The Plotter
- *D & *E Compilation BugTIMACHINE compiler users may be interested in this correction. It shows up when compiling large programs and *D & *E are used. After the program has loaded (while the backup prompt is still on the screen), break into the program by deleting the left quote and entering STOP (SYMBOL SHIFT A). Add the following lines…
- 10 Years Later
- 118 User Defined Graphics CharactersAccording to Chapter 18, page 163 of the TS 2068 User Manual, you can create and use 21 user defined graphic symbols. Some people may not be aware of the fact that you can do far more than that 21. That chapter goes into how you can, by using BIN, create those graphic character. This…
- 16K RAM Pack Test
- 1990 Paid Members
- 2068 Large Printer Screen Dump
- 2068 PlottingJohn McMichael has a program and hardware that interfaces a 2068 computer and a Commodore 1520 plotter.
- 2068 POKEsNote re address 23561 (repeat delay setting).
- 2068 Screen DumpScreen dump for Epson and Panasonic printers.
- 2068 Screen Dump
- 2068 User Graphics
- 2068 Word ProcessingShort description of improvements to MSCRIPT in version 5.3
- 2068 Word ProcessingMore about Mscript V5.3.
- 2nd Annual Midwest T-S Computer Fest
- 3-D Tic Tac Toe
- A & J Micro Drive
- A & J Microdrive 2000 Review
- A 2040 Hint
- A 2068 BugBug common only to EPROM conversions by Jack Dohany: unable to get underline in programming.
- A 2068 NewsletterAnnouncement for UPDATE Magazine.
- A 2068 Problem
- A 2068 Quickie
- A Better WayDesign user defined graphics without resorting to the BIN method suggested in the manual.
- A Cockroach StoryThis little story by Marilyn appeared in our Sunday paper. You are to come up with the answer as requested at the end. It is an easy one to convert into a computer program to get the answer.
- A Death in the FamilyDeath of Grace Hopper.
- A Good One
- A Hot QL Fix
- A Hot QL Fix
- A Ladder Rung ProblemProgram to calculate solution to a math problem.
- A Ladder Rung ProblemThis little problem about the number of rungs in a ladder was presented in our local newspaper in an article about The Problem With Math in Oregon Schools. It seemed like a nice problem for an adult to present to a student of almost any age, if State educators are correct in expecting a 3rd…
- A Long Cable For 2040 Printers
- A Machine Code Loader Program for the T/S 1000
- A Neat Trick: A Trick for Saving With T/S 1000
- A New QL Magazine
- A Novel CardThis short program will print out a novel card you can distribute to your friends, print it out parties, etc. Readers of past issues of this newsletter will recall that I use Jack Dohany’s 2068 USE 9 for screen dumps. This is a part of his GYPSY routines.
- A Quicky
- A Rotate ProgramUses user defined graphics to create a mirrored text effect.
- A Spreadsheet ApplicationWhile my comments pertain to the spreadsheet, AS-EASY-AS V5.5, a MSDOS type shareware program, I am sure there are other spreadsheets in use that are similar.
- A Study of Plot on the 1000
- A Study of Plot on the 1000, Part 2
- A Universal Data Base Manager
- A Way Around A Problem
- ABC PC Keyboard Interface
- Acey Ducey
- Adding Machine
- Adding Sound Effects
- Advice TS1000Same program as the 2068 version, adapted for the 1000.
- Advice, 2068Short program with advice from Charles F. Kettering.
- AERCO QuitsAs of this writing, RMG Enterprises has just received the last stock of TS hardware that AERCO had left. Jerry Chamkis told me that because of the low demand and the fact that he is too busy with his current work to make it cost effective for him to worry about the little that TS…
- Alert!
- All Done?
- Another Solution to Copy Tapes
- Answer to the Cockroach Story: QBASICQBASIC solution to the cockroach story.
- Apathy, The Great User Group Killer
- Apple ProblemShort story demonstrates math problem.
- April MeetingMore notes about producing the “Best of”.
- April Minutes
- Art Work
- Artillery Practice
- Attribute Function Defined
- Audioscan
- August MeetingClub business planning production of Best Of…
- Autorun Programs
- Bank Statement Checker
- Bar Code?Developing unique identifiers with just alphanumeric characters.
- Basic StatisticsShort program to compute statistical values, previously published in CTM magazine.
- BBS - What Is It?
