Date: January/February 1987
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
- The Mystery of the Missing 253, Part FourTS 2068 Reference
Happy Letters: A Teaching Tool for Young Children Using Sound and GraphicsTS 1000 Type-in program This program generates a random character, either a letter or a number, and displays it on the screen, enlarged to eight lines. The Player presses the matching key on the ZX81 keyboard and is rewarded with a “Happy Face” and a song.
LettersTS 2068 Type-in program Micro-Prolog for Spectrum; A&J help request; 2068 music; MSCRIPT; Sinclair joysticks; 80 column VU-CALC printing; Spinning Wheel.
New and Upcoming in 1987TS 2068 QL Details about upcoming 2nd Annual Mid-West Timex Sinclair Computerfest; Larken developing RAMdisk for 2068; Thomas B. Woods will be offering RAM board in kit form that operates in the cartridge slot of the 2068. User-expandable from 8K to 120K; TS telecommunications, Sinclair QL; Zebra/Timex Disk support group; new programs and hardware.
More "Colors" in QL's Mode 4QL Type-in program Stippling colors to create the illusion of other colors.
QL Gas GuideQL Type-in program Program to determine whether you should spend extra money to purchase premium gasoline instead of regular
Exploring the Mysterious QL: JOS - Adding Your Own Commands to Super BASICQL Type-in program Using procedures to add your own commands to Super BASIC
- QL Quill/Word Processor Tips, Part IIQL Type-in program
2068 Tax CalculatorTS 2068 Type-in program Program to calculate taxes for 1986.
Graphex-PanderTS 2068 Type-in program BASIC screen dump program for the Gorilla Banana printer with Aerco or Oliger print interface.
Run Length Encoded GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program Display RLE graphics on the TS2068 in 32 column video mode.
Character AnalysisTS 2068 Type-in program Utility to define the binary and decimal value of a byte; useful with user defined graphics.
Tasword Two+TS 2068 Type-in program Patches to add new features to Tasword.
Oliger 2.1 Disk System UpdateTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the 2.1 SAFE DOS ROM.
I.S.T.U.G. TS2068 BBSTS 2068 Software review Review of the simple BBS program written by the Indiana Sinclair Timex User Group.
ColossusTS 2068 Software review Like it’s namesake, the Colossus of Rhodes, Lemke Software Development’s graphic banner designer utility “Colossus” stands head and shoulders above similar software. Colossus contains features that heavyweight software developer Broderbund Software has just recently added to its popular program “The Print Shop”.
ACZ General LedgerTS 2068 Software review ACZ GENERAL LEDGER 2.000 is a small business accounting system for the TS 2068 computer. This program will provide the small business with the following financial reports: Monthly and Year To Date Income Statements, Ledger Detail, Balance Sheets, Chart of Accounts, Trail Balance, and Journal Entries.
BrickworkerTS 2068 Software review BRICKWORKER is a utility-type of program for those who require help, or are interested in the “art” of brickworking. BRICKWORKER will operate on either the Spectrum or the un-aided TS 2068 computer.
Pro/File CartridgeTS 2068 Software review Review of the database program. Cartridge-based version has greater data capacity (37k) and boolean operators.
Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 6TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial Lesson focuses on the stack and instructions that use the stack.
Programming ConceptsZX81 TS 1000 Tutorial An exercise in learning about the actual aspects, functions and limitations of the Sinclair ZX81 microcomputer and it’s version of the BASIC language.
ZX81 Data Acquisition ModuleZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project A/D converter for the TS/ZX using the TLC548.
- TS1000/1500 Program Chaining, Part FiveTS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program