Additions Sinclair QL
News and New Products for your QL Sinclair QL
News and Views on Sinclairs Paul Holmgren lost his house in a fire;QL resources on the internet. Sinclair QL
News and Views on the QL Sinclair QL
News for this year Macintosh and NeXT emulators being readied. Author working on several self-published books about ZX81/TS 1000 computers. Local group developing simple compiler. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
News from Mausnet Sinclair QL
News from Sector Software and England Sinclair QL
News from the Internet QL FAQ Table of Contents. Sinclair QL
News Notes Sinclair QL
News, New, Views and Review Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
News, New, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
News, New, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
News, New, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
News, New, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
News, New, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
News, New, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
News, New, Views and Reviews Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Newsletter Newsnotes Sinclair QL
Nigel Searle Shows QL at BCS Searle demonstrated the QL’s features and power to the General Meeting of the Boston Computer Society. Sinclair QL
Non-Epson Screen Dumps from Easel Printing from Easel to printers that are not Epson compatible. Sinclair QL
Not Quite An Editorial, Just News Updates on hardware and software for QL, TS 2068 and Z88 users. Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Notes from a Traveller Sinclair QL
Notes from Cyber-Space Sinclair QL
Notes on QL Lock-ups Sinclair QL
Notes on the QL Kit Sinclair QL
Of Interest to QL Owners: A new regulartor for your QL Sinclair QL
Oh No! Not Another Interest Computation Program! Sinclair QL
On QL Disk Interfaces Sinclair QL
On the QL Sinclair QL
On the QL Sinclair QL
On the QL Sinclair QL
On the QL Sinclair QL
One Sided Disks Sinclair QL
One-Sided Disks Do Not Exist Sinclair QL
Open Letter to All QL Users Sinclair QL
PAL Chips Available Sinclair QL
Parallel I/O Modification Sinclair QL
PC Power Supply for Your QL Sinclair QL
PC-IMPORT File transfer and BASIC language dialect translator. Sinclair QL
PDQ: Public Domain QL Software Sinclair QL
Peeks Sinclair QL
Personal Database Sinclair QL
Pertinent Points on QL Disk Drives Sinclair QL
Piano Allows you to use the keyboard of your QL as if it were a piano. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Short program to support switching between screen areas in RAM. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Several notes about QL programs, programming. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Adding a 6821 peripheral interface adaptor to the QL. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Implementing a terminal program and adding a modem to the QL. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Sieve of Erastosthenes. Sinclair QL
Playing with Electricity Fractal program in machine language. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Machine language tutorial. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Tutorial about SuperBASIC ROM. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity QL speed benchmarking. Sinclair QL
Playing with Electricity Request for help using modems with the QL’s moderately unorthodox RS-232 port. Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity (cont) Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: 64K EPROM Card Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: 68000 Interrupts Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Channels and Jobs Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: CRC Math Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Displays Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Jobs Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Memory and Mass Storage Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Memory Map Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Multiplication Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Printer Interface Circuit Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: QL Digitizer Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: QL RS-232? Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: Video Digitizer Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: What the hell is a modaptor anyway? Sinclair QL
Playing With Electricity: What the hell is a modaptor anyway? Sinclair QL
Playing With Sound Sinclair QL
plus4 Review Review of plus4, a sequel to text87. Sinclair QL
Plus4 version 3 = OK Sinclair QL
Power Glitches Sinclair QL
Premier Rencontre Avec Le QL (First Meeting With The QL) Short overview of the Sinclair QL and its features. Sinclair QL
Press F1 for Help Sinclair QL
PreVIEW Sinclair QL
Print Your Program in Quill Sinclair QL
Printer Interface Short description of Miracle Systems Centronics Printer Interface. Sinclair QL
Printer Set-Up Program for printing basic files. Sinclair QL
Printer Wringer Outer Sinclair QL
Printer: QL or IBM Sinclair QL
Printers and Quill Sinclair QL
Printing Databases Sinclair QL
Printing on QL with SG10 Sinclair QL
Printing QL Diskette Labels Sinclair QL
Printing QL Fonts Sinclair QL
PRO/FILE on the QL With a Gold Card and PC Conqueror, one can run PC Findex on the QL. Sinclair QL
Product/Dealer News Larry Kenny of LARKEN ELECTRONICS told TDM about the plans for the 256K RAMdisk for the TS2068. It will use static-type RAMs complete with battery back-up. WEYMIL CORPORATION has released the DELTA DEVICE, a non-volatile memory system for the TS1000. A small circuit board contains 32K RAM divided into four 8K blocks which can be Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Professional Publisher Sinclair QL
Profile Up Date Sinclair QL
Program Lister Sinclair QL
Programmers Please Take Note Sinclair QL
Programming Idea Sinclair QL
Programming in SuperBASIC for the T/S 2068 Programmer Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Psion Productivity Tips Ways to improve your use of the Psion programs that come with the QL. Sinclair QL
Psion Xchange The four PSION programs are tied together in the XCHANGE with the ability to share information between the programs without going to all the hassle of changing mdvs or disks or importing and exporting. Sinclair QL
Psion Xchange 3.90 Sinclair QL
Public Domain Libraries Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Public Domain Software and the QL Sinclair QL
Putting the SUPER into BASIC Sinclair QL
