*D & *E Compilation BugTS 2068 Type-in program
TIMACHINE compiler users may be interested in this correction. It shows up when compiling large programs and *D & *E are used. After the program has loaded (while the backup prompt is still on the screen), break into the program by deleting the left quote and entering STOP (SYMBOL SHIFT A). Add the following lines
- 10 Years Later
118 User Defined Graphics CharactersTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to demonstrate creating user defined graphics characters.
16K RAM Pack TestTS 1000 Type-in program
- 1990 Paid Members
2068 Large Printer Screen DumpTS 2068 Type-in program
2068 POKEsTS 2068 Tutorial
Note re address 23561 (repeat delay setting).
2068 Screen DumpTS 2068 Type-in program
Screen dump for Epson and Panasonic printers.
2068 Screen DumpTS 2068 Type-in program
2068 User GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program
2068 Word ProcessingTS 2068 Software review
Short description of improvements to MSCRIPT in version 5.3
2068 Word Processing
More about Mscript V5.3.
- 2nd Annual Midwest T-S Computer Fest
3-D Tic Tac ToeTS 1000 Type-in program
A & J Micro DriveTS 2068 Hardware review
A & J Microdrive 2000 ReviewTS 2068 Hardware review
A 2040 HintTS 2040
A 2068 BugTS 2068 Type-in program
Bug common only to EPROM conversions by Jack Dohany: unable to get underline in programming.
A 2068 NewsletterTS 2068
Announcement for UPDATE Magazine.
A 2068 ProblemTS 2068
A Better WayTS 2068 Type-in program
Design user defined graphics without resorting to the BIN method suggested in the manual.
A Death in the Family
Death of Grace Hopper.
- A Good One
A Hot QL FixQL Hardware project
A Hot QL FixQL
A Ladder Rung ProblemTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to calculate solution to a math problem.
A Long Cable For 2040 PrintersTS 2040 Hardware project
A Machine Code Loader Program for the T/S 1000TS 1000 Type-in program
A Neat Trick: A Trick for Saving With T/S 1000TS 1000
A New QL MagazineQL
A QuickyTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
A Rotate ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Uses user defined graphics to create a mirrored text effect.
A Study of Plot on the 1000TS 1000 Tutorial
A Study of Plot on the 1000, Part 2TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
A Universal Data Base ManagerTS 2068 Software review
A Way Around A ProblemTS 2068
ABC PC Keyboard InterfaceQL Hardware review
Acey DuceyTS 2068 Type-in program
Adding MachineTS 1000 Type-in program
Adding Sound EffectsTS 2068 Type-in program
Advice TS1000TS 1000 Type-in program
Same program as the 2068 version, adapted for the 1000.
Advice, 2068TS 2068 Type-in program
Short program with advice from Charles F. Kettering.
Alert!TS 2068 Type-in program
- All Done?
Another Solution to Copy TapesHardware review
- Apathy, The Great User Group Killer
Apple ProblemTS 2068 Type-in program
Short story demonstrates math problem.
April Meeting
More notes about producing the “Best of”.
- April Minutes
- Art Work
Artillery PracticeTS 2068 Type-in program
Attribute Function DefinedTS 2068 Reference
AudioscanTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable
August Meeting
Club business planning production of Best Of…
Autorun ProgramsTS 2068
Bank Statement CheckerTS 1000 Type-in program
Bar Code?
Developing unique identifiers with just alphanumeric characters.
Basic StatisticsTS 2068 Type-in program
Short program to compute statistical values, previously published in CTM magazine.
- BBS - What Is It?
Bit-Image GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 Z88
Bits & BytesZ88
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 Z88
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesQL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068 Z88
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & Bytes
Club elections, T/SNUG news, RMG news, “The Best Of” project, genealogy.
Bits & Bytes
The Hacker (user group newsletter) published last issue. T/SNUG news from Bob Swoger.
Bits & Bytes
Logicall 4.8 is in; dues; “Best of” project; genealogy demonstration.
