Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068
You are on a ship that is to hunt and destroy an enemy submarine that you cannot see. Beware, the submarine can strike back. You will get a warning sound when a torpedo is coming towards you.
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Source Code
10 CLS : PRINT AT 0,11;"SUBMARINE" 15 PLOT 88,167: DRAW 72,0 20 PRINT AT 10,6;"Please wait a moment." 25 GO SUB 2000: REM graphics 30 GO SUB 1000: REM instructions 40 LET bs=9999 100 PAPER 1: BORDER 5: CLS 105 PAPER 7 110 FOR n=0 TO 127: PRINT " ";: NEXT n 120 LET c=15: LET sc=0: LET h=1: LET dc=3: LET k=0: LET k1=0: LET q=1 130 PRINT AT 3,c;"\a\b\c" 140 LET ls=7+INT (RND*13) 150 LET cs=1+INT (RND*28) 160 PRINT AT 0,0;"DEPTH OF CHARGE SCORE" 170 PRINT AT 0,17;dc-3;AT 0,28;sc 300 IF INKEY$="5" THEN LET sc=(sc+1)*h: PRINT AT 3,c;" ": LET c=c-1*(c>0): PRINT AT 3,c;"\a\b\c" 310 IF INKEY$="8" THEN LET sc=(sc+1)*h: PRINT AT 3,c;" ": LET c=c+1*(c<29): PRINT AT 3,c;"\a\b\c" 320 PRINT AT 0,28;sc 350 IF sc>1000 AND h=1 THEN GO TO 610 400 LET d=INT (SQR ((ls-3)^2+(ABS (cs-c))^2)) 410 IF INKEY$<>"1" THEN GO TO 450 420 LET sc=(sc+1)*h: PRINT AT 0,28;sc 430 BEEP .1,40: FOR n=0 TO d*5: NEXT n: BEEP .1,70-d*3 450 LET k=(k+1)*h: IF k>40*q THEN GO TO 3000 500 IF INKEY$="6" THEN LET sc=(sc+1)*h: LET dc=dc+1*(dc<21) 510 IF INKEY$="7" THEN LET sc=(sc+1)*h: LET dc=dc-1*(dc>5) 520 PRINT AT 0,17;dc-3;" ";AT 0,28;sc;" " 530 IF dc=3 THEN GO TO 600 540 IF INKEY$="2" THEN GO TO 700 550 FOR n=0 TO 20: NEXT n: GO TO 500 600 IF INKEY$<>"0" THEN GO TO 300 610 PRINT PAPER 1; INK 7;AT ls,cs;"\d\e\f" 620 LET h=0: GO TO 300 700 LET sc=(sc+2)*h: PRINT AT 0,28;sc 710 FOR n=4 TO dc-1: FOR m=0 TO 1 720 PRINT PAPER 1; INK 7; OVER 1;AT n,c+1;"\g": BEEP .3,1 730 NEXT m: NEXT n 740 IF n>ls+1 OR n<ls-1 OR c>cs+2 OR c+2<cs THEN GO TO 900 745 FOR n=0 TO 5: PRINT PAPER 1; INK 6; OVER 1;AT ls,cs;"\d\e\f": BEEP .05,20: NEXT n 750 PRINT PAPER 1;AT ls,cs;" " 760 FOR n=0 TO 9: PRINT PAPER 1; INK 6; OVER 1;AT ls,cs;"\h\j\h" 770 BEEP .05,20: NEXT n: PRINT PAPER 1; INK 6; OVER 1;AT ls,cs;" " 780 FOR x=ls TO 21: FOR n=0 TO 3 790 PRINT PAPER 1; INK 7; OVER 1;AT x,cs-1;"\i\k\h\k\l" 800 IF x+1<=21 THEN PRINT PAPER 1; INK 7; OVER 1;AT x+1,cs-1;"\k\h\j\k\i" 810 IF x+2<=21 THEN PRINT PAPER 1; INK 7; OVER 1;AT x+2,cs-1;"\m\k\i\k\n" 820 BEEP .05,40-x*4: NEXT n: NEXT x 830 PAUSE 100: CLS : IF sc<bs*h THEN LET bs=sc 835 PLOT 56,151: DRAW 152,0 840 PRINT AT 2,7;"SUBMARINE DESTROYED";AT 6,4;"Score:";sc 845 PRINT AT 10,4;"Best Score:",bs 850 IF sc=0 THEN LET a$="You had help no score.": GO TO 870 860 IF sc<30 THEN LET a$="Join the Navy.": GO TO 870 861 IF sc<60 THEN LET a$=" Excellent.": GO TO 870 862 IF sc<100 THEN LET a$=" Well Done.": GO TO 870 863 LET a$=" Try Harder." 