Q_LINK Sinclair QL
Q_LINK Review Sinclair QL
Q_LINK Review Sinclair QL
Q(L) Tip Sinclair QL
Q&A: Nigel Searle Nigel Searle, managing director of Sinclair Research, came to Boston in May from the company’s home in Cambridge, England, to show the QL Computer to the Boston Computer Society. The QL represents a dramatic leap forward from the old Timex/Sinclair series – which pundits called the “first disposable computers” – and from the Spectrum, Sinclair’s Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
QBox-USA BBS Description of a BBS run on a Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
QDOS ROM Code Details about QDOS. Sinclair QL
QDOS vs Other Operating Systems Sinclair QL
QHJ Announces New Freeware Sinclair QL
QHJ Freeware Sinclair QL
QHJ Off the Net Sinclair QL
QIndex Sinclair QL
QL Sinclair QL
QL Connecting surplus RGB monitor to QL Sinclair QL
QL RGB monitor from Active Surplus for QL. Sinclair QL
QL - Printers and Quill Sinclair QL
QL 'n Packet Sinclair QL
QL "Quicky" Dir Sinclair QL
QL (Quantum Leap) Computers Put Together, Dissected at CATS Meeting Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
QL + MSDOS The ability to access the many MSDOS programs is enticing. A look thru catalogs of 3 West Coast dealers in MSDOS Shareware programs certainly proves the point of the availability of a vast range of programs at very reasonable prices. Sinclair QL
QL Abacus/Spreadsheet "Tips", Part I Suggestiosn for using the program better. Sinclair QL
QL Abacus/Spreadsheet Tips, Part II One good indicator that QL Abacus (QL SPREADSHEET in the States) is a quality program is the fact that, despite the proliferation of other software for the QL, there is no other QL spreadsheet. It is a first-class professional computer program. The following is intended to go beyond the QL Abacus documentation in the Sinclair Sinclair QL
QL Acey-Digety Game Game in SuperBasic. Sinclair QL
QL Acey-Ducey Game Sinclair QL
QL Antenna Program Calculates antenna size for specific frequencies. Sinclair QL
QL Archive Revisited Sinclair QL
QL Archive-Bluprint Sinclair QL
QL Backup Utility Sinclair QL
QL Backups Sinclair QL
QL Banner Sinclair QL
QL Banner Reprinted from Timelinez, March 1987. Sinclair QL
QL Banner Sinclair QL
QL Banners Sinclair QL
QL Battery Backed Clock Sinclair QL
QL Beginners Section Copied from Quanta News v2i10 Nov 85. Sinclair QL
QL Boot Program Sinclair QL
QL C Sinclair QL
QL C: The Two Versions Sinclair QL
QL Cartridge Backup Program Sinclair QL
QL Cartridge Print-out Sinclair QL
QL Characteristics About half of the subscribers to UP-DATE are owners of both the TS-2068 and tlie Sinclair QL, the latest member of the Orphan Computer family. Comments received about the QL range from pure disgust to enthusiastic praise. But there is one common denominator amongst the QL owners and that is a desire to learn how Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
QL Circuit Diagram Sinclair QL
QL Color Chart Sinclair QL
QL Color Chart Sinclair QL
QL Color Composite Monitor Jack Sinclair QL
QL Computer Kit Illustrated Parts List Sinclair QL
QL Cooling Problems, Part 1 Sinclair QL
QL Corner Sinclair QL
QL Corner Di-Ren keyboard interface; Super Hermes; keyboard connections. Sinclair QL
QL Corner Patch to fix date problem; repairing the power connector; repairing the keyboard. Sinclair QL
QL Corner American vendors selling QL and software. Sinclair QL
QL Corner Author discovers depth of support, touches on number and variety of products. Sinclair QL
QL Corner Review of QL-related news over the year. Sinclair QL
QL Corner Sinclair QL
QL Corner Sinclair QL
QL Corner Sinclair QL
QL Corner Review of computer fair in Boston. Sinclair QL
QL Corner Extra: Super Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Corner: AT Keyboard Interfaces Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Books Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Checkbook Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Computer Fair, Serial Chip Replacement Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Connector Oxidation Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Convention, SCSI Sinclair QL
QL Corner: DJToolkit Sinclair QL
QL Corner: EPROMs, Ultra Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Expansion Options Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Graphic Characters Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Guess the number game Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Guide to Trouble Shooting Sinclair QL
QL Corner: INT Demo Sinclair QL
QL Corner: INT Demo Sinclair QL
QL Corner: IQLR 2nd Anniversary Sinclair QL
QL Corner: IQLR Disks, IBM Emulator Sinclair QL
QL Corner: IQLR, 256 Colors Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Magazines, Super Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Miracle Systems Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Miracle Systems Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Miracle Systems Gold Card Review Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Misc Repair Techniques Sinclair QL
QL Corner: North American QL Show Sinclair QL
QL Corner: North American QL Show Report Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Perfection Plus Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Places to Find Deals Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Power Supply Repair Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Power Supply Repair Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Printing Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Printing from Quill Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Programming EPROMs Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Publications Sinclair QL
QL Corner: QL Power Supply Sinclair QL
QL Corner: QL Products Sinclair QL
QL Corner: QUANTA Librarians Sinclair QL
QL Corner: QUANTA Library Sinclair QL
QL Corner: QUANTA Library Sinclair QL
QL Corner: QUANTA Library Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Quanta Library Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Read, Data & Restore Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Rehousing a QL Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Repair Tips Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Short Programs Sinclair QL
QL Corner: SMSQ/E Sinclair QL
QL Corner: SMSQ/E Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Super Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Suppliers, New Expansions Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Taskmaster Date Patch Sinclair QL