Bits & BytesTS 2068
2068 Slideshow available from RMG; membership drops; “Best of” project; newsletter exchange.
Bits & Bytes
Burnout strikes again: Bill Heberlein, editor of SMUG Bytes, moves on. Plotter needs new editor. “Best of” project.
Bits & Bytes
Vulcan Computer Monthly discontinues classic computer section. 2068 on your IBM.
Bits & Bytes
Paste-up of Best Of nearly complete; RMG ending a bad year.
Bits & Bytes
Notes about the club and its projects.
Bits & Bytes
“Fast” break on 2068; submissions requested; new users.
Bits & Bytes
Help an old friend; submission requirements.
Bits & Bytes
Update on Best Of, Michael Carver and Mike de Sosa heard from.
Bits & Bytes
Call for participation.
Bits & Bytes
Vulcan drops orphans, Best of the Plotter, and old friend (Syd Wyncoop) returns to the fold.
Bits & Bytes
Poor attendance at December meeting; dues time; editor needed.
Bits & Bytes
Dues; indexing The Plotter.
Bits & Bytes
Club meetings, library and treasury notes.
Bits & Bytes
Meeting notes, library additions.
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 1500 TS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
Bits and BytesTS 2068
Bits and BytesTS 2068
Bits and BytesTS 2068
Timex Sinclair User has issued its first copy of Timex Sinclair Shopper. It is supposed to come out quarterly. In it there is a subscription form for Timex Sinclair News, the new name for Timex Sinclair User. The new owner of Timex Sinclair User worked with TS User and the former Timex Sinclair User became
Bits and BytesTS 2068
Timex Sinclair User is dead; subscriptions will be filled with issues of K-Power.
Bits and BytesTS 2068
Bits and BytesTS 2068 TC 2068
Bits and BytesTS 2068
- Bits and Bytes
Bits and BytesTS 1500
- Bits and Bytes
Bits and BytesTS 2068
Bits and BytesTS 2068
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
BoldTS 2068 Type-in program
- Bold Print on Your 2040 Printer
Book(s) ReviewTS 1000 Book review
GOSUB 100 Programs-Building Subroutines in Timex/Sinclair Basic and The Most Popular Subroutines in BASIC.
BookwormTS 1000 Type-in program
Program based on a Marilyn Vos Savant column.
Borders on the 1000 & 2068TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Boss Control Stick for 2068TS 2068 Hardware review
Box the TitleTS 2068
Note on drawing boxes around titles with Mscript.
Breaking and Saving 2068 ProgramsTS 2068 Type-in program
BuilderTS 2068 Type-in program
Build structures using bricks.
Busy SpotsTS 2068 Type-in program
Buzz SawTS 2068 Type-in program
This is another 2068 graphic so make a picture of “WAGNER’S BUZZ SAW” and work with angles. If the reader will recall, when you use angles they must be in radians for computer formulas.
Byte Power MagazineTS 2068 Software review
- Byte Power Magazine
Byte-Back ModemTS 1000 Hardware review
C on the 2068TS 2068
C Program for Sinclair QL and IBM PCQL
Calculate any Easter DateTS 2068 Type-in program
Calculating Sinking FundTS 2068 Type-in program
CalculatorTS 2068 Type-in program
CalendarTS 2068 Type-in program
Cassette Label MakerTS 2068 Type-in program
Catalog Your A&J WafersTS 2068 Type-in program
- CCAT/S Library Updates
- CCAT/S Logo
- CCATS Meeting October
CertificateTS 2068 Type-in program
CertificateTS 2068 Type-in program
Creating gift certificates on the computer.
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Mumblings
- Chairman's Mumblings
Changing Tasword II Help PageTS 2068 Type-in program
ChaosQL Type-in program
ChaseTS 1000 Type-in program
Check Disk Drive SpeedTS 2068 Type-in program
Chinese Fortune CalendarTS 2068 Type-in program
Christmas FireplaceTS 2068 Type-in program
CirclesQL Type-in program
CirclesTS 2068 Type-in program
Circuit Board DesignerTS 2068 Software review
Combat!TS 1000 Type-in program
CombinationQL Type-in program
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
Comments on CompuserveTS 2068
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Compatibles
Computer ArtTS 2068 Type-in program
This program that produces beautiful displays that can be changed to a color display.
