Volume: 4
Issue: 11
Pie Chart: A RefinementTS 1000 Type-in program Refining Ron Oblander’s chart (Nov. 82) makes it run faster and puts table and chart on 1 display.
MazogsTS 1000 Software review Review of the game from Softsync.
Multiple Regression AnalysisTS 1000 Software review Review of the program from Programmers at Large.
Analogies, Logical ReasoningTS 1000 Software review Analogies and Logical Reasoning, two separate programs, pleasantly teach important concepts in logical thought.
Rubbing It InTS 1000 Technique for typing on typing on membrane keyboard.
ZX/TS Looks for Trapped MindsTS 1000 Clover Bottom Developmental Center, a state facility for the mentally retarded, uses the ZX/TS to collect real-time data and, at the end of each session, to analyze the data.
AccountsTS 1000 Type-in program ACCOUNTS, an accounting program for small businesses, computerizes your DOME monthly accounting book.
Compatibility of MachinesTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 Compatibility of hardware with the TS1500 and TS2068.
Dear EditorTS 1000 TS 2068 Letters about 2068; memory packs for 1000; keyboard problems; temperature problems.
Syncwars-16TS 1000 Type-in program Improved version of SYNCWARS game. Runs in SLOW mode and shows more spectacular displays. Otherwise, the program plays just as the 2K version
Future History: 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Lights of the City updated for the 2068.
The Ins & Outs of the Timex TS/1000 and ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of the book by Don Thomasson.
Memory TesterTS 1000 Type-in program MEMTST writes all zeroes into a byte, confirms that all bits equal zero by reading the byte, writes all ones in the byte, confirms that bits are all ones by re-reading the byte, then moves to the next byte.
Add Store & Recall to BASICTS 1000 Type-in program STORE transfers a screen image (display file) above RAMTOP to be re-displayed by the RECALL command.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n11)New products from Hawg Wild, Z-West, 2-Bit Software, Phoenix Enterprises, Warren Imports Group, Russell Brewer, Goldwater Manufacturing, John Carson, Labsoft, Occam Research, Golden Stair, E. H. Enterprises.
- ZX/TS Users' Groups
Vendor ReportTS 2040 Memotech reports only RAM packs are incompatible with TS1500; Radio Shack printers work poorly with Memotech interface; EZ-Loader contains a bug; TS2040 printers slow buss timing; HES no longer supporting ZX/TS.
SQ-UPTS 1000 Hardware project In David Ornstein’s premier issue article (SQ Winter 82 p. 29) Using Extra Keys on Big Keyboard, add a symbol A atop the D1 lead toward the right-hand edge of the page.
Timex Shows T-Dock and Cartridge AdaptorTS 1000 TS 1500 Cartridge software for TS1000/1500 owners will be available by using a $19.95 T-Dock to feed buss signals through and connect the ROM plug-in—which uses chip-on-board technology.
Production 1500s and 2068s Sold in USTS 1500 TS 2068 Early shipments of TS2068s are selling well — Sears reordered 4000 units according to Dan Ross, Timex VP. A few units available at the Boston Computer Society TS Celebration disappeared quickly. Buyers snapped up 1500’s as well. Early tests suggest 1500 compatibility with most peripherals.
Alphacom to Sell ZX/TS Printers DirectTS 2050 Alphacom sells VP-42 printer.
Quote Without CommentTimex Computer order form.