QL Corner: The Editor SE Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Ultra Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Corner: UNGIF Viewer Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Video Digitizer Sinclair QL
QL Corner: XCHANGE Sinclair QL
QL Corner: Xchange Sinclair QL
QL Corner: XTRICATOR Sinclair QL
QL Crashes - An Easy Fix Fix to the QL power supply with an SCR. Sinclair QL
QL Crater Short program to demonstrate graphics ability by plotting 3D function. Sinclair QL
QL Cures Sinclair QL
QL Date Gate: Making Modifications to DBEASY Sinclair QL
QL Desktop Publishing Brief overview of Page Designer. Sinclair QL
QL Desktop Publishing Sinclair QL
QL Desktop Publishing Notes on DTP using the QL applications. Sinclair QL
QL Draw Routine Sinclair QL
QL Drive Formatter Short program to format QL tapes. Sinclair QL
QL Dump Sinclair QL
QL Easel/Business Graphics "Tips" Sinclair QL
QL Emulator for the Amiga Sinclair QL
QL Emulator for the Amiga and Some Miscellaneous Ramblings Sinclair QL
QL Etcher Etch-a-Sketch for the QL. Sinclair QL
QL FAQ and Resource Pointer Sinclair QL
QL FAQ and resources pointer Sinclair QL
QL FAQ and Resources pointer, news on news Where to find QL resources, circa May 1996. Sinclair QL
QL Fixes Sinclair QL
QL Flight Simulator Review of the QL game from Microdeal. Sinclair QL
QL for Joy Sinclair QL
QL for the Mac Sinclair QL
QL Gas Guide Program to determine whether you should spend extra money to purchase premium gasoline instead of regular Sinclair QL
QL Gold Card Sinclair QL
QL Gold Card Uses 2.88 Meg Drives Sinclair QL
QL Graphics Toolkit Short blurb about Landscape Creator. Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal #14 Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal #15 Sinclair QL
QL Hacker's Journal #26 Sinclair QL
QL Hardware Fixes Sinclair QL
QL Hardware Library Sinclair QL
QL Heat Problem Corrected Sinclair QL
QL Hint: Using QUILL Sinclair QL
QL History Sinclair QL
QL in the Office: Archive Describes use of QL in engineering production. Sinclair QL
QL Info Sinclair QL
QL Jots and Tittles Sinclair QL
QL Keyboard Connections Sinclair QL
QL Keyboard Matrix Chart Sinclair QL
QL Keyboard Membrane Repairs Sinclair QL
QL Library Sinclair QL
QL Library Disks Sinclair QL
QL Library Report Sinclair QL
QL Mail File Hints Sinclair QL
QL Meanderings and One-Liners Sinclair QL
QL Media Managers Sinclair QL
QL Menu Sinclair QL
QL Menue Sinclair QL
QL MIDI Sinclair QL
QL NETWORKing Sinclair QL
QL Networking Claims abound for computer hardware and software. The original claims for SINCLAIR’S QL (aka ZX-83) promised the capability of a PEER/PEER NBTWORK because the QL had been designed for use in a “business” environment. The two ‘NET’ ports bear witness to this intent. Sinclair QL
QL News Sinclair QL
QL News Sinclair QL
QL News and Notes Sinclair QL
QL News and Rumours Sinclair QL
QL News and Views Sinclair QL
QL News from Around the World QL emulator for Mac. Sinclair QL
QL News: Chaos Buster Sinclair QL
QL Notes Reader recommends QUANTA; expansion products from Sharp’s. Sinclair QL
QL Numbers Into Text This program converts a number (entered as numerals) into an equivalent word string. Sinclair QL
QL on Packet One ham’s experience using the QL to communicate via packet radio. Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL on the QT Sinclair QL
QL One-Chip Mod Sinclair QL
QL Peintre Painting program for the QL. Sinclair QL
QL Perks & Quirks Sinclair QL
QL Pokes Sinclair QL
QL Primer Sinclair QL
QL Primer Sinclair QL
QL Primer Sinclair QL
QL Primer Sinclair QL
QL Primer Sinclair QL
QL Primer Sinclair QL
QL Printouts Sinclair QL
QL Program: QL Crypt File Encoder Sinclair QL
QL Programming Tips I never saw it mentioned anywhere specifically, but I have found that in SuperBASIC you run into trouble if you have too many LOCAL variables. Sinclair QL
QL Qorner Sinclair QL
QL Quill v microdrives Sinclair QL
QL Quill/Word Processor Tips Power user tips from Mike de Sosa. Sinclair QL
QL Quill/Word Processor Tips Sinclair QL
QL Quill/Word Processor Tips, Part II Sinclair QL
QL Quirks The article on page 17, UPDATE, Jan ’89, by Oscar Sensabaugh presents a problem which has a solution. I am referring to the statement that Oscar uses TWO QL “work copies” in order to implement two printing devices, a QL and a Smith-Corona printer AND he has to make his choice of printing devices BEFORE Sinclair QL
QL RAM Extension The accompanying circuit is an application of the TMS4500A as RAM extension for the 68008. This chip can drive a maximum of 128K dynamic RAM and provide all necessary signals. Sinclair QL
QL RAM Extension Sinclair QL
QL RAMDisk Sinclair QL
QL Real-Time Clock Sinclair QL
QL Real-Time Clock Sinclair QL
QL Remedies Sinclair QL
QL Repair Sources/TS-2068 Repair Sources Dan Elliott and Tom Bent are recommended for QL. Elliot also repairs TS-2068. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
QL Report Notes about the QL, comparison of the QL to Amiga and Atari ST computers. Games and books about the QL discussed. Sinclair QL
QL Report May is here and hopefully the QL will be too sometime soon. We have seen a lot of new products come into our offices this past month. We have the Computamate Q-Disk interface connected to our machine and are running a double-sided single drive capable of storing 700K worth of data! Sinclair QL
QL Resources & Accessories, Cheap! Sinclair QL
QL Screen Dump for Gorilla Banana Printer Sinclair QL
QL Section News Sinclair QL
QL Serial Cable Printouts Sinclair QL
QL Shorts Sound Experimenter and Easel Print for the QL. Sinclair QL
QL Show Sinclair QL
QL SIG Sinclair QL
QL SIG Meeting Sinclair QL
QL Solitaire Review of the game from Softshoe Software. Sinclair QL
QL Sound Experimenter Sinclair QL
QL Sound Explorer Program to make sounds. Sinclair QL
QL Submissions Invited Request for articles for QL Review. Sinclair QL
QL Success Sinclair QL
QL Super Basic In the last issue I gave you a brief overview of the hardware angle to Sinclair’s latest computer, the QL. This time, I’ll tell you about some of the features available in this computer’s built-in Super Basic language. Sinclair QL
QL Support Have you heard the latest? A rumor has been circulating in Great Britain for a couple of months now, that Amstrad is rethinking their position on the QL. Amstrad executives have been keeping an eye on how the QL aftermarket support has been developing. Also, it has been common knowledge that Amstrad would like to Sinclair QL
QL support takes a quantum leap at last Reprint. Sinclair QL
