
One of the most notable shortcomings of the ZX80, ZX81, TS1000 and TS1500 was the black-and-white, low resolution graphics. A number of solutions were available.

One popular solution extended the graphic capabilities by adding pre-programmed or user-programmable characters. This intermediate solution allowed for more complex or interesting displays within the native resolution constraints of the TS 1000.

Other solutions increased the native resolution up to 256ร—192 pixels, allowing TS 1000 users to program at a resolution on par with many home computer, albeit in black and white.

In all, these products improved the graphic ability of the computer without altering the physical video output method: a composite modulated video signal for one’s TV.

Plans to build a high resolution graphics module.
ZX81 TS 1000
Gives 448 extra pre-programmed graphics symbols. The ROM contains lower-case letters, bombs, bullets, rockets, tanks, a complete set of invaders graphics and more. The board also has a spare socket that will accept another 4K of ROM, like the 4K TOOLKIT ROM or 1K/2K RAM, for user-defined graphics. dk’Tronics and Kayde published several games that
TS 1000
Causes normal and syntax characters, plus various graphics, to blink.
Program each character square in one of 16 colors. Each character can be defined for high resolution graphics.
Create your own unique character set. Up to 32 characters for creating game pieces, musical notation, foreign alphabet.
TS 1000
Kit, no screen flicker.
Peripheral enabling alternate character sets to be used and printed either from EPROM or user-defined character sets in RAM. 4K of EPROM is supplied containing 4 character sets and routines to print, copy, lprint and switch between character sets. A further 2 x 2K of RAM or EPROM can be added.
TS 1000
Programmable graphics generator. Fits inside computer.
TS 1000
Plans for building 256×192 addition for hi-res display.
TS 1000
256×192 graphics, 114 plot modes; mixed text and graphics including PRINT AT. User defined graphics. Modes include points and line types, textured triangle fill, absolute and relative coordinates, line drawing to points off screen.
TS 1000
Full programmable high resolution (192 x 248 pixels) graphics module. Enables “arcade game” style graphics through resident 2K EPROM, programmed with a full range of graphics subroutines. Video page is both memory and bit mapped and can reside anywhere in RAM. Display file takes about 6.5K RAM.
TS 1000
Standard letters; inverse characters may be mixed or interchanged with 2 sets of programmable characters. 8×8 matrix. Written by 8 POKE commands. Occupies 1E00h-1FFFh region of BASIC ROM.
ZX80 TS 1000
Character generator giving 128 separately programmable characters. 1K on board RAM. Enables creation and display of your own characters to screen or printer. Maps 1K RAM to 8400h-87FFh, allowing for 128 custom characters (64 normal and 64 inverted characters). Each character can be individually defined. The RAM contained random data at power-up, resulting in a
TS 1000
High resolution graphics board giving 256×192 pixels. 2K ROM, 6K RAM on board. Software select/deselect. Mixed text and graphics. Resident machine code graphics software provides these commands: MOVE x,y; PLOT x,y; DRAW x,y; PRINT X$; COPY; BLACK; WHITE; CLEAR.
TS 1000
32K RAM and four 2716 EPROMs. ZX-G required.
TS 1000
FAST and SLOW modes on ZX80 with 8K ROM. PCB with complete instructions and parts list. PCB will work with new ROMs if installed properly.
A 4K (2K populated) memory expansion that allows changing of the ZX81/TS 1000 character set in the region between 12 and 16K. May be populated with 6116 RAM or 2716 EPROMs.
TS 1000
User defined characters for use with DROM or RAM 08. Define a set of 128 characters. Characters can be stored in EPROM by using TOOLKIT. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Flicker-free display. 8K ROM required.
High resolution hardware unit with 48K RAM. Allow for creating memory-mapped images at 256×192 pixels. Graphics can be drawn, moved, rotated, mixed with text, saved on cassette or printed. Software on cassette supports drawing lines, circles and rectangles. Four high resolution screens can be stored in addition to 16K program. May have been later sold
TS 1000
High resolution hardware unit with 64K RAM (56K usable). Create memory-mapped images at 256×192 pixels. Graphics can be drawn, moved, rotated, mixed with text, saved on cassette or printed. 32×32 pixel sprites, 5 graphic planes. Software on cassette supports drawing lines, circles and rectangles. Four high resolution screens can be stored in addition to 16K
TS 1000
Fully programmable 256 x 192 pixel high-resolution display. Hi-Res-Basic monitor in 2K EPROM includes PAGE, PRINT, PLOT, (inc. LINE), SCROLL, INV, CLS, COPY. Includes lower case character set for word processing. Full dynamic control of user-definable graphics. Fits between ZX81 and RAM pack. 16K.
TS 1000
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