- Bit-Image Graphics
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & BytesClub elections, T/SNUG news, RMG news, “The Best Of” project, genealogy.
- Bits & BytesThe Hacker (user group newsletter) published last issue. T/SNUG news from Bob Swoger.
- Bits & BytesLogicall 4.8 is in; dues; “Best of” project; genealogy demonstration.
- Bits & Bytes2068 Slideshow available from RMG; membership drops; “Best of” project; newsletter exchange.
- Bits & BytesBurnout strikes again: Bill Heberlein, editor of SMUG Bytes, moves on. Plotter needs new editor. “Best of” project.
- Bits & BytesVulcan Computer Monthly discontinues classic computer section. 2068 on your IBM.
- Bits & BytesPaste-up of Best Of nearly complete; RMG ending a bad year.
- Bits & BytesNotes about the club and its projects.
- Bits & Bytes“Fast” break on 2068; submissions requested; new users.
- Bits & BytesHelp an old friend; submission requirements.
- Bits & BytesUpdate on Best Of, Michael Carver and Mike de Sosa heard from.
- Bits & BytesCall for participation.
- Bits & BytesVulcan drops orphans, Best of the Plotter, and old friend (Syd Wyncoop) returns to the fold.
- Bits & BytesPoor attendance at December meeting; dues time; editor needed.
- Bits & BytesDues; indexing The Plotter.
- Bits & BytesMeeting notes, library additions.
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & BytesOur September meeting was probably the best one we’ve had in quite some months. We had 5 people in attendence and had a short business meeting to discuss future plans for the club. We had a consensus on plans for getting back to a format of discussion, show and tell and question/answer sessions.
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and BytesTimex Sinclair User has issued its first copy of Timex Sinclair Shopper. It is supposed to come out quarterly. In it there is a subscription form for Timex Sinclair News, the new name for Timex Sinclair User. The new owner of Timex Sinclair User worked with TS User and the former Timex Sinclair User became…
- Bits and BytesTimex Sinclair User is dead; subscriptions will be filled with issues of K-Power.
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bits and Bytes
- Bold
- Bold Print on Your 2040 Printer
- Book(s) ReviewGOSUB 100 Programs-Building Subroutines in Timex/Sinclair Basic and The Most Popular Subroutines in BASIC.
- BookwormProgram based on a Marilyn Vos Savant column.
- Borders on the 1000 & 2068
- Boss Control Stick for 2068
- Box the TitleNote on drawing boxes around titles with Mscript.
- Breaking and Saving 2068 ProgramsMost programs that you can purchase for the 2068 when loaded start running and if you try breaking into them they dump, lock up the computer, or will not accept the break command. These programs usually consist of at least three programs in one. The first part consists of a simple loader that tells the…
- BuilderBuild structures using bricks.
- Busy Spots
- Buzz SawThis is another 2068 graphic so make a picture of “WAGNER’S BUZZ SAW” and work with angles. If the reader will recall, when you use angles they must be in radians for computer formulas.
- Byte Power Magazine
- Byte Power Magazine
- Byte-Back Modem
- C on the 2068
- C Program for Sinclair QL and IBM PC
- Calculate any Easter Date
- Calculating Sinking Fund
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Cassette Label Maker
- Catalog Your A&J Wafers
- CCAT/S Library Updates
- CCAT/S Logo
- CCATS Meeting October
- Certificate
- Certificate
- CertificatesCreating gift certificates on the computer.
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Corner
- Chairman's Mumblings
- Chairman's Mumblings
- Changing Tasword II Help Page
- Chaos
- Chase
- Check Disk Drive Speed
- Chinese Fortune Calendar
- Christmas Fireplace
- Circles
- Circles
- Circuit Board Designer
- Combat!
- Combination
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Comments on Compuserve
- Commodore 1520 PlotterSome time ago I suggested some possible updating of Page 1 of this newsletter. Having had a Commodore 1520 plotter for a few years plus John McMichael’s programming and interface (Oliger) but not having actually done any programming for it, now seemed to be a time to get at it and see what I had.…
- Compatibles
- Computer ArtThis program that produces beautiful displays that can be changed to a color display.