QL Support World Wide Sinclair QL
QL Survivor's Source Book Sinclair QL
QL Sync Signals Sinclair QL
QL Tidbits and Tips Since the Last Issue Sinclair QL
QL Tip Sinclair QL
QL Tip Sinclair QL
QL Tip Using a 1200 baud modem without a Modapter. Sinclair QL
QL Tip: 1200 Baud Modem Sinclair QL
QL Tips Setting all caps mode; preventing procedure crashes caused by name conflicts. Sinclair QL
QL Tips Tips on printing from the QL. Sinclair QL
QL to IBM RGB Monitor Connections Sinclair QL
QL to IBM RGB Monitor Connections Reprinted from LISTings newsletter. Sinclair QL
QL to IBM RGB Monitor Connections Sinclair QL
QL to IBM Transfers How to transfer files over serial cable. Sinclair QL
QL to Monitor -- Come In! Buffering the QL Connecting a reconditioned monitor to the Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
QL to Monitor... Come In! Buffering the QL Sinclair QL
QL to PC Clone Cable Sinclair QL
QL to use CD ROMs Sinclair QL
QL to Z88 Linkup Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL
QL Today Sinclair QL
QL Today Notes Sinclair QL
QL Try-It Sinclair QL
QL User Defined Graphics Sinclair QL
QL User Group Forming Sinclair QL
QL VAL String Function Short program to evaluate functions in strings. Sinclair QL
QL Video Output Circuit Sinclair QL
QL vs. TS-2068 Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
QL Wayfarer Overview of QL software/hardware. Sinclair QL
QL Wayfarer Notes from a QL user. Sinclair QL
QL Wayfarer Update on QL scene; video recordings of seven seminars from the Seattle Mini Fair available from Rod Gowan. Sinclair QL
QL Woes Sinclair QL
QL Woes Sinclair QL
QL Woes Sinclair QL
QL Woes Sinclair QL
QL_DOC Sinclair QL
QL_Genealogist Review of the program by Chris Boutal. Sinclair QL
QL-Corner One user’s view of the QL. Sinclair QL
QL-Keyboard-90 Sinclair QL
QL-Keyboard-90 Sinclair QL
QL-Oriented Periodicals Sinclair QL
QL/IBM PC Sinclair QL
QL/MS-DOS Sinclair QL
QLAMBer File management utility. Sinclair QL
QLAMBer Update Sinclair QL
QLAMBer Update Sinclair QL
QLAND_LORD: A Review QLAND_LORD is designed to aid in the management of real estate. It provides complete detailed record keeping for all financial transactions, prints rent receipts, provides quarterly reporting and prepares the data required for IRS Schedule E tax reporting. Sinclair QL
QLATter Sinclair QL
QLAY 0.85 First Look & More Sinclair QL
QLerk Review of the program by Bill Cable. Sinclair QL
QLerk Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLips Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS Sinclair QL
QLIPS and the Origin There-Of Sinclair QL
QLips: Does the QL Mult-Task? Not Quite. Sinclair QL
QLIPS: More on the Gold Sinclair QL
QLIPS: Super Disk Indexer Sinclair QL
QLQ Demo Sinclair QL
QLuMSi Tool to make transition between QDOS and MSDOS easier. Sinclair QL
QLuMSi - Recent Changes Sinclair QL
QLuMSi 4.80 Sinclair QL
QLuMSi DOS Sinclair QL
QLuMSi DOS Sinclair QL
QLuMSi DOS v4.20 Sinclair QL
QLUSTer Upgrade Sinclair QL
QLUSTer Upgrade Sinclair QL
QLUSTer v4.305 Sinclair QL
QLuSTer v5.105 Sinclair QL
QLUSTer_LITE Sinclair QL
QLUSTer_LITE Iteration of QLUSTer program. Sinclair QL
QLUSTer/QL_Utilities Utility for file management. Sinclair QL
QLUTter_BAS Sinclair QL
QMOSAIC Chronicles Sinclair QL
QMOSAIC Chronicles User experiences with a non-graphical web browser for the QL. Sinclair QL
QoLumn Sinclair QL
QoLumn Sinclair QL
QoLumn Sinclair QL
QoLumn Sinclair QL
QoLumn Sinclair QL
QoLumn Sinclair QL
Qool QL Some of you who have never encountered heating problems with your QL before, might discover that about August 15, or the hottest day of the year, that your QL will suddenly blank out. Actually, it is not quite so “suddenly”. There are usually small warning signals like a ripple on the screen or the colors Sinclair QL
QPC The Missing Link Sinclair QL
QPC Update Sinclair QL
QPC2 for Windows Sinclair QL
QSPELL - A Review Review of the spell-checking program for the QL. Sinclair QL
QSPELL: A Review Sinclair QL
Quanta Most QL owners are now aware of QUANTA (QL Users And Tinkerers Association) which publishes a monthly newsletter of software and hardware reviews and worldwide doings with the QL. Sinclair QL
QUANTA Index Sinclair QL
Quanta Library Sinclair QL
Quanta Program Reviews Sinclair QL
Quanta, the Library, and Page Designer Review of programs and resources for the QL. Sinclair QL
QUANTA's Feb 1992 revisions of the Library Sinclair QL
QUANTA's Jan 1991 revisions for the Library Sinclair QL
Quantum Leap The Sinclair QL at the CES show. Sinclair QL
Quelling Crazy Quill Sinclair QL
Query about Lighthouse program Reader has difficulty reproducing results with same printer. Sinclair QL
Quill -- Save -- Same Document? Sinclair QL
Quill and Toolkit_2 Sinclair QL
QUILL Filesaver This program reads a damaged QUILL file and converts it to a plain text file. Sinclair QL
QUILL Print Driver Sinclair QL
Quilling on the QL User’s notes on Quill word procesor. Sinclair QL
QXL - Miracle's New PC Card Brief description of PC coprocessor card that offered QL compatibility. Sinclair QL
QXL Ghosts Sinclair QL
QXL Notes Sinclair QL
QXL Notes Sinclair QL
QXL Notes - Sequel Sinclair QL
QXL Totes Sinclair QL
QZ QL Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL
Ramblings Sinclair QL
Ramblings QL Sinclair QL
Random Dot Stereograms Sinclair QL
READ.MAC for the QL Sinclair QL
Reading and Writing Other Disk Formats Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Recent Library Listings for the QL on Compuserve Sinclair QL
Recent QL Freeware Sinclair QL
Recipes Sinclair QL
Reduce Number of Disks in Use with TK2 Sinclair QL
Refield Program Program that allows one to add, restructure and delete fields in Archive databases. Sinclair QL
Releasing Printer Power from a QL Many with a QL do not know how to get the most out of their printers. This is particularly true of those using QUILL who would like fancier documents, but feel they are limited to the enhancements (highlights) provided in QUILL (High & Low Scipt, Bold and Underlined). Sinclair QL
Report from QL Librarian Sinclair QL
Report on Newport 2 Sinclair QL
Report on Oak Ridge QL Show Sinclair QL
Reprint of Sizebase Reprinted from the first issue. Sinclair QL
Resident Procedures Sinclair QL
Resources and Products for the QL Sinclair QL
Resources for the QL Sinclair QL
Resources for the QL Sinclair QL
Retrieving LOST_DOCs Sinclair QL
Review of Chris Boutal's Genealogist 3 Sinclair QL
Review of DBAddres, An Archive Program Sinclair QL
Review of the QL IBM Emulator Sinclair QL