Computer Character Format: T/S 1000 & 2068TS 2068 Tutorial
- Computer Fair
Control Things With Your Timex Sinclair ComputerTS 1000 Book review
Convert That Old Amdek 3 to a 3.5
Replace the 3″ drives with 3.5″ drives in an Amdek enclosure.
Converting from GW BASICTS 2068 Type-in program
Notes on adjusting programs to work on 2068.
Correcting Graphics on PrintersTS 1000 TS 2040 Type-in program
CorrectionTS 2068 Type-in program
Correction to the correction printed in the July 1992 issue.
CorrectionTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Correction to article in the April 1991 issue of The Plotter that calculates the day of the week any given date falls on.
- Correspondence
Day of the WeekTS 2068 Type-in program
Dead Key RowTS 2068 Hardware project
- December Meeting
Depreciation Program for the 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable
Disk Errors
May be caused by creased disk jacket.
Dissolving Display ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Swap array elements chosen at random. The larger the loop, the less sequential the order af the array.
Do It Now
Contribute to Andre Baune’s ZX-91.
Double Sided BoxTS 2068 Type-in program
Dr. ZTS 1000 Type-in program
Duplicating the TS 1000 Graphic SymbolsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Reproducing the 6 missing 1000 graphics symbols on the 2068.
E-Z Key 60 KeyboardTS 1000 Hardware review
EarthTS 2068 Type-in program
Easy Keyboard FixTS 2068 Hardware project
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Electronic Catalog
Entering and Recalling Text in Machine CodeTS 2068 Type-in program
EpicycliodsTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to plot epicycloids, a type of curve that is formed when a smaller circle rolls around the outside of a larger circle.
Esc KeyTS 2068 Hardware project
Escape KeyTS 2068 Hardware project
Escape Key Boo BooTS 2068 Hardware project
Extended Basic for Your TS 1000TS 1000 Hardware review
Extended Mode RevisitedTS 2068
Extended ProblemTS 1000 TS 2040 Hardware project
FadeawayTS 2068 Type-in program
Fancy FontsTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
Faster ControlTS 2068 Tutorial
Pokes for faster typing and game controls.
Fat CharactersTS 2068 TS 2040 Type-in program
Favorite TriangleTS 2068 Type-in program
FeathersTS 2068 Type-in program
Short program to generate a graphic display.
February Minutes
Publishing project took up much of the meeting.
- Fest Notes & Afterthoughts
Financial ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Flower BasketTS 2068
Flower BasketTS 2068 Type-in program
Foolproof Load Kill?TS 2068 Type-in program
For Your Information
Notes about printing the newsletter.
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
From the Editor's Desk
Thoughts about moving meeting to local community college.
- From the Editor's Desk
From the Editor's Desk
September meeting lightly attended.
From the Editor's Desk
Laying out the Best Of and newsletter.
- From the Editor's Desk
From the Editor's Desk
The Hacker newsletter (Las Vegas) may be back in publication.
From the Editor's Desk
Notes about the issue.
From the Editor's Desk
Notes on progress of Best Of.
From the Editor's Desk
Notes re Rod Gowen’s failing eyesight.
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editors Desk
From the Editors Desk
Notes about the current issue.
From the Vice-Chairman
Dick dicusses a letter from Ken Jackson about commecting an Olivetti printer to his TS 2068 with an AERCO interface. Jackson lives in Uturoa, Raiatea (French Polynesia).
- From the Vice-Chairman
Full Screen Dump on Your 2040 PrinterTS 2068 TS 2040 Type-in program
- Galfrey II BBS
Gasoline CostsTS 1000 Type-in program
Geosynchronous Satellite Aiming ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Gesso 2068 CartridgesTS 2068 Type-in program Hardware review
Gesso EPROM ProgrammerTS 2068 Hardware review
Getting More From Your 2050TS 2068 TS 2050 Type-in program
Getting the IN on the 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
Golden Goodies for 2068 UsersTS 2068 Type-in program
GraphicsTS 2068
Graphics and SoundTS 2068 Type-in program
Program from CTM magazine to print graphics and coordinate with sound.