- Computer Character Format: T/S 1000 & 2068
- Computer Fair
- Computers in SpaceAs I write this, it has been 25 years since we landed a man on the moon. Can you believe it? And when did most of us start using computers on a regular basis? Wasn’t it only 12-14 years ago? And what were these great tools that we had been handed? A 6 inch square…
- Control Things With Your Timex Sinclair Computer
- Convert That Old Amdek 3 to a 3.5Replace the 3″ drives with 3.5″ drives in an Amdek enclosure.
- Converting from GW BASICNotes on adjusting programs to work on 2068.
- Correcting Graphics on Printers
- CorrectionCorrection to the correction printed in the July 1992 issue.
- CorrectionCorrection to article in the April 1991 issue of The Plotter that calculates the day of the week any given date falls on.
- Correspondence
- Day of the Week
- Dead Key Row
- December Meeting
- Depreciation Program for the 2068
- Design a Zener Diode CircuitThe companion program for the 2068 computer was in the last edition. It was developed from the GWBASIC circuit given here. This program designs a zener circuit to provide a stable DC output from a higher DC voltage.
- Disk ErrorsMay be caused by creased disk jacket.
- Dissolving Display ProgramSwap array elements chosen at random. The larger the loop, the less sequential the order af the array.
- Do It NowContribute to Andre Baune’s ZX-91.
- Double Sided Box
- Dr. Z
- Drifting Away?THE PLOTTER was originally produced as a vehicle to dispense news to the membership of CCATS about the meeting time and date as well as to disseminate information about the new and exciting Timex/Sinclair computers. That was over 12 years ago! The purpose of the newsletter has not changed. It is still sent to members…
- Duplicating the TS 1000 Graphic SymbolsReproducing the 6 missing 1000 graphics symbols on the 2068.
- E-Z Key 60 Keyboard
- Earth
- Easy Keyboard Fix
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editor's Desk
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Electronic Catalog
- Energy SaversHere are a few tips that may be of interest to those of our readers who are trying to conserve energy — in whatever form. These are just a few things that I have learned over the years in trying to lower my electric bill each month.
- Entering and Recalling Text in Machine Code
- EpicycliodsProgram to plot epicycloids, a type of curve that is formed when a smaller circle rolls around the outside of a larger circle.
- Esc Key
- Escape Key
- Escape Key Boo Boo
- Extended Basic for Your TS 1000
- Extended Mode Revisited
- Extended Problem
- Fadeaway
- Fancy Fonts
- Faster ControlPokes for faster typing and game controls.
- Fat Characters
- Favorite Triangle
- FeathersShort program to generate a graphic display.
- February MinutesPublishing project took up much of the meeting.
- Fest Notes & Afterthoughts
- Financial Program
- Flower Basket
- Flower Basket
- Foolproof Load Kill?
- For Your InformationNotes about printing the newsletter.
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Chairman's Computer
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's DeskThoughts about moving meeting to local community college.
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's DeskSeptember meeting lightly attended.
- From the Editor's DeskLaying out the Best Of and newsletter.
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's DeskThe Hacker newsletter (Las Vegas) may be back in publication.
- From the Editor's DeskNotes about the issue.
- From the Editor's DeskNotes on progress of Best Of.
- From the Editor's DeskNotes re Rod Gowen’s failing eyesight.
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's DeskThis month we provide an article on basic BASIC programming that hopefully will interest some of our readers. The author’s name, Jim Wagner, will be recognized as the provider of a writeup on his book, The Amateur Packet Radio Handbook in a recent newsletter.
- From the Editor's DeskThis month’s newsletter contents includes a nice review of a Jack Dohany series of utilities for working with Larken disk systems. It is nice to know that there is still more information and use being generated for this system so it is far from being dead.
- From the Editor's DeskI am sorry to note that this issue is quite devoid of 2068 programs and articles. The nearest we come to a 2068 program is the article on printer codes which includes a program conversion from GW-BASIC. While the article pertains to a particular printer, the concept of displaying whatever graphic symbols your printer may…
- From the Editor's DeskThere is an interesting article in PCNOVICE magazine, November 1994 issue concerning the possible demise of MSDOS operating system in favor of Windows operating system. The author compares the comments and use of the very latest MSDOS system that operates under the Windows system with the comments and use of the older 286 machine that…
- From the Editor's DeskIt is becoming quite evident that Mackintosh and IBM clone types are advancing so rapidly in new technology that our home equipment is becoming more like the 2068 in comparison.