Review: GRAPHIQL Review of a CAD program for the QL. Sinclair QL
Rhode Island Show This past May I made the trek to Rhode Island. Paul Holmgren was good enough to give me a ride. We left Friday night and drove straight through to Rhode Island (NoDoz – don’t drive 12 hrs without it). Paul has this nice little black box that sets off radar detectors. I did a little Sinclair QL
RLE Decoder Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Ruminations from the QL Editor Sinclair QL
Ruminations from the QL Editor Sinclair QL
Ruminations From The QL Editor Sinclair QL
Running QPC on a PC Sinclair QL
Sanyo's Slots Sinclair QL
Saver Sinclair QL
Scan: An Archive Program Program that allows one to see up to three selected fields displayed on a line for all currently active records. Sinclair QL
SCOPY 1.06 Sinclair QL
Screen Peek'r Sinclair QL
Screen Snatcher for QL Sinclair QL
Secrets of the QL memory Sinclair QL
SeekQL 2.09 - Part 1 Sinclair QL
SeekQL 2.09 - Part 2 Sinclair QL
Serial Interface for the QL Sinclair QL
Setting up Quill for Printers Sinclair QL
Shoot-out at the QL Desktop Corral! Review of several QL desktop publishing programs. Sinclair QL
Short Takes Sinclair QL
Side Bar Notes about keyboard alternatives for the QL. Sinclair QL
Sinc Bits Rumors of a Spectrum +4, positive response to The RAM Music Machine. TS 2068 UP-Date (later Update Magazine) garnered 140 subscribers in its first year. QL activity includes new programs and a replacement keyboard. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
SincBits Updates on Larken DOS (EPROM); RAMEX Amdek III disk system; Spectrum and QL accessories and improvements. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sincbits Mentions SPECDRUM and other music software/hardware for use with the ZX Spectrum. Improvements on SAFE DOS from John Oliger; SPDOS. $99 QL kit. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sincbits Updates from the Midwest TS Computer Fest, Spectrum, TS 2068 and QL news. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sincbits News about the Spectrum, TS 2068 and QL. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sincbits John Oliger has completed latest upgrade for the JLO SAFE DOS. Some details about forthcoming SAM COUPE computer. QL software, hardware updates. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sinclair and Timex News Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Sinclair Announces QL; Plans US Mkt Re-Entry Sinclair Research, Ltd announced in London a new machine—the Sinclair QL—using the 68008 processor running at 7.5 MHz. Late February should see initial shipments in the UK, with production building to 20,000/mo by summer. Introductory price in the UK is $599, but the US price will likely be $499 when the machine arrives here, perhaps Sinclair QL
Sinclair at CES Sinclair QL
Sinclair Echo Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sinclair Echo Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sinclair Hardware Odds and Ends Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sinclair Hints and Tips Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sinclair Lotto Simulator Converted from the 2068 program by G. Mockridge. Sinclair QL
Sinclair Magazines Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sinclair MS-DOS Sinclair QL
Sinclair News Sinclair QL
Sinclair On the Net Some of the more interesting info pulled off the Internet in the prior few months, including a magazine dedicated to Spectrum emulators, new products for QL and a ZX81 magazine. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX81
Sinclair Publications: Quantum Levels Still Kicking Quantum Levels will continue publishing and will absorb Syncware News. Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL Reprinted from Creative Computing, v10 n12. Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL - A Review and Evaluation Review of the computer and its software. Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL Computer Examined Not long ago I managed to get my hands on Sinclair’s latest machine, the QL. A cursory inspection reveals a very powerful computer. It sports a nice full size keyboard. Unlike the TS1000, the case is large (18-3/4 by 5-3/8 inches). It encloses the 68008 microprocessor, 128K of ram, 48k of rom, 2 microdrive mass Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL Presented at BCS General Meeting Nigel Searle spoke about the U.S. introduction of the QL. Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL to IBM XT File Transfer Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL Update The latest word is that Sinclair will take orders as early as November, with deliveries as early as January (FCC permiting). Several improvements have been made to it since it was first introduced, mainly to correct the original discrepancies in the operating system, etc. Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL: Alive and Well in Germany Sinclair QL
Sinclair QL/RS-232/Xerox Memorywriter Connection Sinclair QL
Sinclair Quantum Leap Sinclair QL
Sinclair Survival Column Review of QL Entrepreneur and QL Project Planner. Sinclair QL
Sinclair Survival Column Review of Q_Link terminal program. Sinclair QL
Sinclair Survival Column Notes the start of four years of the column, reflects on Amstrad’s ownership of Sinclair, development of QL software. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Sinclair to Concentrate on QL in US Sinclair QL
Sinclair to market new micro in U.S. Sinclair Research will ship a new $499 microcomputer, the Sinclair QL (Quantum Leap) to American consumers beginning this fall, said the firm’s chairman and founder, Sir Clive Sinclair. Sinclair QL
Sinclair User Profile MIKE MITCHELL works for RICHARD DANA Corp as a mechanical engineer. The company designs and builds automatic assembly equipment which need custom cams. Mind you that I never intended to marry it but like many of my projects, it began with the thought that I could do something better than someone else and has progressed Sinclair QL
Sinclair's Quantum Leap in the U.S. Sinclair announces QL, intended for availability in the fall. Formerly referred to as ZX-83. Editor predicts exit of Timex in light of advertising and product delays. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Slowgold to Slow Gold Sinclair QL
SMUG Bytes Tries Something New Newsletter produced with Quill on the QL. Sinclair QL
SOLVIT-2 Sinclair QL
Solvit-Plus2 Review Sinclair QL
Some are QXL Notes Sinclair QL
Some Not So New Programs Sinclair QL
