Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v4 n3

Volume: 4
Issue: 3


  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n3)
    New products from Compuwiz, R.I.S.T., Banta, Software Unlimited, Z-West, Synergistic, Sinware, Spectra Computer Products.
  • Timex Printers on Their Way
    Timex printers are en route to distributors, according to a Timex source, and should be in retail stores in March.
  • KOPAK Introduces New Keyboard
    Kopak Creations’ new keyboard, ready in 15 weeks, plugs into internal ZX/TS keyboard connector.
  • Drive to Run CP/M In the Works
    Kopak Creations and Aerco are working jointly on a ZX/TS disk drive to run CP/M (world’s most common disk-based microcomputer operating system.) Aerco says the drive will be available in 3 months.
  • Wanted: Assembly Language Programmers
    Proprietary International needs assembly language programmers for their unreleased ZT21000.
  • Vendor Report
    Updates from/about Proprietary International, Norris Electronics, SMUG, Gladstone Electronics.
  • Users' Groups
  • Program Improvements/Refinements
    Improvement to Sweetheart.
  • A Sojourn at Compuserve
    Overview of Compuserve and its services.
  • E-Z Key 60 Keyboard
    The keyboard is well designed, comfortable to use, is completely consistent with the style of ZX/TS computers and improves entry.
  • Math
    Use Math to introduce your children to the ZX/TS and give them experience with basic skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Where to Move RAMTOP?
    Many programs that put machine code routines above RAMTOP tell you to lower RAMTOP first. This program calculates just what decimal numbers to POKE to put RAMTOP where you want it.
  • Pledge Keeper
    Simplifies recording pledges and can be especially helpful during telethons or other fund raising events.
  • Dear Editor
    Keyboard audio tone; full-sized keyboard from Double H Electronics; detecting two keys at once; communicating via tape with someone in England; damaging keyboard leads; curing interference; RAM pack wobble; user-defined graphics on the ZX/TS.
  • Computers for Kids -- Sinclair ZX81 Edition
    Review of the Creative Computing Press book.
  • Direct Input Horizontal and Vertical Line Graphics
    Lets you draw lines by direct input and loops so you can draw until you run out of memory.
  • Real-Time Soft Clock
    Creates a software clock from the 3.25 MHz ZX/TS logic clock using the system variable FRAMES at decimal addresses 16436 and 16437.
  • Get Your System Together
    Build a enclosure for your computer to keep everything organized.
  • Snake
    Review of the game published by Zeta Software.
  • Do or Die
    You are trapped in a Mayan maze-like tomb. A block pixel in the central chamber is the only escape route.
  • Reverse Video Monitor Driver
    This circuit, using the concept published in Electronics, drives a video monitor and reverses video on demand.
  • Reference Card for the ZX80, ZX81 and Timex Sinclair 1000
    Review of the card from Nanos Systems.
  • Routine Elimination
    If you PEEK the code from the REM line and POKE into protected memory for running, you can eliminate the loading routine by writing the REM line in hex equivalents to ML decimal codes.
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})() ;;; ;(function(){ })()