- From the Editor's DeskThis month we continue the use of simple math puzzles as BASIC programs. I find them interesting to put in program form. Even simple litte things seem to take some experimenting to get in a suitable form.
- From the Editor's DeskThis issue devotes a fair amount of space to the word processor, MSCRIPT. Being fairly conversant with Jack Dohany’s revisions I find it easy to write about. The early edition of it has surfaced again, possibly the original, as an MSDOS program. Do any of our readers know the history of this word processor? We…
- From the Editor's DeskThis month we continue with the dissertation on BASIC programming by Jim Wagner. Worthwile suggestions are offered to the programmer.
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editor's Desk
- From the Editors Desk
- From the Editors DeskNotes about the current issue.
- From the Vice-ChairmanDick dicusses a letter from Ken Jackson about commecting an Olivetti printer to his TS 2068 with an AERCO interface. Jackson lives in Uturoa, Raiatea (French Polynesia).
- From the Vice-Chairman
- Full Screen Dump on Your 2040 Printer
- Galfrey II BBS
- Gasoline Costs
- Geosynchronous Satellite Aiming Program
- Gesso 2068 Cartridges
- Gesso EPROM Programmer
- Getting More From Your 2050
- Getting the IN on the 2068
- Golden Goodies for 2068 Users
- Good Things
- Graphics
- Graphics and SoundProgram from CTM magazine to print graphics and coordinate with sound.
- Great Circle
- Guess the Number
- Guest editorial
- Hardware and Other Things
- Hardware: Disk Drives
- Health DangerProgram to plot potentially dangerous weather conditions for exercise.
- Health Danger!A recent article in our local newspaper answered some questions concerning intense exercise (also strenuous labor?) under high heat-humidity conditions.
- Helpful Hint
- Helpline
- Hot Z SpectrumAn old friend of the TS community phoned me yesterday and asked if I had heard of a version of HOT Z for the Spectrum. He has been tracking rumors of such an animal for quite a while and has not been able to locate a copy. I am sure that he would appreciate it…
- How Tall?
- How to Change RAMTOP, Part 1
- How to Change RAMTOP, Part 2
- IllusionsRotating globe display.
- Illusions: A Recap
- In-Between
- Increasing the Character Count Per Line on Tasword Two
- Inflation
- Information
- InputInvestigation in to ways to accept data from INPUT.
- Input Cursors
- Input Cursors (for the TS 2068)
- Input Text With Strings
- Inputting Commands: ZX81 & 1000
- International Character Set
- Introduction to 2068 Machine CodeThe book (Introduction to 2068 Machine Code Programming) comes in a paper backed loose leaf binder and has easy to read type. There were some typing errors in the first printing issue that I received that will probably be corrected in later printings. If you have just started learning machine code or would like to…
- Is Anyone Out There?Here we are, over 13 years after the formation of our little group, still publishing our little newsletter. What we need to know at this time is: Are we serving any purpose? Is there anyone out there reading this? Would we be missed?
- Is There Anyone Out ThereLetter to dealers about supporting users.
- Jack Dohany, Software/Hardware
- January Meeting Minutes
- January MinutesDiscussion of producing “Best Of”, other business.
- Jim's Programming NotesMuch of what I list below is intended to improve programming “reliability”. You cannot have a program which works well and is free of bugs if you cannot understand it later and if you cannot do it close to right the first time. Thus, many of these things are designed to put up roadblocks to…
- Jim's Programming NotesIn spite of what experience may have shown, the choice of language is not a big deal. The choice of a particular language implementation IS!
- Jim's Programming NotesContinues from the May issue, covering structure, variable names, constants and user interface.
- July Meeting
- July Minutes
- June MeetingProgress on club projects. Update on the status of Tim Woods.
- June Meeting Minutes
- June Minutes
- Just For Fun
- Keno Pick
- Knots or Snakes
- Label Making with MScriptMSCRIPT, the word processor, available for the 2068 computer for some years thru Zebra until they discontinued selling it, and then available through Jack Dohany with many upgrades, is now on the MSDOS market through RMG Enterprises.
- Large Printers
- Large Screen Dump
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken LinesI have had a few calls concerning the problems some folks are having with their LKDOS system when using more than 40 or 80 tracks on their disks (depending on whether they have double or quad drives).
- Larken LockAdd a lock code to Larken disks.
- Larken TipRecovering from error with diskettes.
