Discount Software, Inc.

320 E. 59th St., New York, NY 10022


Write machine language programs.
TS 1000
General bookkeeping system.
TS 1000
All legal moves including castling and en passant. High resolution graphics and 6 levels of play are supported. Special feature lets you set-up the board to study chess strategy. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Compile BASIC programs to machine code.
TS 1000
Allows identification of critical activities in a project, and scheduling of events for efficiency and economy. Management applications include design and engineering projects, routine in emergency maintenance, product marketing, industrial design, or any project involving many phases. Personal uses include home construction tasks, scheduling activities, or developing long-range projects. Computer does a tabular analysis and
Downloadable TS 1000
Machine code monitor.
TS 1000
Similar to the arcade game.
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
Shoot down the marching aliens with your rapid fire laser cannon before they take over the planet forever. Shields are provided to help protect you from the bombs of the marching aliens. Ten levels of play, from easy to suicidal. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Track up to 150 items. Automatic overstock/understock detection, search for an item, delete, add a new item, input a new inventory list. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
TS 1000
Create, manage mailing lists.
TS 1000
Four machine code routines.
TS 1000
You guide the humanoid around the maze scoring points by eating the food in the maze. 4 guardians controlled by the computer try to prevent the humanoid eating the food by eating him. Magic strawberries are littered around the maze and eating these allows the humanoid to chase and eat the guardians causing them to
TS 1000
Load and save 6 times faster.
TS 1000
Do-it-yourself quiz.
TS 1000
Eat the snake before it eats you. Battle: demanding game of military strategy for 1-4 players. 16K.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Startrack: Use graphic photon torpedo attacks to kill off the highly mobile Klingons. Fungaloids: Save civilization by bombing the ever-multiplying fungus. 16K.
TS 1000
Evaluate stock options quickly. Output includes an unexercised ROI, annual ROI, and net worth. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Tracks actual vs. budgeted expenditures and computes the difference. Up to 18 categories of expenses can be recorded for a full year’s budget. Bar graph shows how well you’re doing. Printer capability and geographical analysis make this program an asset to your household. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000




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