Date: January/February 1984
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Resources (Sync v4 n1)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
The Thurnall SystemZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review The TE devices are a sound investment: They are well built and at a reasonable price for Sinclair expansion. If you do not have any electronic experience or applications along those lines, you will probably be interested only in the parallel port and the joysticks.
Keyboard AlternativesZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project Alternatives to the Sinclair keyboard: overlays, beepers, full keyboards. Plans for wiring your own keyboard and list of keyboard alternative vendors provided.
Word Processing on ZX/TS ComputersZX81 TS 1000 Software review Comparison of wordprocessing and text editing programs for the Timex/Sinclair 1000.
- Highway Robbery
Las Computadoras de Costa RicaThis year I began giving classes in computer programming as well. I use the Sinclair simply because it is cheap. The economy is on an even keel, but it is still not moving very fast. Even though the Sinclair is cheap, it is an excellent tool for teaching Basic programming and about computers in general.
A ZX/TS Celebration in BostonTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 On October 22, 1983, the Boston Computer Society’s Sinclair-Timex User Group celebrated their Second Anniversary at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. And what a celebration it was, with exhibits, seminars, and new Timex/Sinclair product announcements! Group Director Sue Mahoney and her staff (Will Stackman, Jack Hodgson, Jeff Parker, Beth Elliott, Bob Masters) organized what must…
Watch Where You Are GoingZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program In many games you need to know if something is already in the space where you are about to print another character. Whether you are firing a missile at a target, having PacMan gobble dots, or checking for a dead end in a maze, the method is the same: calculate the new position tor your…
BubblesTS 2068 Type-in program This program generates circles of random size placed randomly about the TV screen. Screen border color is changed randomly each time a circle is drawn. All the while, random musical notes of random duration arc produced. At random times, Ihe screen clears and a new pattern of circles is created. The total effect is arresting…
Search and Replace RoutinesZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The routines in are designed to search through a program and replace all occurrences of one character or keyword with another (keywords are represented with one byte, too). The routines can all be entered directly from the keyboard into a 1 REM line.
Bit by BitZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Machine language tutorial.
Chaining ProgramsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program A method for merging programs. The method in outline is: 1) Protect the resident program from erasure by POKEing a copy of it above RAMTOP. This area of memory, once created, is unaffected by LOAD, SAVE, and NEW. 2) LOAD the other program from the tape in the normal manner. 3) POKE the original program…
Split and SaveZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Would you like to freeze the upper part of your display screen? With “Split ‘n Save” you can! While the information in the lower portion is appearing and disappearing, any test or graphics in the upper portion remain on view.
- Hatch Your Nest EggTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable
- Try ThisTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
- Home Control on a BudgetTS 1000 Hardware project
Tax Shelter Time BombZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Calculate the point at which a tax shelter returns taxable income.
Build Your Own SpreadsheetTS 1000 Type-in program Machine language program for creating and manipulating a moving “window” across data.
Kitchen SyncZX80 ZX81 The Nanos Systems reference card is clear, concise, and, for its shortcomings, is the best handy reference for the ZX80/ZX81 I have seen.
- Just for FunTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable
- Glitchoidz Report
Sync NotesTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 SYNC in the Home Office, Coming Issues, Writing for SYNC, TS1500 and TS2068.
In and Out of SYNCThe TI99/4A; Making a Dancer
LettersZX81 TS 1000 RUNning with Reduced RAM, Brick Busters, Help, Upgrading Problem, Inverse Matrix.
- Timex Computer Corporation
- Secondbase
- Zebra Systems, Inc.
- Quicksilva
- Earthscenes
- Compusa Corporation
- K-2 Electronics
- Jameco
- Memotech
- Microtech Marketing
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- Robotec, Inc.
- RAm
- Sinclair Place
- Computer Continuum
- Datacon Corporation
- Byte-Back Co
- Sophia Systems
- RAMEX International
- Independence Research
- MBR Distributors
- Computer Add-Ons
- E-Z Key
- Golden Stair, The
- Practical Programs Inc.
- Heath Computer Services
- VAL Corporation
- G. Russell Electronics
- Sunset Electronics
- Reston Publishing Company
- Suntronics
- Sinware
- Cinagro Software
- Bytesize Micro Technology
- Warren Imports Group
- Simplex Software
- Solutions
- Research in Speech Technology (R.I.S.T.) Inc.
- Audio Vision
- Hunter Electronics
- Group Technology Ltd
- Softsync, Inc.
- Speedware
- Semper Software
- Softmark Associates
- MULE Electronics
- Busyness
- White Lightning
- William D. Loeser, MD
- I. M. S. Enterprises
- User Friendly Research
- Ener-Z
- ICS Computer Training
- SiriusWare
- Sconzo & Sons
- Powell Hargrave
- Time X Town/Monixware
- D-RAM Products
- Stock Market Software
- SyncMaster
- Sourceware, Inc.
- Hobby Robot
- Nissim Elmaleh
- Huron Valley Research, Inc.
- Del Products, Inc.
- Peak
- Lacrosse
- Thomas B. Woods
- Signature Software
- Ron LeMon
- Wizard Works, The
- Skinner Electronic Enterprises
- Random Access
- Smalltyme Software
- Apple Pie Software
- Roman F. Beck
- Eugene Zweig
- Singh Computer Supplies
- Bonnie & Clyde Software
- Circle Chess Journal
- Master Mind, Ltd.
- Curry Computer
- Richard LeFebvre
- JST Enterprises
- Story Software
- Hale Software/EMSoft
- Artisan Electronics
- Spectracomp
- A.C.C.S. Labs
- Scitech Software
- Seaview Software
- Toronto Software World
- Richard Smith
- 2-Bit Software
- Computer WARE-House Co.
- Stratagem Cybernetics Inc.
- Isthmus
- Bytes & Pieces
- Down East Computers
- Syber, Inc.
- Cottage Technology
- Sharp's
- General Systems Consulting
- WMJ Data Systems
- H & Z Electronics
- Pheonix Enterprises