Some Passing Thoughts on Success Notes about Success, a CP/M emulator for the QL. Sinclair QL
Some Popular Misconceptions (Mostly about filenames) Sinclair QL
Some Popular Misconceptions (Mostly about filenames) Sinclair QL
Some QL Procedures Four procedures for printing. Sinclair QL
Some QL Stuff Sinclair QL
Sorted Directories Program to save programs in alpha order. Sinclair QL
Sound Experimentor Unlike most home computers, the QL has a very limited noise making capability. What there is can only be dragged out by using the enigmatic BEEP command. Reprinted from ZX-Appeal. Sinclair QL
Sound Experimentor Sinclair QL
Special Notice to QL-ers! Sinclair QL
Spectator - A Review Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Spellbound Sinclair QL
Spellchecker Problems Sinclair QL
Speshul QLers Hear This Sinclair QL
SQ Notes: QL to IBM RGB Connections Sinclair QL
Steering to Success: The QL Roadtest Reprinted from another source. Sinclair QL
Still Speedy After All These Years Letter to Jerry Pournelle about the speed of BASIC compilers on the Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
Stop Me If You've Heard This Before Sinclair QL
String Slicing, Coercion & Concatenation String concatenation is a subject that can’t easily be covered in a vacuum. It must include string slicing and coercion as well. Sinclair QL
Structured SuperBASIC Sinclair QL
Structured SuperBasic 2.6.2 Sinclair QL
Style Sheets, Formats and Macros I create a document of my letterhead with design, margins, footer, Justification and tabs the way I like them. I have both my box number and my street address, together with a dummy date and salutation. Sinclair QL
Success (continued) Sinclair QL
SuperBASIC Sinclair QL
SuperBasic - Your Powerful Friend Sinclair QL
SuperBASIC BASIC for the QL Sinclair QL
SuperBasic Data Types Sinclair QL
SuperBASIC Editor for the QL Using Quill to edit SuperBASIC programs. Sinclair QL
SuperBASIC for Beginners BoSTUG members Peter Hale and Mike Mitchell are collaborating on a book of the 20 most useful QL SuperBASIC keywords for non-programmers. Sinclair QL
SuperBasic Ramblings Sinclair QL
SuperBasic Ramblings Sinclair QL
SuperBASIC Recursion Sinclair QL
SuperBASIC Routines from Psion Solutions Sinclair QL
SuperBasic Tutorial Part 2: Printing in Columns Sinclair QL
SuperBasic Tutorial: Part 3 (or maybe 4) Sinclair QL
Supercode Toolkit Sinclair QL
Supplier Notes Henry April, owner of EZ-Key, retires from national retailing. QLs available for $99. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Switching Printer Characters Sending printer codes to change fonts. Sinclair QL
Syncbits Resources for all Timex/Sinclair computer models and Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
SyncWare Meets QL Sinclair Research has been promising the North American arrival of their new QL computer for so long, it’s hard to remember just when the first mention of it was made. Were it not for the fact that this machine is being sold in the U.K., one might well wonder if it is just the figment Sinclair QL
T/S Emulators Notes on Carlo Delhez’s emulators and letter from Carlo about them. Sinclair QL
T/S Resources Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
T/SNUG, Quanta and PD-QL Software Sinclair QL
Tapecopy Sinclair QL
Tapecopy Using a copy of the directory, the program allows for copying microdrive tapes. Sinclair QL
Tax Software for the QL TAX-l-QL (rhymes with icicle) is the lead program from the Boston QL software house of EMSoft. It is a spreadsheet template to run under ABACUS on the QL to make the IRS tax preparation easier but is does require at least 384K RAM. Sinclair QL
Tax-I-Now Updating Tax-I-QL templates with current IRS data. Sinclair QL
Tax-I-QL Tip Sinclair QL
Tax-I-QL Tip Sinclair QL
Telecommunication News Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Telecommunications and the Timex/Sinclair Computer Brief introduction to using modems with Timex/Sinclair computers. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Telecommunications on the QL Sinclair QL
Telecommunications on the QL Simple terminal program for the QL. Sinclair QL
Telecommunications on the QL Sinclair QL
Telecommunications on the QL Simple terminal program. Reprinted from the May 1988 issue of Nite-Time News, which itself was reprinted from the Data Expansion, the newsletter of the Dallas/Fort Worth group. Sinclair QL
Telecommunications on the QL Short program to send CTRL-C, discussion of British ham radio software. Sinclair QL
Text 87 + 4 Sinclair QL
text 87 and Quill, Part I Comparison of the two word processing programs. Sinclair QL
text 87: My Latest Impression Sinclair QL
text87 and Quill, Part II Sinclair QL
text87 and Quill, Part III Conclusion to the comparison between the two programs. Sinclair QL
Text87 and WordStar Sinclair QL
text87 plu4 version 2 Sinclair QL
Text87 Review Sinclair QL
Text87: An Advanced QL Wordprocessor Sinclair QL
text87: My Impression Sinclair QL
The 1997 North American QL Show Sinclair QL
The A+ QL Offer Sinclair QL
The American QL: A Peek Inside Sinclair QL
The C Column Sinclair QL
The C Page Sinclair QL
The C Page Sinclair QL
The C Page Sinclair QL
The C Page Sinclair QL
The C Page Sinclair QL
The C Page Sinclair QL
The C.A.T.S Newsletter Five articles reprinted from the newsletter: The C Column, QL Small-C Comparison, Additions to the QL Library, More on Benchmarks and Dealing With The BBS. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
The Cable Column This featured column, by Bill Cable, starts with this issue. Sinclair QL
The Cable Column More on programming in Archive. Sinclair QL
The Cable Column: Programming in Archive Archive has a built-in procedural based language. The author walks through writing a few procedures. Sinclair QL
The Changing Complexion of Timex-Sinclair Computing Seen at the Orlando 1988 Winter Fest This issue of Up-Date was delayed a week to report upon the Orlando 1988 Winter Fest. Representing the Western USA was Tim and Stephanie Woods (Time Designs Magazine), and the Central USA was represented by the staff of SyncWare News and attendees from the Michigan user group. Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
The City Sinclair QL
The City Sinclair QL
The Editor Special Edition v2.05 Digital Precision has produced its latest and last version of its text editor, The Editor Special Edition. They’ve really thrown in all the whistles and bells in version 2.05. There are major improvements and additions over previous editions of both the regular Editor and older versions of The Editor Special Edition. The Editor Special Edition Sinclair QL
