Date: October 1983
Volume: 2
Issue: 10
Why a Computer Show?Personally, I was tired of hearing “What can you do with a personal computer?” not to mention, “What can you do with a Timex Sinclair?” I knew that through my work with the user group and my contacts across the country that there were a lot of exciting applications. To me it was obvious that…
Outline of the Sinclair and Timex ComputersTable of the various models.
History and Background On Our User GroupThis month will mark the beginning of our third year as the Sinclair-Timex User Group. The user group is a group of individuals who get together to share information about their Sinclair and Timex computers. During the past two years, we have grown from 18 members to 800 members. This fantastic growth is indicative of…
Highlights of the September MeetingFrank Kaplan from Compusa Corporation demonstrated a prototype of the FDC-101 floppy disk system. Jeff Parker demonstrated the Byte-Back MD1 and MD2 modems.
Turning Your Sinclair-Timex into a Smart TerminalTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Byte-Back MD-1 and MD-2 modems.
Buffering the Data BusTS 1500 Update on article in prior issue; notes that TS 1500 uses 74LS245 octal transceiver chip to buffer bus.
Machine Code Execution Above 32KTS 1000 Hardware project Execute machine code with addition of one chip to create new logic signal.
On the Timex Printer/Memotech Memory Compatibility ProblemTS 1000 TS 2040 Clipping the C4, C5 and C6 capacitor solved the problem.
The Continuing Adventures of the Flashing Cursor or Highlights from the September Machine Language Group MeetingTS 1000 Notes from the meeting and the failure of hardware preventing demonstration of flashing cursor.