Great CircleTS 2068 Type-in program
Guess the NumberTS 1000 Type-in program
- Guest editorial
- Hardware and Other Things
Hardware: Disk DrivesTS 2068
Health DangerTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to plot potentially dangerous weather conditions for exercise.
Helpful HintTS 2068
HelplineTS 2068
Hot Z Spectrum
User seeks Hot Z for the Spectrum.
How Tall?TS 2068 Type-in program
How to Change RAMTOP, Part 1TS 1000 Reference
How to Change RAMTOP, Part 2TS 1000 Tutorial
IllusionsTS 2068 Type-in program
Rotating globe display.
Illusions: A RecapTS 2068 Type-in program
In-BetweenQL Type-in program
Increasing the Character Count Per Line on Tasword TwoTS 2068
InflationTS 2068 Type-in program
- Information
InputTS 2068 Tutorial
Investigation in to ways to accept data from INPUT.
Input CursorsTS 2068 Type-in program
Input Cursors (for the TS 2068)TS 2068 Reference
Input Text With StringsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
Inputting Commands: ZX81 & 1000TS 1000
International Character SetTS 2068
Introduction to 2068 Machine CodeTS 2068 Book review
Is There Anyone Out There
Letter to dealers about supporting users.
Jack Dohany, Software/HardwareTS 2068
- January Meeting Minutes
January Minutes
Discussion of producing “Best Of”, other business.
- July Meeting
- July Minutes
June Meeting
Progress on club projects. Update on the status of Tim Woods.
- June Meeting Minutes
- June Minutes
Just For FunTS 2068 Type-in program
Keno PickTS 2068 Type-in program
Knots or SnakesTS 1000 Type-in program
Large PrintersTutorial
Large Screen DumpTS 2068 Type-in program
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068 Type-in program
Larken LinesTS 2068 Hardware project
Larken LinesTS 2068 Type-in program
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068 Type-in program
Larken LinesTS 2068 Type-in program
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
- Larken Lines
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
Larken LockTS 2068 Type-in program
Add a lock code to Larken disks.
Larken Tip
Recovering from error with diskettes.
Learning Timex/Sinclair BASICTS 1000 Book review
Letter from Dick WagnerTS 1000
Letter from Dick WagnerTS 1000
- Letter from Don Lambert
- Letter from James Povec
- Letter from Richard Hurd
- Letters to the Editor
Letters to the EditorTS 2068 Type-in program
Letters to the EditorTS 2068
- Library
- Library Note
- Library Notes
- Library Notes
- Library Notes
- Library Notes
Library NotesTS 2068 Software review
Review of Moon Base Attack.
- Library Notes
Listing On Your PrinterTS 2068 Type-in program
LLIST Graphic CharactersTS 2068
Techniques for printing the special Sinclair graphics characters to conventional dot matrix printers. Jack Dohany’s GYPSY and SD9 programs are mentioned.
LListing With QLQL Type-in program
Load and Save Easier with LED VU MeterTS 1000 Hardware project
Loan StatusTS 1000 Type-in program
- Local BBS List
LottoTS 2068 Type-in program
Magic NumbersTS 1000 Type-in program
Magic SquaresTS 2068 Type-in program
Magna-BannerTS 2068 Type-in program
Make a LogoTS 2068 Type-in program
Make a Wampum CrateTS 2068 Type-in program
March Meeting
Notes about production related to “Best of” book.
- March Meeting Minutes
- March Minutes
- Marketing Innovations
Math GameTS 2068 Type-in program
Guessing game.
May Meeting
Notes about progress on club activities.
Maze ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Medicare Income Tax ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Meet MusicolaTS 2068 Software review
Meet the DunlopsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting News
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Room
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Member Directory
- Membership List
- Membership List
Menu for WafersTS 2068 Type-in program
Microwafer Directory/Index SystemTS 2068 Type-in program
Mike's Notebook: CMPRESTS 2068 Type-in program
This months utility will COMPRESS a typical SCREEN$ file up to as much as 1/2 its usual size. In addition, a header is automatically included in the SAVED file which will resolve the compressed SCREEN$ back to its full size onto the screen by simply using RANDOMIZE USR (address).