- Learning Timex/Sinclair BASIC
- Letter from Dick Wagner
- Letter from Dick Wagner
- Letter from Don Lambert
- Letter from James Povec
- Letter from Richard Hurd
- Letters to the Editor
- Letters to the Editor
- Letters to the Editor
- Library
- Library Note
- Library Notes
- Library Notes
- Library Notes
- Library Notes
- Library NotesReview of Moon Base Attack.
- Library Notes
- Listing On Your Printer
- LLIST Graphic CharactersTechniques for printing the special Sinclair graphics characters to conventional dot matrix printers. Jack Dohany’s GYPSY and SD9 programs are mentioned.
- LListing With QL
- Load and Save Easier with LED VU Meter
- Loan Status
- Local BBS List
- Lotto
- Magic Numbers
- Magic Squares
- Magna-Banner
- Make a Logo
- Make a Wampum Crate
- Making Labels
- March MeetingNotes about production related to “Best of” book.
- March Meeting Minutes
- March Minutes
- Marketing Innovations
- Math GameGuessing game.
- May MeetingNotes about progress on club activities.
- Maze Program
- Medicare Income Tax Program
- Meet Musicola
- Meet the Dunlops
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting News
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Room
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Meetings
- Member Directory
- Membership List
- Membership List
- Menu for Wafers
- Microwafer Directory/Index System
- Mike's Notebook: CMPRESThis months utility will COMPRESS a typical SCREEN$ file up to as much as 1/2 its usual size. In addition, a header is automatically included in the SAVED file which will resolve the compressed SCREEN$ back to its full size onto the screen by simply using RANDOMIZE USR (address).
- Mike's Notebook: BITSKnowing the bit patterns of a specific byte can also help to better understand machine code among the many other uses. The following BASIC program will print out all 256 bit patterns, their hexadecimal and decimal equivalent.
- Mike's Notebook: CLIPOne of the fundamental concepts of computer graphics programming is that of viewport clipping, or eliminating all lines of a display outside the screen.
- Mike's Notebook: GETPUTHere are two commands found in other computer BASICs which are missing from Sinclair BASIC. They are GET and PUT, and are used transferring screen images.
- Mike's Notebook: LARGEEasy-to-use command utility which quickly PRINTs a string of text at any size and at any pixel coordinate location.
- Mike's Notebook: LINESSinclair BASIC graphics commands PLOT and DRAW have several disadvantages and shortcomings. One of them is that they only address a 256 X 176 pixel screen and cannot draw to the bottom two character lines.
- Mike's Notebook: LOADERUse the SCREEN$ token to read file names from the screen following a disk CAT.
- Mike's Notebook: LOTTOLotto number generators that can be modified for your geographical requirements.
- Mike's Notebook: MACRODid you ever do a lot of repetitive keying or wish you had programmable function keys? Here’s a clever little utility which will do just that. It was originally written for the Spectrum and uses the interrupt mode 2.
- Mike's Notebook: MACRODid you ever do a lot of repetitive keying or wish you had programmable function keys? Here’s a clever little utility which will do just that. It was originally written for the Spectrum and uses the interrupt mode 2.
- Mike's Notebook: MKDATAOne of the “must have” utilities that any self-respecting software “hacker” needs in his/her arsenal of tools is a DATA line maker. Although there are several available, especially for the Spectrum ROM, mv favorite one appeared in the May 1988 newsletter of the Capital Area Timex Sinclair Users Group by H.E. Weppler. I have simplified it and moved…
- Mike's Notebook: PARSE64The following bit of machine code will allow you to print any text string using a clean, fast 64 column character set. What distinguishes this program from similar ones is that instead of requiring 768 bytes to define the characters (96 characters X 8 bytes per character), this program uses half the usual number of…
- Mike's Notebook: PARSE64The following bit of machine code will allow you to print any text string using a clean, fast 64 column character set. What distinguishes this program from similar ones is that instead of requiring 768 bytes to define the characters (96 characters X 8 bytes per character), this program uses half the usual number of…
- Mike's Notebook: WINDOWThis months utility gives you a WINDOW command that will -place user defined 3-D window at location and any size on the screen using any of the eight available colors. The user can define the line, column, width, height, and color of each window.
- Mill Circular PocketsNumerical control (NC) of milling machines is an interesting study, mainly because these big machine shop tools are computer , controllable in 3 axis. A milling machine can be as simple as a drill press that has a movable work table with hand controls for the x, y, and z axis.
