Date: July/August 1988
Volume: 4
Issue: 5
A Letter From Fred Nachbaur (concerning the PC8300 "Timex Clone")TS 1000 Documents some of the differences between the TS1000 and PC8300.
Tape Transfer UtilityTS 2068 Utility to transfer software from tape to the Rotronics Wafadrive.
Using Oliger SAFE DOS Version 2.52TS 2068 What’s new and updated in the Oliger DOS.
"S" and "Q" Keys with "CAT*" CommandTS 2068 Type-in program Documents and investigates a problem with pausing and resuming a directory listing with the Zebra FDD.
Machine Code Track ReaderTS 2068 Type-in program Program to read disk tracks on the Zebra/Timex FDD system.
Pascal Disk Handler for the LarkenTS 2068 Type-in program Converting HiSoft Pascal to work with the Larken disk system.
Cassette to Larken DiskTS 2068 Type-in program Converting cassette-based programs to work with the Larken disk system.
TIMACHINE on AERCO DiskTS 2068 Type-in program Hint for moving Novelsoft’s TIMACHINE to disk.
SynxTS 2068 Type-in program Machine code routine for AERCO disk users to turn off syntax checking when writing or editing programs.
Super Detailed Disk DirectoryTS 2068 Type-in program 32 and 64-column disk directories for the AERCO FD-68.
AERCO Merge FunctionTS 2068 Type-in program Technique for merging programs with the AERCO FD-68.
Practical 2068 Bank-SwitchingTS 2068 Type-in program Techniques and program code for using the bank-switching feature in the 2068.
2068 TurboloaderTS 2068 Type-in program Program to double loading speed from tape. Adapted from original Spectrum program, written by Esben Krag Hansen.
2068 Program IndexTS 2068 Type-in program Short, simple “directory” program.
A Broken 2068? Fix It Yourself!TS 2068 Hardware project Method for testing for and repairing bad RAM chips.
Warren's 2068 Basics: Horizontal Bar ChartTS 2068 Type-in program Routine to plot and print bar charts.
Stud Poker: A Casino-Style Game Listing for the TS2068TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Program to play five card stud power against the computer.
ZX ... Phone HomeTS 1000 Type-in program Program to determine words based on the last four digits of a phone number.
New ReleasesZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 QL New software from Ron Ruegg; “Touring the TS2068 ROM Operating System” book from William J. Pedersen; Arnold Ramaker is developing an expansion box for ZX81, TS1000, TS1500, TS2068 and QL computers; Matthew Zenkar offers utility for QL owners who use DTP software; Sinclair Artificial Intelligence Network special intereste group forming.
ClevelandMidwest Sinclair Computer Conference is scheduled for August 27 and 28, in Lakewood, Ohio.
Secret StuffClive Sinclair is working on a transputer-based computer.
Where Goest Fred?Fred Nachbaur accepted a position with a firm in Ottawa.
MIDI for the 2068TS 2068 Richard Hurd writes about using RAM Electronic’s MUSIC MACHINE with a twister board and Spectrum software.
Finally - Full color screen dumps for the 2068TS 2068 Full color prints available with John McMichael’s interface and an Okimate 20.
Reader Survey Results, Part OneResults from 280 readers.
CKTYPE 1000 (Machine Code Version)ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Machine code version of Stan Lemke’s program.
For Your QL: Archive SecretsQL Type-in program Tips for using Archive.
PC-IMPORTQL Software review File transfer and BASIC language dialect translator.
Mandelbrot - A Fractal World, UpdateQL Type-in program Update to program.
- Time Designs Tests: QRAM, Archivist MP, Text87 & MailbagQL Software review
- Z ColumnZ88