SyncWare News v1

Date: June 1983 – June 1984
Volume: 1
Issue: 1-6


The first year was reprinted as a single volume.

Table of Contents

  • Meet the Survivors
  • Products on Parade
  • Cassette Connection
  • Forth Language
  • LPRINT Hints
  • Byte Pynchers
    • Nim Game
    • Numbers are No-Nos
    • Flags, Strings & Other Things
  • Hardware Projects
    • Software Compatible Joystick
    • Custom TS
      • Plug Guard
      • Custom Cooler
      • Battery Back-up
        • El Cheapo BBU
        • Rechargeable BBU
        • Built In BBU
        • Uninterruptable Power Supply
      • Improved Joystick
    • Introduction to I/O
      • Votem Cassette Controller
      • Paging Control
    • Veni, Vidi, Video, Vici
    • Video Primer
    • Curing the Fuzzies
    • Video Reverse Board
  • VDAQ – A Data Acquisition Program
  • Tyd*Byts
    • Listing Scanner
    • Hot Z Fix
    • Running on 64K
    • Change RAMTOP without NEW
    • Algebra
    • Polar/Rectangular Conversion
    • Straight Line Subroutine
    • Greyplot Dual Display Technique
  • Math Development Program
    • Simultaneous What?
    • Solving Linear Simultaneous Equations
      • Determinants
      • Gauss Elimination
      • Cramer’s Rule
      • Gauss Seidel
    • Math Development (SE) Listing, Part 1
    • Using SE in Electronics
      • Wheatstone Bridge
    • Math Development Program, Part 2
      • Interpolation
        • LaGrange Method
        • Least Squares Method
        • Polynomial Interpolation/Regression
      • SE Listing, Part 2
    • Math Development Program, Part 3
      • Integration
        • Simpson’s rule
        • Romberg Integration
        • Newton-Cotes Formulas for Interpolating Polynomials
        • Gauss Quadrature
      • SE Listing, Part 3
      • How to Use SE
      • SE in Action
    • Math Development Program, Part 4
      • Differentiation
      • Horner’s rule
      • Differentiation Demonstration Listing
    • Introduction to Integration
    • Arbitrary Functions
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