The Editor's Musings Sinclair QL
The Fantastic Incredible QLXL-Card Sinclair QL
The Future of the QL Update on the computer. Sinclair QL
The Future of the QL in America and Some QL Graphics Systems Status of the QL and how to potentially improve the commercial viability of the product; discussion of QL drawing/graphics programs. Sinclair QL
The Heart of the Sinclair QL ... the 68008 Brief description/overview of the processor. Reprinted from SUM, April 1986. Sinclair QL
The Heart of the Sinclair QL ... the 68008 Sinclair QL
The Index Printer Last issue we gave an index printing program for the TS-2068. This time I was determined to make the QL do it. Actually it turned out to be pretty good, and it has some other applications as well. It could be an “outline printer” or could be used for just about any purpose that one Sinclair QL
The Mysterious QL Simple but Accurate Times Sinclair QL
The Mystery of the Missing RAM Sinclair QL
The New QL II New QL may be on the way. Sinclair QL
The New Sinclair QL Computer Report on computer features based on the QL User’s Guide. Sinclair QL
The North American QL Show in Bedford Mass. Sinclair QL
The Other Shoe Drops Sinclair QL
The Plotter: Tips and Programs for the Plotter User Sinclair QL
The Plotter: Tips and Programs for the Plotter User Sinclair QL
The Plotter: Tips and Programs for the Plotter User Sinclair QL
The Plotter: Tips and Programs for the Plotter User Sinclair QL
The Plotter: Tips and Programs for the Plotter User Sinclair QL
The Plotter: Tips and Programs for the Plotter User Sinclair QL
The Q(old_S)LAW Project Notes about a user survey project that netted only 2% response at that point. Sinclair QL
The QL Discusses the Edit functions on the QL. Sinclair QL
The QL and the RGB Monitor Sinclair QL
The QL Beginner Course If you have dug around as I have between the four sections in the back of the QL manual, you know that these books were not written in a 1, 2,3, sequence that lets you get right to it. I believe that, for this discussion, we should start with the printer itself. Sinclair QL
The QL Beginner's Column: "Software Dependant" Software Confused title? Nope! We need to understand that the bread and butter for QL computing are the many new softwares, American made, inexpensive, that depend upon the Psion group for operation Sinclair QL
The QL In North America Sinclair QL
The QL Library continues to grow Sinclair QL
The QL Network device without ToolKit 2 Connect two QLs together. Sinclair QL
The QL on Net Sinclair QL
The QL Price Reduction Sunset reduces QL price to $299. Sinclair QL
The QL Qorner Sinclair QL
The QL Qorner Sinclair QL
The QL Qorner Sinclair QL
The QL Qorner Sinclair QL
The QL Qorner Sinclair QL
The QL Qorner Sinclair QL
The QL Report Sinclair appoints authorized dealers in US. Sinclair QL
The QL Report Volume 1, issue 3 of the short newsletter about the Sinclair QL. Sinclair QL
The QL Report from Curry Computer Review of QL software. Sinclair QL
The QL Section Sources of QL hardware and software. Sinclair QL
The QL Users Corner QL will be discontinued. Sinclair QL
The QL's Forbidden Byte Those of us who “cut our computer teeth” on the ZX80/81 learned quite early about the caveat that accompanied any use of CHR$ 118 when machine code was stored in REMs. Like the Cheshire cat, the line could disappear right before your eyes till nothing was left but the grin! The problem was that this Sinclair QL
The Quebec Link Program for 2068 that uses DEF FN to create an underline function. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
The Quebec Link Sinclair QL
The Quebec Link Sinclair QL
The Quebec Link Sinclair QL
The Quebec Link Sinclair QL
The Release of Exchange Sinclair QL
The Release of XCHANGE Sinclair QL
The Reliable QL Sinclair QL
The Return of 'Val' One of Sinclair Basics’ more valuable contributions to the BASIC language were the keyword VAL and VAL$. These permitted formulae to be entered as text strings and then be evaluated. Sinclair QL
The Sinclair QL Reprinted from BYTE UK. Sinclair QL
The Sinclair QL Letter from Donald Jones about upgraded power supply resolving problems. Sinclair QL
The Sinclair Z88: Considerations for Peripheral Design Since the Z88 uses the Z-80 CPU, some of our better interfaces for the TS-2068 offer the prospects for easy adaptation to the Z88 by BUSS connector changes and re-work of chip addressing. Generally, the engineering has been accomplished for the Z-80 CPU and its 8 bit capability. One seemingly fruitful area is the disk Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
The Sound of Music Sinclair QL
The Strange One Sinclair QL
The Super-QL: Using the Sinclair QL with 640K RAM Sinclair QL
The Superior Access Corner Sinclair QL
The Third North American QL Show Sinclair QL
The Trump Card The Trump Card is simply the most useful single addition you get for the Sinclair QL. It combines a disk interface, 768 kilobyte RAM expansion, Toolkit II for SuperBASIC extensions, a screen dump, static and dynamic ramdisks and a dynamic printer buffer. When you consider that even the lowest cost 512 Kb RAM expansion and Sinclair QL
The Trump Card The Trump Card combines a disk interface, 768K of RAM, Toolkit II for SuperBASIC, screen dump, static and dynamic RAM disks and a dynamic printer buffer. Reprinted from ZX-Appeal. Sinclair QL
The Trump Card Sinclair QL
The Versions of QPAC2, Thru December 1993 Sinclair QL
The XChange Version of Quill Sinclair QL
The Xchange Version of Quill Sinclair QL
Things to do With TK2 Sinclair QL
Time Designs Tests Sinclair QL
Time Designs Tests: QRAM, Archivist MP, Text87 & Mailbag Sinclair QL
Time Designs Tests: Speedscreen, Flashback, Type 22 and Refield Sinclair QL
Time Designs Tests: Tax-I-QL/87, PACIOLI and THE SPY Reviews of the programs. Sinclair QL
Timex Tidbits Lambda 8300, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Timex Tidbits Lambda 8300, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Timex Tidbits Lambda 8300, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Timex Tidbits Lambda 8300, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Timex Tidbits Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Timex Tidbits Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Timex Tidbits Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Timex Tidbits Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
TK2 - Network - Data_Use - Ser - Altkey Sinclair QL
Tom Robbins on Quanta Sinclair QL
Tony Blizzard Notes from a QL user. Sinclair QL
Tony Blizzard Sinclair QL