Mike's Notebook: BITSTS 2068 Type-in program
Knowing the bit patterns of a specific byte can also help to better understand machine code among the many other uses. The following BASIC program will print out all 256 bit patterns, their hexadecimal and decimal equivalent.
Mike's Notebook: CLIPTS 2068 Type-in program
One of the fundamental concepts of computer graphics programming is that of viewport clipping, or eliminating all lines of a display outside the screen.
Mike's Notebook: GETPUTTS 2068 Type-in program
Here are two commands found in other computer BASICs which are missing from Sinclair BASIC. They are GET and PUT, and are used transferring screen images.
Mike's Notebook: LARGETS 2068 Type-in program
Easy-to-use command utility which quickly PRINTs a string of text at any size and at any pixel coordinate location.
Mike's Notebook: LINESTS 2068 Type-in program
Sinclair BASIC graphics commands PLOT and DRAW have several disadvantages and shortcomings. One of them is that they only address a 256 X 176 pixel screen and cannot draw to the bottom two character lines.
Mike's Notebook: LOADERTS 2068 Type-in program
Use the SCREEN$ token to read file names from the screen following a disk CAT.
Mike's Notebook: LOTTOTS 2068 Type-in program
Lotto number generators that can be modified for your geographical requirements.
Mike's Notebook: MACROTS 2068 Type-in program
Did you ever do a lot of repetitive keying or wish you had programmable function keys? Here’s a clever little utility which will do just that. It was originally written for the Spectrum and uses the interrupt mode 2.
Mike's Notebook: MACROTS 2068 Type-in program
Did you ever do a lot of repetitive keying or wish you had programmable function keys? Here’s a clever little utility which will do just that. It was originally written for the Spectrum and uses the interrupt mode 2.
Mike's Notebook: MKDATATS 2068 Type-in program
One of the “must have” utilities that any self-respecting software “hacker” needs in his/her arsenal of tools is a DATA line maker. Although there are several available, especially for the Spectrum ROM, mv favorite one appeared in the May 1988 newsletter of the Capital Area Timex Sinclair Users Group by H.E. Weppler. I have simplified it and moved
Mike's Notebook: PARSE64TS 2068 Type-in program
The following bit of machine code will allow you to print any text string using a clean, fast 64 column character set. What distinguishes this program from similar ones is that instead of requiring 768 bytes to define the characters (96 characters X 8 bytes per character), this program uses half the usual number of
Mike's Notebook: PARSE64TS 2068 Type-in program
The following bit of machine code will allow you to print any text string using a clean, fast 64 column character set. What distinguishes this program from similar ones is that instead of requiring 768 bytes to define the characters (96 characters X 8 bytes per character), this program uses half the usual number of
Mike's Notebook: WINDOWTS 2068 Type-in program
This months utility gives you a WINDOW command that will -place user defined 3-D window at location and any size on the screen using any of the eight available colors. The user can define the line, column, width, height, and color of each window.
Mill Circular PocketsTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to demonstrate CAD/CAM machining techniques.
Mind ReaderTS 1000 Type-in program
- Mini-Fair News
- Mini-Fair News
- Mini-Fair News
- Mini-Fair News
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
Modem Fix (2050)TS 2050 Hardware project
Modem ResistorsTS 2050
Modem RevisitedTS 2050
Money ManagerTS 2068 Software review
Money PailTS 2068 Type-in program
More 2068 GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program
The first program draws a “snail” by processing a program for a spiral of 360 degrees. It also draws straight lines between the center and the points, forming the shell.
- More Big Printer
More on AttributesTS 2068 Reference
More on BookwormTS 2068 Type-in program
Followup to prior article, adapted for 2068.
More on Disk Drive SpeedTS 2068
More on GETPUTTS 2068 Type-in program
More on Tasword 2TS 2068 Type-in program
More ProgramsTS 2068 Type-in program
More Tasword IITS 2068 Type-in program
MothershipTS 1000 Software review
Motorcycle JumpTS 1000 Type-in program
MScript + ProfileTS 2068 Tutorial
Mscript Label PrintingTS 2068
Mscript with MSDOS
Notes on the version for MSDOS.
