Date: March 1984
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
PolygonsTS 2068 Type-in program Program demonstrates TS2068 plotting commands by drawing polygons.
February Meeting HighlightsHenry April demonstrated Upload 2000.
10 REM: Take the Money and RunEditorial on Timex and its role in the computer community.
The Demise of Timex Computer CorporationI was one of the first people to learn that Timex was getting out of the personal computer retail market. A friend of mine, who was working there, called me to tell me the news just minutes after she received the word herself. My first reaction was that it was hard to believe, although Timex…
Machine Language Group HighlightsDave Miller talked abou this experiences working with EPROMs. He’s also corrected the bugs in the 1500 ROM and put it in his 1000.
The Worm TurnsTS 1000 Type-in program Adaptation of the snake game.
Graph 16KTS 1000 Type-in program Program to draw bar graph.
Magic Nexus Stirs Amid LanguishMarch 12th edition of Electronic News reported that Sinclair signed license agreement with Samsung to assemble and market ZX81 and Spectrum computers in South Korea.
Zebra JoystickTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the joystick adaptor.
ZXLR8TS 1000 Software review Review of load/save accelerator.
Some Names at TimexTwo remaining contacts at Timex.
USR 832TS 1000 Tutorial Load/save copy protected programs using ROM routine.