ToolKit II Demo Sinclair QL
ToolKit II Tips Sinclair QL
Toolkit II: Some Things It Can Do Sinclair QL
TorQLib Sinclair QL
TRA_BAS 1.2 RS-232 Translation Sinclair QL
Transferring Files: 2068 to QL Volume 1 Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Translation of QL Programs Sinclair QL
Trouble-shooting the QL Hints on overcoming issues with faulty QL computers. Sinclair QL
Trump Card on QL Sinclair QL
Trump Card User's Guide This series of articles will bring to light some of the very powerful features of the TRUMP CARD and TOOLKIT II via real usable examples. The articles may be assembled into a user guide at some future time, if enough interest is shown. Sinclair QL
TS Communique Change R67 on TS2068 to adjust output impedance of composite video out. Saving Tomahawk to disk. Joystick and printing problems. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
TS Communique Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
TS News More about the Sinclair QL. Brief mention of Memotech MTX-512. Software from JRC, Softsync, Apropos Technology. Sinclair QL
TS-2068/QL Tips Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Turtle Graphics Sinclair QL
Turtle Graphics Sinclair QL
Tweak & Tinker: QL Power Supply Unit Sinclair QL
Twist_Q & Potpourri Sinclair QL
Two Ideas Go Under Sinclair QL
Two More on RGB Sinclair QL
Two References to Possible QL Keyboard Improvement Sinclair QL
Un Zippy Thoughts Sinclair QL
Union City Man Conveys His Love For Computers About Tim Swenson. Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Update to the Update Sinclair QL
Updates Circulation level is at around 500 and building. All 50 U.S. States and all Canadian Provinces, plus three foreign Countries are represented. The breakdown of population is? 50% TS-2068, 50% Sinclair QL, 12% Cambridge Z88. About 70% use two or three of these Computers, and express their intent to continue to do so. Sinclair QL Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Upgrading Your QL Recommended hardware upgrades. Sinclair QL
User Group Update Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Using a Modem with the QL QL Modapator provides the special cable and software needed to interface a QL to a standard modem. Sinclair QL
Using Abacus to Prepare Data for Statistics Program Sinclair QL
Using ALTKEY to create "macros" in Quill Sinclair QL
Using Archive: A Home Database "Tel" Sinclair QL
Using DEF FN and FN Given are three little example programs that mixes up a brew of ways to use DEF FN and FN. There are zillions of ways that the “DEFine” functions can be used for both math and literal operations. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Using FOP_OVER Sinclair QL
Using Internet File Formats on the QL Sinclair QL
Using Parallel Interface Printers With the QL Sinclair QL
Using Parallel Interface Printers with the QL Sinclair QL
Using Parallel Interface Printers With the QL Sinclair QL
Using QL C, Part 4: Using CRUN The Metacomco C package for the QL includes SuperBASIC extensions for emulating UNIX when running C programs. The commands are CRUN and CRUN_W. Two major features of the UNIX operating system are the ability to “redirect” the input and the output of a program, and the ability to read the arguments passed to a program. Sinclair QL
Using Quill ASCII Files in a DOS DTP Sinclair QL
Using Quill for ASCII Files Sinclair QL
VAL for the QL Sinclair QL
Vector-Based Characters Sinclair QL
Video Interface with QL Computer Notes on connecting TV or a variety of monitor types to the QL, along with generating the necessary signals. Sinclair QL
Visionmixer-1 Sinclair QL
What is New for the QL Sinclair QL
What's New Update on the Spectrum 128K, TASWORD Three, computer astronomy newletter. Sinclair QL, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
What's Up With Quantum Computing? Can You Get Your Money Back? Sinclair QL
When to Upgrade: The QL in Transition Upgrades to the QL. Sinclair QL
Where Do We Go From Here? Sinclair QL
Whisper heard on the wind Sinclair QL
Who was Who at the Festival Sinclair QL
Why Buy a QL (or in the end, keep one) Sinclair QL
Why the QL? Reasons not to give up on the QL. Sinclair QL
Why the QL? Reasons Why You Should Take The Quantum Leap The Sinclair QL, with its compact and efficient keyboard console, its 32-bit CPU, its twin Microdrives, its excellent operating system and highly regarded SuperBASIC, its exceptional “bundled” software, its comprehensive user guide, and finally, its available hardware and software support, is a “best buy” by a considerable margin at $299. Sinclair QL
Why Use Archive? Twelve reasons to use Archive. Sinclair QL
Will Jackintosh Jump on QL? Sinclair QL
Wind Chill Chart Type-in program inspired by similar program in Computer Shopper. Sinclair QL
Window Defining: A Program, Part I When programming, to get the full power out of your Sinclair QL one must learn how to effectively use its windows. Using the SuperBASIC commands can become tedious and slow. This series of four articles will develop a program to completely define any window giving all relevant facts about it. Sinclair QL
Window Defining: A Program, Part II In this article we will write and discuss the different functions that will be used. SuperBASIC gives us the ability to write very versatile, many variable functions which can do more than merely return a number. Sinclair QL
Window Defining: A Program, Part III Sinclair QL
Word-Wrap on QL Short program to wrap words within the window. Sinclair QL
Xchange Goes PD! Sinclair QL
Xchange Introduction & Reference Information Sinclair QL
Xchange Question Answered Sinclair QL
Xchange: Complete program now in library Sinclair QL
XOPY Sinclair QL
XREF - A Review Review of a utility that helps programmers improve their Basic programs on the QL. Sinclair QL
Xtricator, Version 1.75 Review of the ZX-81 emulator by Carlo Delhez. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
Z88 to QL Connections Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL
Z88 to QL Transfer Program Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL
Z88 to Sinclair Transfer Link Review of program/cable to transfer files from Z88 to/from QL. Cambridge Z88, Sinclair QL
Zenith Monitor QL user recommends Zenith monitor and COPAL WriteHand model 1200 printer. Sinclair QL
ZipaDee_Bas 1.105 Sinclair QL
ZX81 & QL Regulator Bug Suggested solutions to power regulation problems in the ZX81/TS1000 and QL: add capacitors. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 1000
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