MScript's Revised Printer CodesTS 2068
MTERM II/Loader IVTS 2068
Music with BeepTS 2068 Type-in program
Mystery!TS 2068 Type-in program
New BBS in TownTS 2068
- New Product Announcement
News From TexasTS 2068
Larry Zunk discontinues Timex shareware.
- Newsletter Review
- Newsletter: A Note to Editors
- Newsletters Index
NicomachusTS 1000 Type-in program
- Notice to All Newsletter Editors
- Notices
- November Meeting
November Meeting
Discussion of club business.
- November Meeting Notes
- November Minutes
NumbersTS 2068 Type-in program
Corrections to a program printed in April 1987 issue. Select an integer between 1-100, computer will figure it out.
- October Minutes
Old ProgramsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Oley!TS 2068 Type-in program
Oliger SAFE V2.5 Disk Operating SystemTS 2068 Hardware review
Oliger SAFE V2.5 Disk Operating SystemTS 2068 Hardware review
Oliger SAFE V2.5 DOSTS 2068
- On the Soap-Box Again!
OopsTS 1000 Type-in program
OopsTS 1000
Our New Home
Details about move to new meeting location.
P and RTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Calculate any value in resistance, voltage, current (R=E/I) formula.
Patch for *D and *E Compilation BugTS 2068 Type-in program
Penetrator on DiskTS 2068 Type-in program
Personal Net WorthTS 1000 Type-in program
Personal Portfolio ManagerTS 2068 Software review
Phone NamesTS 2068 Type-in program
- Picnic Bytes
Pie Chart ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
PinballTS 1000 Software review
Pitch and PointTS 2068 Type-in program
Program that plots relationship of pitch to points.
PIX-FX, A ReviewTS 2068 Software review
Pixel Print PressTS 2068
Plot With Tab?TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
PokesTS 2068
Pokes for Tasman InterfaceTS 2068
POKEs, Etc for 2068TS 2068 Reference
POKEs, Etc for 2068TS 2068 Reference
POKEs, etc for the 2068TS 2068 Type-in program
PEEKs, POKEs and programming techniques.
- Portland Area Timex/Sinclair Users Corner
- Portland Area Timex/Sinclair Users Corner
- Portland Area Timex/Sinclair Users Corner
Practice Morse CodeTS 2068 Type-in program
Print UsingTS 2068 Type-in program
Printer CodesTS 2068
Notes on using the Epson LQ-570 with the Oliger printer interface.
Printer DriversTS 2068 Software review
Printer Graphics CorrectionTS 2068
Printer ZeroTS 2068 Type-in program
Printers and MscriptTS 2068
Adjustment to Mscript to make it work with Epson LQ-570.
Printing From ArraysTS 2068 Type-in program
PRINTUSINGTS 2068 Type-in program
Pro/File for the A & J Micro-DriveTS 2068 Type-in program
Product Report: Star PrinterHardware review
Product Review: Spectrum Emulator for 2068TS 2068 Hardware review
Profile Again!TS 2068
Programming: Did You Know?TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
- Protecting Your Software
- Puzzle
QL BannerQL Type-in program
Reprinted from Timelinez, March 1987.
QL Cartridge Backup ProgramQL Type-in program
QL Corner: INT DemoQL Type-in program
QL Corner: INT DemoQL Type-in program
QL DumpQL Type-in program
QL QornerQL Type-in program
QL TipQL Reference
RAMDisk to Disk BackupTS 2068 Type-in program
RAMdisk-RAMdisk-RAH-RAH-RAHTS 2068
Random Numbers on the 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
Reaction On Your ComputerTS 1000 Type-in program
Reaction TimeTS 2068 Type-in program
Read TS 1000 on a 2068TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Notes on adjusting 1000 program to display the proper characters on a 2068.
Redwood GoodiesTS 2068
Larken DOS programs from Jack Dohany.
