Sinc-Link v6 n1

Date: January/February 1988
Volume: 6
Issue: 1


  • News from the Vice-President
    Update on health of the Toronto Timex/Sinclair Users Club and club activities.
  • Bob's Notebook: Pro/File 2068 Revisited
    Details several modifications to Pro/File 2068. Includes saving the data array and its size to disk, changing the array size, and making the machine language sort more convenient.
  • Sinc Bits
    Rumors of a Spectrum +4, positive response to The RAM Music Machine. TS 2068 UP-Date (later Update Magazine) garnered 140 subscribers in its first year. QL activity includes new programs and a replacement keyboard.
  • Color Text Printouts with MSCRIPT
    Describes how to make a custom version of MSCRIPT that will print ot the VIC-1520 plotter.
  • Autoload Menu
    Simple program to make an autoloading menu for disk drive users.
  • ZX81 EPROM Board
    Schematic for interfacing an EPROM, static RAM or SEEQ’s 2K EEPROM to the ZX81/TS 1000.
  • Our Computers in Portugal
    Report on Timex and Sinclair computers available in Portugal. Notes that a number of products, including disk drive system, are produced by Timex Portugal.
  • A Tip for QL Owners
    One user found out the hard way that the QL chassis is grounded, resulting in blown video output.
  • Diskdriving with a Joystick
    Larken disk interface and Kempston joystick both use port 31.
  • Larken Load/Save Routines
    Machine code utility for loading and saving tracks on the original Larken system.
  • Items Gleamed from Other Club Newsletters
    The Plotter reports that most repairs sent to Dan Elliot are completed and returned quickly. Only those requiring SCLDs take longer. CATS has article about connecting QL to RGB monitor. L.I.S.T. reports A&J Micro no longer supplying microdrives because they cannot obtain tapes.
  • REPAIR: A Larken Disk Repair Utility
    Tool to reconstruct programs on disks where the directory has become corrupted.
  • Two Hundred and Sixty Seven Words from the President
    Humorous note about computer terminology.
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