Ron LeMon
1601 W. 400 S., Salt Lake City, UT 84104
12 and 24 hour display. Timer up to 100 hours and 10,000 seconds. 2K
TS 1000
Voiceprint identification, voice analysis or tone switch. 2K and 16K.
TS 1000
Conduct experiments safely at home. Complete instructions, plans and ideas for use. 2K.
TS 1000
AUDISYZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program ‘AUDISY”— Audio Digitizer/Synthesizer — is a 65 byte machine code routine that allows you to digitize and store the data for any sound phrase on your ZX/TS computer with 16K RAM. You may then synthesize the sound at will or study the data field.
DEFMAGZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Digitally Encoded FM Audio Generator — is a 29 byte machine code routine that allows you to store audio frequency data and to synthesize the facsimile sound at will. You may use complex mathmatical formulas to provide digitally sampled values from any continuous number field. These values are correlated to the audio spectrum so you…