Reflections In a Jaundiced Eye
Since the following words are only my opinion, this should be considered as a “sort of” editorial. I was disappointed by the Mini-Fair. Not that it did not do what it was designed to do — it did. But that is only part of the story. What of the Timex/Sinclair people who weren’t in evidence.
Regulator Modification to 2068TS 2068 Hardware project
Renumber SubroutineTS 2068 Type-in program
Reverse VideoTS 1000 Hardware project
- Revised Membership List
Right and Decimal JustificationTS 2068 Type-in program
Rounding NumbersTS 2068 Type-in program
Salary RaiseTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to calculate the best raise strategy based on a Marilyn Vos Savant column.
Sample: RS Plotter/2040TS 2068 Type-in program
Save Memory: Use Buried Color Codes Instead of Color CommandsTS 2068 Reference Tutorial
Saving 2068 Programs RevisitedTS 2068 Type-in program
Saving RAM MemoryTS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
Screen Display ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Screen Format RoutineTS 2068 Type-in program
SCREEN$ CalibrationTS 2068
SCREEN$ Loader ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
Short program to load screens via menu.
Scrolling Bulletin BoardsTS 1000 Type-in program
Scrolling TipTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
- Secretary's Corner
- Secretary's Minutes
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- September Minutes
Sharing My Experience with Pro/file +3TS 2068 Software review
Signal ReducerHardware review
Review of signal reducer from Radio Shack.
Simple AmortizationTS 2068 Type-in program
Sinclair Basic to GW-Basic
Notes about migrating Sinclair Basic programs to GW-Basic.
- Sinclair North America User Group
- Sinclair Northamerica Users Group
- Sinclair Sells Out
Sinclair Users Unite!
Rules and guidelines for the Sinclair/Timex user FidoNet Echo.
Ski Run ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
SlalomTS 1000 Type-in program
Small ToolTS 2068 Type-in program
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
Software Review: MSCRIPT v5.3TS 2068 Software review
Solving a Machine Code Loading ProblemTS 1000 Type-in program
Some Golden GoodiesTS 2068 Type-in program
Speaking Out
Thoughts on lack of interest in special interest demonstrations.
- Special Note
Special Notice
Proposal to develop a nation-wide Timex/Sinclair bulletin-board network.
- Special November Meeting
Speed Up BasicTS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
SpiralTS 2068 Type-in program
Square RootsTS 1000 Type-in program
Program that arrives at square roots by division.
SticksTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable
STRING$TS 2068 Type-in program
STRING$ FunctionTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Method of duplicating Microsoft BASIC STRING$ function.
- Summary of October Meeting
- Summary of September Meeting
Sunrise & Sunset TimesTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to calculate sunrise and sunset times based on location. Program printed in December issue.
- Survey Results
- T/S Helpline
- T/S Helpline
T/S HelplineTS 2068 Tutorial
Taming My Olivetti PrinterTS 2068
Tech Draw SamplesTS 2068
Test TS 1000 PACTS 1000 Type-in program
- The 3rd Annual Great NW/International NW Mini-Fair Report
- The 3rd Annual International/Great NW TS Mini-Fair
The Big PictureTS 2068
Improve 2068 video signal by routing through a VCR.
The Broken Clock FaceTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to solve a problem posed by Marilyn vos Savant.
- The Bull Pen
The Check WriterTS 2068 Type-in program
The Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home ComputersTS 1000 TS 2068 Book review
The Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home ComputersTS 1000 TS 2068 Book review
- The Monster
The QL QornerQL
The QL QornerQL Type-in program
The QL QornerQL Type-in program
The QL QornerQL Type-in program
The QL QornerQL Type-in program
The QL QornerQL Type-in program
The Ramex/Amdek Disk SystemTS 2068 Hardware review
The Sinclair ZX81 Programming for Real ApplicationsTS 1000 Book review
The Timex/Sinclair 2068 ROM ManuscriptTS 2068 Book review
The Timex/Sinclair User's EncyclopediaTS 1000 Reference Book review
The Treasure Chest of NIMTS 1000 Type-in program
The Ultimate Solution
Sarcastic solution for TS 2020 load/save problems.
