TSG Enterprises

54 Richwood PI., Denville, NJ 07834


Subtitle: Or How to Make Time Fly With Your Timex Computer With a Tutorial Section on Programming and the “Basic” Language. A directory of suppliers with a brief description of their wares including about 250 software, 100 hardware, 30 ancillary. Directories of user groups, Timex/Sinclair specific magazines, newsletters, directories, books, and articles in other magazines,
TS 1000


  • Bookshelf
    Reviews of Timex Sinclair 1000 by Robin Jones and Ian Stewart, The ZX81 Companion by Robert Maunder, The Watchmakers Guidebook to the Timex Sinclair 1000 Computer, and Computers for Kids ZX-81 Edition by Sally Greenwood Larsen.
  • Editor Ramblings
    Growth of the magazine. Amateur radio and the Sinclair Computer; QZX. Computers in schools. Watchmaker’s Guidebook. Users group in Hammond, IN.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n12)
    New products from Matthew Zenkar, G. Russell Electronics, MicroSync Services, Stephen Adams, E. Alvarez, Norris Electronics, Gladstone, Kopak, M.C. Hoffman, Stuart Software, Dale Lipinksi, TSG Enterprises, QZX Newsletter, Intercomputer, Lamo-Lem, JACYN Electronics.
  • Resource Guide For Timex/Sinclair Users
    Product announcement for The Watchmakers Guidebook to the Timex/Sinclair Computers. Lists 120 software suppliers, 50 hardware suppliers and 20 ancillary suppliers. Also contains directories of user groups and Timex/Sinclair specific magazines and books.
  • Resources (Sync v3 n1)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • What to do with a Timex/Sinclair
    The Watchmaker’s Guidebook to the Timex/Sinclair Computers is available from TSG Enterprises. The book contains a directory of suppliers with a brief description of their wares. About 120 software suppliers and 50 firms offering hardware peripherals for the little computer are listed, along with the addresses of 50 “ancillary” suppliers. The 44-page book also lists


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