WIDJUP Company

1120 Merrifield S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507


Utility for working with machine language programs and memory.
Downloadable TS 1000
Extended bank switching disassembler. Features include offset for relative branches, database of information about the 2068 ROM, universal printer driver.
Downloadable TS 2068
Word processing for the Gorilla Banana printer.
TS 2068
Word processing for the Olivetti PR2300 printer.
TS 2068
Word processor. Prints sideways on 2040 printer for 64-column format. Max file size is 320 lines.
TS 2068
Lets you use all the features of the Gorilla Banana printer. Dump the screen to the printer in normal size or enlarged.
TS 2068
Lets you use all the features of the Olivetti PR2300 printer. Dump the screen to the printer in normal size or enlarged.
TS 2068


Complete Annotated Disassembly With Error & Calculator Conventions.
TS 2068


Computer Media


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