TilesTS 1000 Type-in program
Game where player has to rearrange 15 letters.
Time to RunTS 2068 Type-in program
TimegateTS 2068 Software review
- Timex Sinclair Electronic Newsletter
Tips on Color CommandsTS 2068 Tutorial
Title DisplayTS 2068 Type-in program
Trace: Find StringsTS 2068 Reference Type-in program
Transfer Files/ProFileTS 2068
Transparent InkTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
Try This ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
3 line graphics demo that illustrates a bug in DRAW.
TS 1000 PlotTS 1000 Type-in program
TS 2068 Sample FontsTS 2068
- TS Computer Repairs
TS Help LineTS 2068
TS2068 Serial CableTS 2068 TS 2050 Hardware project
Twelve CoinsTS 2068 Type-in program
Two User Reports on Tasword TwoTS 2068 Software review
TYPETAS.TXTTS 2068 Type-in program
U.S. Federal Court Using ZX-81/TSTS 1000
Union JackTS 2068 Type-in program
- Update! Magazine
Use Your 80 Column Printer From BASICTS 2068 Type-in program
User Defined Character DesignerTS 2068 Type-in program
User Defined Characters on the 1000, Part I and IITS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
Using DEF FN and FNTS 2068 QL Type-in program Tutorial
Given are three little example programs that mixes up a brew of ways to use DEF FN and FN. There are zillions of ways that the “DEFine” functions can be used for both math and literal operations.
Using DRAW with PLOTTS 2068 Type-in program
An interesting display of PLOT with DRAW can be made with the following program. As noted in the REM statements, certain numbers make it possible to overlap vertical lines in the boxes.
Using Point!TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
What is POINT? Our 2068 manual simply states that POINT tells you whether a PLOT point specified by coordinates is PAPER color (0), or INK color (1). The coordinates for x range from 0 to 255 and y ranges from 0 to 175.
Using the A & J Model 2000 Stringy FloppyTS 2068
VU-CalcTS 2068 Software review
VU-Calc RevisitedTS 2068 Software review
Vulcan Kills Classics
Vulcan Computer Monthly drops Classic Computer section with the July 1992 issue.
Wafer TipsTS 2068 Type-in program
- What is a Newsletter
What MPH?TS 1000 Type-in program
Program to calculate optimal speed to drive to work.
- Who Are We?
Why Codes?
Follow-up to prior article about using coded entries.
Why? Own a Computer?
Why own a computer if you don’t use it to print your orders your send to RMG Enterprises?
Widget Cost ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program
Wind Chill ChartTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Winky Board IITS 1000 Hardware review
- Word Processing
WordMasterTS 2068 Software review
World's Biggest Wrist WatchTS 2068 Type-in program
X-10 Controllers
Overview of X-10 controllers from Radio Shack.
Your Social Security BenefitsTS 2068 Type-in program
Zebra Joystick AdapterTS 1000 Hardware review
Zebra Systems WC2050 to RS232 KitTS 2050 Hardware review
Zener Voltage RegulationTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
Program to calculate values for a circuit using a Zener for voltage regulation.
Zenith MonitorTS 2068 Hardware review
Zeus AssemblerTS 2068 Software review
Description of Andre Baune’s newsletter.
ZX/TS P & RTS 2068
ZX/TS P and RTS 2068 Type-in program
ZX/TS P and R: Auto-run Programs, Math DrillTS 1000 Type-in program
ZX/TS P and R: Justification, 1K AdventuresTS 1000 Type-in program
ZX/TS P and R: Short ProgramsTS 2068 Type-in program
ZX/TS P and R: Short ProgramsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
ZX/TS P and R: Suppress Error Codes; Short ProgramsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
ZX/TS P and R: Testing Tip, AttentionTS 1000 Type-in program
- ZX/TS P and R: Tips and Short Programs
ZX/TS Programs and RoutinesTS 1000 Type-in program
ZX/TS Programs and RoutinesTS 1000 Type-in program
ZX/TS Word ProcessorTS 1000 Type-in program
- ZXir QLive Alive Kick-Off Announcement