870 PRINT AT 14,4;a$ 880 PRINT AT 18,1;"Press any key for another game." 890 PAUSE 0: FOR n=0 TO 10: BEEP RND,30-RND*40 895 NEXT n: GO TO 100 900 LET dc=3: FOR m=0 TO 7: BEEP .05,-10 910 PRINT PAPER 1; INK 6; OVER 1;AT n,c+1;"\h" 920 NEXT m: PRINT PAPER 1;AT n,c+1;" " 930 GO TO 300 1000 REM instructions 1010 PRINT AT 10,6;" " 1020 PRINT AT 2,0;" You are on a ship that is to"'"hunt and destroy an enemy"'"submarine that you cannot see." 1030 PRINT AT 6,11;"CONTROLS";AT 8,10;"1","Sonar.";AT 10,10;"2","Releases Charge.";AT 12,8;"5 & 8","Moves Ship.";AT 14,8;"6 & 7","Depth of Charge." 1040 PRINT AT 16,0;" To start with and if you get"'"stuck press 0 and the submarine"'"will appear. Lowest score wins." 1050 PRINT AT 20,9;"Press any key." 1060 PAUSE 0: PRINT AT 2,0;" ";: FOR n=1 TO 136 1070 PRINT " ";: NEXT n 1080 PRINT AT 3,0;" Beware the submarine can "'"strike back. You will get a"'"warning sound when a torpedo"'"is coming towards you."''' 1090 PRINT " It is your decision whether to"'"attempt to move or not. It is"'"a matter of luck."'''' 1100 PAUSE 0: PRINT " This is the warning sound." 1110 FOR n=0 TO 50: BEEP .05,50: NEXT n 1120 PRINT AT 20,22;" ";AT 21,12;"to play." 1130 PAUSE 0: RETURN 2000 REM graphics 2010 FOR q=144 TO 157 2020 FOR n=0 TO 7 2030 READ a: POKE USR CHR$ q+n,a 2040 NEXT n: NEXT q 2045 RESTORE : RETURN 2050 DATA 0,0,0,1,1,255,255,127 2051 DATA 0,24,24,217,255,255,255,255 2052 DATA 128,128,128,240,240,255,254,252 2060 DATA 0,0,0,0,127,255,255,127 2061 DATA 128,240,240,240,255,255,255,255 2062 DATA 0,0,0,0,249,255,255,249 2070 DATA 0,0,126,126,126,126,0,0 2080 DATA 20,82,72,32,148,1,82,84 2081 DATA 5,0,40,0,21,64,37,136 2082 DATA 9,64,36,64,32,4,32,132 2083 DATA 0,40,2,72,18,64,10,64 2084 DATA 64,16,64,8,130,40,68,34 2085 DATA 5,64,16,4,0,18,0,2 2086 DATA 85,0,84,0,136,32,20,160 3000 IF k1<4 THEN BEEP .05,50: LET k1=k1+1: GO TO 600 3010 LET q=.5+(RND/2): LET k=0: LET k1=0 3020 LET ct=c-3+INT (RND*8+.5) 3030 IF c=ct OR c+1=ct OR c+2=ct THEN GO TO 3050 3040 GO TO 600 3050 PRINT AT 3,c;" ": FOR n=4 TO 21: FOR m=0 TO 1 3060 PRINT PAPER 1; INK 5; OVER 1;AT n,c;"\a\b\c" 3070 BEEP .1,20-n*2: NEXT m: NEXT n 3080 LET sc=sc+20: LET a=INT (RND+.5) 3090 LET c=29*a: PRINT AT 3,c;"\a\b\c": GO TO 300 9998 SAVE "Submarine" LINE 0 9999 VERIFY ""