- Mind Reader
- Mini-Fair News
- Mini-Fair News
- Mini-Fair News
- Mini-Fair News
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Minutes
- Modem Fix (2050)
- Modem Resistors
- Modem Revisited
- Money Manager
- Money Pail
- More 2068 GraphicsThe first program draws a “snail” by processing a program for a spiral of 360 degrees. It also draws straight lines between the center and the points, forming the shell.
- More Big Printer
- More on Attributes
- More on BookwormFollowup to prior article, adapted for 2068.
- More on Disk Drive Speed
- More on GETPUT
- More on Tasword 2
- More Programs
- More Tasword II
- Mothership
- Motorcycle Jump
- MScript + Profile
- Mscript Label Printing
- MScript on Your IBM CloneYES! RMG has it in the shareware/PD library. The program was released in 1984 and is version 1.0 for DOS. The commands are almost identical to those that we saw in the 2068 version. There are no docs with it. But, from what I can tell, you can use the original manual. If anyone is…
- Mscript with MSDOSMany of us made a choice years ago of using either TASWORD II or MSCRIPT for word processing on our 2068 computers. As I recall, I was the only member of our user group to use MSCRIPT on a continuing basis though I used TASWORD when forced to. Then when Jack Dohany developed his nice…
- MScript's Revised Printer Codes
- MTERM II/Loader IV
- Music with Beep
- Mystery!
- New BBS in Town
- New Product Announcement
- News From TexasLarry Zunk discontinues Timex shareware.
- Newsletter Review
- Newsletter: A Note to Editors
- Newsletters Index
- Nicomachus
- Notice to All Newsletter Editors
- Notices
- November Meeting
- November MeetingDiscussion of club business.
- November Meeting Notes
- November Minutes
- NumbersCorrections to a program printed in April 1987 issue. Select an integer between 1-100, computer will figure it out.
- Obscure AgesThe puzzle this month is best solved by using linear equations in which variables are multiplied by constants and added together. This is the method used in the program. As noted, the original program is from the book, BRAIN GAMES FOR KIDS AND ADULTS, written for Apple computers.
- October Minutes
- Old Programs
- Oley!
- Oliger SAFE V2.5 Disk Operating System
- Oliger SAFE V2.5 Disk Operating System
- Oliger SAFE V2.5 DOS
- On the Soap-Box Again!
- Oops
- Oops
- OPEN #, "p"
- Our New HomeDetails about move to new meeting location.
- P and RCalculate any value in resistance, voltage, current (R=E/I) formula.
- Patch for *D and *E Compilation Bug
- Penetrator on Disk
- Personal Net Worth
- Personal Portfolio Manager
- Phone Names
- Picnic Bytes
- Pie Chart Program
- Pinball
- PIX-FX, A Review
- Pixel Print Press
- Plot With Tab?
- Pokes
- Pokes for Tasman Interface
- POKEs, Etc for 2068
- POKEs, Etc for 2068
- POKEs, etc for the 2068PEEKs, POKEs and programming techniques.
- Portland Area Timex/Sinclair Users Corner
- Portland Area Timex/Sinclair Users Corner
- Portland Area Timex/Sinclair Users Corner
- Practice Morse Code
- Print Using
- Printer CodesNotes on using the Epson LQ-570 with the Oliger printer interface.
- Printer Drivers
- Printer Graphic CharactersThis article pertains to Epson 24 pin printers, mainly the LQ-570 model & its counterpart Epson Action 5000.
- Printer Graphics Correction
- Printer Ink CleanerThose who have re-inked larger printer ribbons know that it is almost impossible to use re-inking equipment without getting ink on one or more fingers. Rod Gowen, RMG Enterprises, recommends using WD 40 lubricant as a hand cleaner.
- Printer Ink CleanerThose who have re-inked larger printer ribbons know that it is almost impossible to use re-inking equipment without getting ink on one or more fingers. Rod Gowen, RMG Enterprises, recommends using WD 4 0 lubricant as a hand cleaner. Recently I had re-inked a 17+ yd ribbon for my Epson printer but neglected to clean…
- Printer Ready?There are times that a good screen warning of the Busy/Ready status of a printer is very helpful, particularly if a printer is shared between several computers.
- Printer Zero
- Printers and MscriptAdjustment to Mscript to make it work with Epson LQ-570.
