Editor Ramblings


Gene G. Buza


Publication Details

Volume: 2 Issue: 3


March 1983


3-5, 19
See all articles from Synchro-Sette v2 n3

Tax programs. Basicare modules from Gladstone. New products from Memotech. TS 2040 printer available. TS 1500 printer announcement. TS 2000 delays; Sinclair’s ZX-83 and Timex’s TS 3000 under wraps.

TS-2000 & TS-3000 NEWS

Don’t expect to see the TS 2000 hit the streets until the final quarter of this year. Apparently, the 2000 will be vastly improved over the Spectrum. The printer interface and other I/O problems that plagued the European version will be corrected by Timex and the time involved necessitates the late arrival.

Sinclair has under wraps the ZX-83 computer and Timex, the TS-3000 – both to be introduced in 1984 – projected cost of the 3000 – under a thousand dollars. All attempts to extract product info from stateside Timex & Sinclair company sources have proved fruitless , so we have absolutely no official specific info on either unit, but we hear that the following features are being considered to be incorporated as standard equipment into the units:

  • 64K RAM expandable
  • 80 column internal CRT
  • Built-in disk drive – either stringy or 3 inch floppy
  • Standard ASCII pushbutton keyboard



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