This file contains the source code for JLO SAFE V2.65, its object code, and an assembler to assemble the object code from the source code.
I, John Oliger, still maintain copyrights of this code, but am releasing this as ‘freeware’ to give Oliger Disk System customers access to the code for their own modifications or education. You may modify this code, as you desire, but any such code released for others to use must be labeled that it WAS so modified and as such is not supported by John Oliger Co. You must also maintain my copyright by its declaration along with your own.
Also in this archive is a freeware assembler written by a friend of mine by the name of Dave Gibbons. Dave gave me permission to release this assembler with my source code, with the stipulation that his copyright be maintained and that no support of the program itself is offered. It may interest you to note that this assembler will also assemble 6502 (he calls it 8502 as that was the chip used in the Commodore 128 computer) and the Signetics 87C751 single chip microcontroller. You can use the SAFE source code as an example of the syntax of the assembler.
JLO SAFE was originally written using Ray Kingsley’s “Hot Z” assembler, but was later converted over to this assembler for ease of modification.
You may upload this archive to your favorite BBS or FTP site as long as the archive is intact with all files including this readme file.
John L. Oliger