- Printers, PrintersHave any of you looked at the new generation of computer printers lately? If not, you may be in for some surprises. Some good, some bad! As a dealer who likes to keep up with what is happening in the world of computers so that I can better serve my customers, I have occasion to…
- Printing From Arrays
- Pro/File for the A & J Micro-Drive
- Product Report: Star Printer
- Product Review: Spectrum Emulator for 2068
- Profile Again!
- Programming: Did You Know?
- Protecting Your Software
- Puzzle
- QL BannerReprinted from Timelinez, March 1987.
- QL Cartridge Backup Program
- QL Corner: INT Demo
- QL Corner: INT Demo
- QL Dump
- QL Qorner
- QL Tip
- RAMDisk to Disk Backup
- Random Numbers on the 2068
- Reaction On Your Computer
- Reaction Time
- Read TS 1000 on a 2068Notes on adjusting 1000 program to display the proper characters on a 2068.
- Redwood GoodiesLarken DOS programs from Jack Dohany.
- Reflections In a Jaundiced EyeSince the following words are only my opinion, this should be considered as a “sort of” editorial. I was disappointed by the Mini-Fair. Not that it did not do what it was designed to do — it did. But that is only part of the story. What of the Timex/Sinclair people who weren’t in evidence.…
- Regulator Modification to 2068
- Renumber Subroutine
- Reverse Video
- Revised Membership List
- Right and Decimal Justification
- Rounding Numbers
- Salary RaiseProgram to calculate the best raise strategy based on a Marilyn Vos Savant column.
- Sample: RS Plotter/2040
- Save Memory: Use Buried Color Codes Instead of Color Commands
- Saving 2068 Programs Revisited
- Saving RAM Memory
- Screen Display Program
- Screen Format Routine
- SCREEN$ Calibration
- SCREEN$ Loader ProgramShort program to load screens via menu.
- Scrolling Bulletin Boards
- Scrolling Tip
- Secretary's Corner
- Secretary's Minutes
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- Secretary's Secrets
- September Minutes
- Sharing My Experience with Pro/file +3
- Signal ReducerReview of signal reducer from Radio Shack.
- Simple Amortization
- Sinclair Basic to GW-BasicNotes about migrating Sinclair Basic programs to GW-Basic.
- Sinclair North America User Group
- Sinclair Northamerica Users Group
- Sinclair Sells Out
- Sinclair Users Unite!Rules and guidelines for the Sinclair/Timex user FidoNet Echo.
- Ski Run Program
- Slalom
- Small Tool
- So Long!
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Soap Box
- Software Review: MSCRIPT v5.3
- Solving a Machine Code Loading Problem
- Some Golden Goodies
- Speaking OutThoughts on lack of interest in special interest demonstrations.
- Special Note
- Special NoticeProposal to develop a nation-wide Timex/Sinclair bulletin-board network.
- Special November Meeting
- Speed Up Basic
- Spiral
- Square RootsProgram that arrives at square roots by division.
- Sticks
- STRING$ FunctionMethod of duplicating Microsoft BASIC STRING$ function.
- Summary of October Meeting
- Summary of September Meeting
- Sunrise & Sunset TimesProgram to calculate sunrise and sunset times based on location. Program printed in December issue.
- Survey Results
- T/S Helpline
- T/S Helpline
- T/S Helpline
- Taming My Olivetti Printer
- Tech Draw Samples
- Test TS 1000 PAC
- The 3rd Annual Great NW/International NW Mini-Fair Report
- The 3rd Annual International/Great NW TS Mini-Fair
- The Big PictureImprove 2068 video signal by routing through a VCR.
- The Broken Clock FaceProgram to solve a problem posed by Marilyn vos Savant.
- The Broken Clock FaceHere is another math puzzle from Marilyn Vos Savant. The puzzle description is hers, the program is mine. The program is not essential to solving it, but it makes it more interesting.
- The Bull Pen
- The Check Writer
- The Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home Computers
- The Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home Computers
- The Monster
- The QL Qorner
- The QL Qorner
- The QL Qorner
- The QL Qorner
- The QL Qorner
- The QL Qorner
- The Ramex/Amdek Disk System
- The Sinclair ZX81 Programming for Real Applications
- The Timex/Sinclair 2068 ROM Manuscript
- The Timex/Sinclair User's Encyclopedia
- The Treasure Chest of NIM
- The Ultimate SolutionSarcastic solution for TS 2020 load/save problems.
