John Oliger Co.

11601 Whidbey Dr., Cumberland, IN 46229


Board adds the ability to program 2764 and 27128 EPROMs to your 2068 system. Board comes with documentation on assembly, use, theory of operation, tips and details on replacing the Home ROM of the 2068 with a 27128 EPROM. Programmer requires the Vpp Power Supply or a 4-22VDC regulated adjustable power supply with voltmeter.
TS 2068
Compact expansion board plugs into the rear expansion connector of 2068 computer, provides slots for Oliger expansion boards. Board includes one “spare” 20 pin IC socket for a user circuit, a rear edge connector feed through for attaching the 2040 printer, modem, etc., and the necessary circuitry for a RGB monitor interface. RGB circuit requires
TS 2068
Printer port for printers that have a Centronics interface. Uses the same port and BUSY bit as the AERCO 2068 printer interface. Port is fully decoded and contains a “PRINTER READY” LED to show printer current status. Also included are hi-res screen dumps for Okidata, Olivetti PR2300, Gemini 10X and Gorilla Banana printers.
Downloadable TS 2068
This small joystick board Is designed to plug into your 2068 expansion board to emulate the Kempston Joystick interface. This interface is for use with a Spectrum emulator, ROM, or Romswitch and Spectrum software. It is supported by any Spectrum software that Is “Kempston compatible” looking to the software exactly like the real Kempston Joystick
TS 2068
Plugs into the cartridge port of the TS 2068 computer. Can hold two 2764 or two 27128 EPROMs in any combination. It allows TS 2068 owners, when used with the TS 2068 or TS 1000 programmers, to store BASIC programs in cartridge form. Includes assembly instructions, schematic and instructions for its use with BASIC programs.
TS 2068
Map its 2716 EPROMs anywhere in the 64K memory. Board is intended to be used as a “cartridge” for storing Sinclair programs on EPROM. It can be used to store machine code tools in the 8-16K block.
TS 1000
This programmer was also described in SQ #s 1 and 2, so this article is recommended reading on this one, too. The programmer is memory mapped at 2000-27FFh and programs easily from Basic by simply poking the desired data to one of the eproms’ locations. The programmer has its own latches onboard and does NOT
TS 1000
Board is capable of mapping either of its 2764 EPROMs anywhere in the 64K map in 8K blocks. Board is intended to be used as a “cartridge” for storing Sinclair programs on EPROM. It can be used to store machine code tools in the 8-16K block.
TS 1000
This programmer is identical to the 2716 Programmer except for the following: The circuit has been changed to accept 28 pin 2764 eproms : The eprom is mapped 2808-3FFFA. 21VDC is now required for the programming voltage. This board comes with its schematic, assy instructions, and a theory of operation sheet.
TS 1000
64K DRAM board for the TS1000, TS1500 or ZX81. Special features of this memory include: 8-12K on/off switch 12-16K on/off switch two banks of 8K ram available mapped 8-16K (Bank A/B switch) and 48-64K on/off switch
TS 1000
Fits inside the ZX80/ZX81 and remaps internal RAM to 8-9K or 9-10K. For use with external RAM pack.
ZX80 ZX81
Disk drive interface that used the WD1770 drive controller. Supported up to four disk drives.
TS 2068
DOS board for the Oliger system, with NMI save feature. JLO SAFE (Simple and Fast Extended) Disk Basic is supplied on EPROM with this board. SAFE used the same syntax as cassette commands, but with a slash following the SAVE/LOAD command. Syntax for saving a BASIC program would be SAVE /”FILENAME” or SAVE /”FILENAME” LINE
TS 2068
4 or 6 slot expansion board for use with Oliger projects for the ZX81/TS 1000.
TS 1000
Board/kit that plugs in to the Oliger expansion board. Fully decoded, can be used with the TS 1000.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Contains Larken DOS with 8K ROM and 8K RAM on the cartridge. Used to control Larken DSK-400 or other disk interfaces. All LKDOS or extended BASIC commands use the PRINT #4: syntax. Support for all Timex DOS commands. Extended basic commands include CIRCLE, windows, box clear and fill, channel support for devices, variations of POKE,
TS 2068
Eight LEDs indicate which bank of memory the Z80 is accessing. Uses only one IC. Can be useful in debugging hardware projects and machine code programs that cause the computer to crash by indicating where the CPU is after the crash. Supplied as bare PC board and schematic.
TS 1000 TS 2068
This project was detailed completely in Syntax Quarterly, issues 1 & 2. Port is memory mapped at location FFFFh and is completely decoded. Project includes schematic, theory of operation sheeta and machine code listing comments of a copy routine for use with the Okidata ML80 and ML82A printers. Circuit and software can be adapted to
TS 1000
Two board, extensive upgrade that integrates the TMS 9918A video display processor into the ZX81/TS1000. Provides: color multiple graphics resolutions, up to 256×192 pixels up to 32 sprites a SLOW mode almost as fast as FAST mode blink free FAST mode lower case characters instead of inverse upper case Interfaces the TMS 9918A color graphics
TS 1000
For use with the TMS9918A Video Project/Upgrade.
Downloadable TS 1000
This small single sided board provides 4.4 volts, 21 volts, and 25 volts DC for use with any programmer offered by the John Oliger Co. This circuit is designed to put as little stress on the EPROM as possible during programming and is recommended for use with these programmers. The board is supplied with schematic,
TS 2068



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