SyncWare News v4 n1

Date: September/October 1986
Volume: 4
Issue: 1


Title Description Computers
For Your Support Product announcements from John Oliger Co., NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, G. Russell Electronics, Jim Houston Enterprises, Larken Electronics, Chia-Chi Chao, Fred Nachbaur, Robert Fischer, Bill Heberlein, Bill Bell, C. W. Associates.
Editorial: Another Year Older; 2nd Annual Fest Planned; TS Communications Issues this year will include more material for the less technically inclined on the basics of T/S computing. 2nd Annual Midwest T/S Computer Fest will be May 2-3, 1987 in Indianapolis, IN. Indiana Sinclair Timex Users group is currently running a bulletin board, with software they’ve developed, on an unexpanded TS2068.
Redefine the TS2068 Character Set Every 2068 user should know by now that they can define their own graphics characters, but did you know that you can also design your own type fonts? Well now you are no longer locked In by the standard 2068 block characters. The really amazing part Is that It Is quite easy to redesign them. Timex/Sinclair 2068, Downloadable
Forum Screen interference with Zebra Disk System; 2040 paper feed problems; translating to other languages; balance of articles; UV lamp warning; Spectrum +2 announcement; TS1500s in music lab at community college; microdrive info wanted. Timex/Sinclair 1500
TS1000 Error Reports: Basic & Advanced Article explores how error reports work on the TS1000/ZX81 computer, and furthermore, how to use “custom” error reports in your own programs. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Basil's Compendium: Addition, Overflow, Carry This article will show you how to add and subtract, and how to “increment” and “decrement” registers; it will tell you about overflow and carrying; and it will Introduce the concept of flags. Timex/Sinclair 1000
1000 One Chip Mod: A Built-in NVM This battery backed-up RAM is a miniaturization and functional equivalent of the famous “Hunter” board. It was designed by Mr. Wilf Rigter of the Vancouver, BC T/S User Group. I owe many thanks to Mr. Rigter for inspiring me to write this article, and assisting with technical advise during the construction and refinement of this Timex/Sinclair 1000
VU-Calc and the Tasman I/F Here is a short program which will allow you to use your “80 Column” Printer to print a real spread sheet for presenting data (including tables you’ve already SAVEd) from the Psion Software program VU-CALC. Timex/Sinclair 2068
BBDOS: A Disk Operating System for the Aerco FD-ZX Interface ZX81/TS1000 owners who have been using the Aerco FD-ZX Disk Drive Interface owe Jerry Chamkis and his Texas staff a debt of gratitude for providing them with a reliable, high speed, mass storage system. But even as nice as the FD-ZX unit is, its disc operating system (DOS) leaves much to be desired. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Ireg 1000 The TS1000 owners manual states (p. 123) that upon return from machine code, the I register must have the value lEh. However, it can be a lot of fun breaking the rules. The I register points to the upper byte of the character generator table in the ROM. If we change it, the character set Timex/Sinclair 1000


SyncWare News v4 n1
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