- The ZikeHave you heard of the ZIKE? If not, you can probably guess from the name itself who’s brainchild it is. That’s right! Our old friend, Sir Clive Sinclair is at it again! This time he is going after the bicycle market. After the C-5 electric car flopped, we all know that he went back to…
- TilesGame where player has to rearrange 15 letters.
- Tim X The TutorPerhaps you know someone that is home schooling their child. These days a lot of folks are. For whatever reason they have chosen this course, and there are good reasons for many, these parents could use all of the tools and helps that are available. Why shouldn’t you suggest one of the best learning tools…
- Time to Run
- Timegate
- Timex Sinclair Electronic Newsletter
- Tips on Color Commands
- Title Display
- Trace: Find Strings
- Transfer Files/ProFile
- Transparent Ink
- Try This Program3 line graphics demo that illustrates a bug in DRAW.
- TS 1000 Plot
- TS 2068 Sample Fonts
- TS Computer Repairs
- TS Help Line
- TS2068 Serial Cable
- Twelve CoinsWe received a nice reply to our puzzle about 12 coins of equal denomination but one was a counterfeit. With a balance, determine which is the counterfeit coin, bearing in mind that this coin can be lighter or heavier than the others. George Chambers from the Toronto Timex Sinclair Club took the time to develop…
- Twelve CoinsLast month we had a puzzle about identifying one of 12 coins that might be conterfeit, all of the coins being of the same denomination and the same weight except if there is a conterfeit coin it is either lighter or heavier. The suggestion was that we would print a program from a reader, if…
- Two User Reports on Tasword Two
- U.S. Federal Court Using ZX-81/TS
- Union Jack
- Update! Magazine
- Use Your 80 Column Printer From BASIC
- User Defined Character Designer
- User Defined Characters on the 1000, Part I and II
- Using DEF FN and FNGiven are three little example programs that mixes up a brew of ways to use DEF FN and FN. There are zillions of ways that the “DEFine” functions can be used for both math and literal operations.
- Using DRAW with PLOTAn interesting display of PLOT with DRAW can be made with the following program. As noted in the REM statements, certain numbers make it possible to overlap vertical lines in the boxes.
- Using Point!What is POINT? Our 2068 manual simply states that POINT tells you whether a PLOT point specified by coordinates is PAPER color (0), or INK color (1). The coordinates for x range from 0 to 255 and y ranges from 0 to 175.
- Using the A & J Model 2000 Stringy Floppy
- VU-Calc
- VU-Calc Revisited
- Vulcan Kills ClassicsVulcan Computer Monthly drops Classic Computer section with the July 1992 issue.
- Wafer Tips
- What is a Newsletter
- What MPH?Program to calculate optimal speed to drive to work.
- Who Are We?
- Why Codes?Follow-up to prior article about using coded entries.
- Why? Own a Computer?Why own a computer if you don’t use it to print your orders your send to RMG Enterprises?
- Widget Cost Program
- Wind Chill Chart
- Winky Board II
- Word Processing
- WordMaster
- World's Biggest Wrist Watch
- X-10 ControllersOverview of X-10 controllers from Radio Shack.
- Your Social Security Benefits
- Zebra Joystick Adapter
- Zebra Systems WC2050 to RS232 Kit
- Zener Voltage RegulationProgram to calculate values for a circuit using a Zener for voltage regulation.
- Zenith Monitor
- Zeus Assembler
- ZX-91Description of Andre Baune’s newsletter.
- ZX/TS P & R
- ZX/TS P and R
- ZX/TS P and R: Auto-run Programs, Math Drill
- ZX/TS P and R: Justification, 1K Adventures
- ZX/TS P and R: Short Programs
- ZX/TS P and R: Short Programs
- ZX/TS P and R: Suppress Error Codes; Short Programs
- ZX/TS P and R: Testing Tip, Attention
- ZX/TS P and R: Tips and Short Programs
- ZX/TS Programs and Routines
- ZX/TS Programs and Routines
- ZX/TS Word Processor
- ZXir QLive Alive Kick-Off Announcement
The Plotter was the publication of the Clackamas County Area Timex Sinclair User’s Group. The group started publishing the newsletter in 1983 and its last issue was published 12 years later, December 1994.
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