Date: Spring 1992
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Deriving Your Tax Threshold from Your Voting StatusTS 2068 Type-in program Calculate income tax rates. Program included.
Benchmarking the ZX81TS 1000 Comparison of “magic numbers” between BASIC, Forth, Partial Pascal and MCODER.
An Updated ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Description of a 1000 with internal 64K, a “serial data port” and other mods.
LibraryTimex/Sinclair public domain library available soon.
Random Bits and Unverified BytesTS 1000 Rumor of a 10mb hard disk and interface for the ZX81/TS1000 circa 1987 developed/sold by someone from Dubuque, IA.
News ItemsShort notes about the group and events.
Input/OutputWarren Jackson writes; Marie Kendoll writes; Robert Shade writes; Ivan Zachev writes; Jay Shepard writes.
- End of a Year and Looking Back: The Chairman reminiscences! [sic]
- Tax-I-QL TipQL