Expense Cutter Products, Inc.
Raytown, MO 64133
Molded acrylic guard for computer and RAM pack. Intended to prevent RAM pack wobble.
TS 1000
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n1)New products from KSOFT, D. Lipinksi, ZX Software Team, M.C. Hoffman, Run-it Software Club, Startext, Expense Cutters Products, Computa-Dek, Bytesize Computer Products, Computer Continuum, Martin Irons, Rose Aircraft. Charles Durang will not publish ZX Newsletter, focus on books instead.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n2)New products from Expense Cutters Products, JPR Software, Biocal, Memotech, R.S. Panwar, Wisconsinc Electronics, Calliope Software, Practical Computer Products, Melear Marketing, SofTek, RAMSTRAP, Syncware,f/22 Press, Hunter, Friendly Computer, M.C. Hoffman, Integrated Data Systems, Softsync.
To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareTS 1000 Hardware review Reviews of Mindware MW-100 printer, Crash Guard from Expense Cutter Products, Power Line Filter from HB Industries.
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