32K and 32K/64K Non-Volatile Memory RAM Board/Cartridges

32K and 32K/64K Non-Volatile Memory RAM Board/Cartridges
Platform(s): TS 2068
Developer: Tom Bent
Date: 1986
Price: $109.95
Rarity: uncommon

Plugs into the TS2068 cartridge slot. On board battery keeps it alive even when you turn the computer off. Switch selectable for use in the DOCK or EXROM banks with no mods to the computer. Write protect switch lets you use memory like an EPROM. Run your own plug-in BASIC programs. Detailed instructions include utilities for bank switching and data transfers. The perfect tool for extending your 2068’s memory or for writing and debugging EPROM software.

There were two versions of the cartridge: a 32K version and a version that supported 64K of RAM.

The 32K version supported 6264 8K static RAM chips. Users stacked the RAM chips to achieve 32K. The 64K version used 43256/64256 32K RAM chips.

Designed by Tom Bent. AERCO produced the cartridge.

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