Computers & Electronics (v21 n12)

Date: December 1983
Volume: 21
Issue: 12


  • Timex/Sinclair Sales Drop
    Sales of the Timex 1000 (ne Sinclair ZX81), once the most popular home computer, have plunged. Orders for its new 1500 and 2000 models are far less than projected. Timex, which pioneered the super-cheap home computer and led in the pricing battles, sold 550,000 units in its first five months. Sinclair had sold 150,000 ZX81s
  • Tree-Forth
    Product announcement for Tree-Forth from Soft Magic Corp. Supplied as an EPROM that replaces the BASIC ROM.
  • "Artificial" Expansion of Timex-1000 Memory
    Memory-efficient programming techniques add to your storage capabilities.
  • Learning Timex/Sinclair BASIC
    Announcement of David Lein’s book.
  • Timex/Sinclair Product Directory
    Table of TS product vendors. Includes reader service card for Sync magazine.


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