Date: April 1991
2068 Home ROM Corrections - Part ITS 2068 Type-in program Corrections to the ROM, in part to support bank-switched memory.
Computer TherapyAuthor’s story of post-stroke recovery via computing, starting with the ZX80.
Non-Epson Screen Dumps from EaselQL Printing from Easel to printers that are not Epson compatible.
Dropped BytesTS 2068 Potential cure for dropped printer data when using an AB switch.
Two-Column & Wide Tasword PrintoutsTS 2068 Type-in program Routine to print side-by-side columns with Tasword.
- QL Desktop PublishingQL
Letter in Reply to Left Handed Ways of Working a PrinterZX81 TS 1000 QL Writer’s method of connecting two computers to several printers.
Eliad's WanderingsRequests for help from readers.
QLUSTer/QL_UtilitiesQL Utility for file management.
How to Do Do In TK2Using the DO function.
Archive Series - Part 4: Create, Open, Insert CommandsQL Creating and adding information to an Archive database.
Customized 2-Column Tasword PrintoutsTS 2068 Type-in program Revisions to Tasword to support two-column printing.
Amateur Programming SupportCall for tips, articles from readers.
A Menagerie of Opinions and Some Programming TipsTS 2068 Type-in program Tips about disks and disk systems; a short program to print labels.
Disjointed Programming TipsTS 2068 Short descriptions of available DOSes and utilities.
Datastore() and Datafetch(): Two Larken DOS Procedures for Hisoft PascalTS 2068 Type-in program Transfer any section of RAM to a file on disk.
NoticeOrder his programs through Update; 50% of proceeds support the newsletter.
EditorialUpdate on the status of the newsletter and upcoming events.